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from years of snowweight; windows blank and dusty; some broken and blocked with pieces of cardboard; long double doors perhaps off their tracks and swaying outward。 This neat and tidy structure with its dark…red paint and neat cream…colored trim looked like the five…car garage of a well…to…do country squire masquerading as a barn。 In front of it stood a jeep Cherokee; maybe five years old but obviously well cared for。 To one side stood a Fisher plow in a home…made wooden cradle。 To attach the plow to the Jeep; she would only need to drive the Jeep carefully up to the cradle so that the hooks on the frame matched the catches on the plow; and throw the locking lever on the dashboard。 The perfect vehicle for a woman who lived alone and had no neighbor she could call upon for help (except for those dirty…birdie Roydmans; of course; and Annie probably wouldn't take a plate of pork chops from them if she was dying of starvation)。 The driveway was neatly plowed; a testament to the fact that she did indeed use the blade; but he could not see the road … the house cut off the view。
 〃I see you're admiring my barn; Paul。〃 He looked around; startled。 The quick and uncalculated movement awoke his pain from its doze。 It snarled dully in what remained of his shins and in the bunched salt…dome that had replaced his left knee。 It turned over; needling him from where it lay imprisoned in its cave of bones; and then fell lightly asleep again。
 She had food on a tray。 Soft food; invalid food 。 。 。 but his stomach growled at the sight of it。 As she crossed to him he saw that she was wearing white shoes with crepe soles。
 〃Yes;〃 he said。 〃It's very handsome。〃 She put the board on the arms of the wheelchair and then put the tray on the board。 She pulled a chair over beside him and sat down; watching him as he began to eat。
 〃Fiddle…de…foof! Handsome is as handsome does; my mother always said。 I keep it nice because if I didn't; the neighbors would yap。 They are always looking for a way to get at me; or start a rumor about me。 So I keep everything nice。 Keeping up appearances is very; very important。 As far as the barn goes; it really isn't much work; as long as you don't let things pile up。 Keeping the snow from breaking in the roof is the oogiest part。〃 The oogiest part; he thought。 Save that one for the Annie Wilkes lexicon in your memoirs … if you ever get a chance to write your memoirs; that is。 Along with dirty birdie and fiddle…de…foof and all the others which I'm sure will e up in time。
 〃Two years ago I had Billy Haversham put heat…tapes in the roof。 You throw a switch and they get hot and melt the ice。 I won't need them much longer this winter; though see how it's melting on its own?〃 He had a forkful of egg halfway to his mouth。 It stopped in midair as he looked out at the barn。 There was a row of icicles along the cave。 The tips of these icicles were dripping … dripping fast。 Each drop sparkled as it fell onto a narrow canal of ice which lay at the base of the barn's side。
 〃It's up to forty…five degrees and it's not even nine o'clock!〃 Annie was going on gaily as Paul imagined the rear bumper of his Camaro surfacing through the rotted snow for the sun to twinkle on。 〃Of course it won't last … we've got a hard snap or three ahead of us yet; and probably another big storm as well … but spring is ing; Paul; and my mother always used to say that the hope of spring is like the hope of heaven。〃 He put his fork back down on the plate with the egg still on it。
 〃Don't want that last bite? All done?〃
 〃All done;〃 he agreed; and in his mind he saw the Roydmans driving up from Sidewinder; saw a bright arrow of light strike Mrs Roydman's face; making her wince and put a shielding hand up … What's down there; Ham? 。 。 。 Don't tell me I'm crazy; there's something down there! Reflection damn near burned m'eye out! Back up; I want to take another look。
 〃Then I'll just take the tray;〃 she said; 〃and you can get started。〃 She favored him with a glance that was very warm。 〃I just can't tell you how excited I am; Paul。〃 She went out; leaving him to sit in the wheelchair and look at the water running from the icicles which clung to the edge of the barn。
 〃I'd like some different paper; if you could get it;〃 he said when she came back to put the typewriter and paper on the board。
 〃Different from this?〃 she asked; tapping the cellophane…wrapped package of Corrasable Bond。 〃But this is the most expensive of all! I asked when I went into the Paper Patch!〃
 〃Didn't your mother ever tell you that the most expensive is not always the best?〃 Annie's brow darkened。 Her initial defensiveness had been replaced by indignation。 Paul guessed her fury would follow。
 〃No; she did not。 What she told me; Mister Smart Guy; is that when you buy cheap; you get cheap。〃 The climate inside her; he had e to discover; was like springtime in the Midwest。 She was a woman full of tornadoes waiting to happen; and if he had been a farmer observing a sky which looked the way Annie's face looked right now; he would have at once gone to collect his family and herd them into the storm cellar。 Her brow was too white。 Her nostrils flared regularly; like the nostrils of an animal scenting fire。 Her hands had begun to spring limberly open and then snatch closed again; catching air and squashing it。
 His need for her and his vulnerability to her screamed at him to back off; to placate her while there was still time if indeed there still was … as a tribe in one of …those Rider Haggard stories would have placated their goddess when she was angry; by making sacrifice to her effigy。
 But there was another part of him; more calculating and less cowed; which reminded him that he could not play the part of Scheherazade if he grew frightened and placatory whenever she stormed。 If he did; she would storm all the more。 If you didn't have something she badly wants; this part of him reasoned; she would have taken you to the hospital right away or killed you later on to protect herself from the Roydmans … because for Annie the world is full of Roydmans; for Annie they're lurking behind every bush。 And if you don't bell this bitch right now; Paulie my boy; you may never be able to。
 She was beginning to breathe more rapidly; almost to hyperventilate; the rhythm of her clenching hands was likewise speeding up; and he knew that in a moment she would be beyond him。
 Gathering up the little courage he had left; trying desperately to summon exactly the right note of sharp and yet almost casual irritability; he said: 〃And you might as well stop that。 Getting mad won't change a thing。〃 She froze as if he had slapped her and looked at him; wounded。
 〃Annie;〃 he said patiently; 〃this is no big deal。〃
 〃It's a trick;〃 she said。 〃You don't want to write my book and so you're making up tricks not to start。 I knew you would。 Oh boy。 But it's not going to work。 It … 〃
 〃That's silly;〃 he said。 〃Did I say I wasn't going to start?〃
 〃No 。 。 。 no; but … 〃
 〃That's right。 Because I am。 And if you e here and take a look at something; I'll show you what the problem is。 Bring that Webster Pot with you; please。〃
 〃The what?〃
 〃Little jar of pens and pencils; 〃 he said。 
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