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 〃This is going to take forever;〃 he said。 〃I can't … 〃
 〃No; we'll make quick work of it;〃 she said。 〃But you must bum a few of the single pages; Paul … as a symbol of your understanding。〃 She now laid the first page of Fast Cars on the grill; words he remembered writing some twenty…four months ago; in the New York townhouse: 〃'I don't have no wheels;〃 Tony Bonasaro said; walking up to the girt ing down the steps; 〃and I am a slow learner; but I am a fast driver。〃〃 Oh it brought that day back like the right Golden Oldie on the radio。 He remembered walking around the apartment from room to room; big with book; more than big; gravid; and here were the labor pains。 He remembered finding one of Joan's bras under a sofa cushion earlier in the day; and she had been gone a full three months; showed you what kind of a job the cleaning service did; he remembered hearing New York traffic; and; faintly; the monotonous tolling of a church bell calling the faithful to mass。
 He remembered sitting down。
 As always; the blessed relief of starting; a feeling that was like falling into a hole filled with bright light。
 As always; the glum knowledge that he would not write as well as he wanted to write。
 As always; the terror of not being able to finish; of accelerating into a blank wall。
 As always; the marvellous joyful nervy feeling of journey begun。
 He looked at Annie Wilkes and said; clearly but not loud: 〃Annie; please don't make me do this。〃 She held the matches immovably before him and said: 〃You can do as you choose。〃 So he burned his book。
 She made him bum the first page; the last page; and nine pairs of pages from various points in the manuscript because nine; she said; was a number of power; and nine doubled was lucky。 He saw that she had used a magic marker to black out the profanities; at least as far as she had read。
 〃Now;〃 she said; when the ninth pair was burned。 〃You've been a good boy and a real sport and I know this hurts you almost as badly as your legs do and I won't draw it out any longer。〃 She removed the grill and set the rest of the manuscript into the pot; crunching down the crispy black curls of the pages he had already burned。 The room stank of matches and burned paper。 Smells like the devil's cloakroom; he though deliriously; and if there had been anything in the wrinkle。 walnut…shell that had once been his stomach; he supposed he would have vomited it up。
 She lit another match and put it in his hand。 Somehow he was able to lean over and drop the match into the pot。 I didn't matter anymore。 It didn't matter。
 She was nudging him。
 Wearily; he opened his eyes。
 〃It went out。〃 She scratched another match and put it in his hand。
 So he somehow managed to lean over again; awakening rusty handsaws in his legs as he did so; and touched the match to the corner of the pile of manuscript。 This time the flame spread instead of shrinking and dying around the stick。
 He leaned back; eyes shut; listening to the crackling sound; feeling the dull; baking heat。
 〃Goodness!〃 she cried; alarmed。
 He opened his eyes and saw that charred bits of paper were wafting up from the barbecue on the heated air。
 Annie lumbered from the room。 He heard water from the tub taps thud into the floorpail。 He idly watched a dark piece of manuscript float across the room and land on or of the gauzy curtains。 There was a brief spark … he had time to wonder if perhaps the room was going to catch on fire … that winked once and then went out; leaving a tiny hole like a cigarette burn。 Ash sifted down on the bed。 Some landed on his arms。 He didn't really care; one way or the other。
 Annie came back; eyes trying to dart everywhere at once trying to trace the course of each carbonized page as it rose and seesawed。 Flames flipped and flickered over the edge the pot。
 〃Goodness!〃 she said again; holding the bucket of water and looking around; trying to decide where to throw it or it needed to be thrown at all。 Her lips were trembling and wet with spit。 As Paul watched; her tongue darted out and slicked them afresh。 〃Goodness! Goodness!〃 It seemed to be all she could say。
 Even caught in the squeezing vise of his pain; Paul felt an instant of intense pleasure … this was what Annie Wilkes looked like when she was frightened。 It was a look he could e to love。
 Another page wafted up; this one still running with little tendrils of low blue fire; and that decided her。 With another 〃Goodness!〃 she carefully poured the bucket of water into the barbecue pot。 There was a monstrous hissing and a plume of steam。 The smell was wet and awful; charred and yet somehow creamy。
 When she left he managed to get up on his elbow one final time。 He looked into the barbecue pot and saw something that looked like a charred lump of log floating in a brackish pond。
 After awhile; Annie Wilkes came back。
 Incredibly; she was humming。
 She sat him up and pushed capsules into his mouth。
 He swallowed them and lay back; thinking: I'm going to kill her。
 〃Eat;〃 she said from far away; and he felt stinging pain。 He opened his eyes and saw her sitting beside him … for the first time he was actually on a level with her; facing her。 He realized with bleary; distant surprise that for the first time in untold eons he was sitting; too 。 。 。 actually sitting up。
 Who gives a shit? he thought; and let his eyes slip shut again。 The tide was in。 The pilings were covered。 The tide had finally e in and the next time it went out it might go out forever and so he was going to ride the waves while there were waves left to ride; he could think about sitting up later 。 。 。
 〃Eat!〃 she said again; and this was followed by a recurrence of pain。 It buzzed against the left side of his head; making him whine and try to pull away。
 〃Eat; Paul! You've got to e out of it enough to eat or 。 。 。 〃 Zzzzzing! His earlobe。 She was pinching it。
 〃Kay;〃 he muttered。 〃Kay! Don't yank it off; for God's sake。〃 He forced his eyes open; Each lid felt as if it had a cement block dangling from it。 Immediately the spoon was in his mouth; dumping hot soup down his throat。 He swallowed to keep from drowning。
 Suddenly; out of nowhere … the most amazing eback this announcer has ever seen; ladies and gentlemen! … I Got the Hungries came bursting into view。 It was as if that first spoonful of soup had awakened his gut from a hypnotic trance。 He took the rest as fast as she could spoon it into his mouth; seeming to grow more rather than less hungry as he slurped and swallowed。
 He had a vague memory of her wheeling out the sinister; smoking barbecue and then wheeling in something which; in his drugged and fading state; he had thought might be a shopping cart。 The idea had caused him to feel neither surprise nor wonder; he was visiting with Annie Wilkes; after all。 Barbecues; shopping carts; maybe tomorrow a parking meter or a nuclear warhead。 When you lived in the funhouse; the laff riot just never stopped。
 He had drifted off; but now he realized that the shopping cart had been a folded…up wheelchair。 He was sitting in it; his sprinted legs stuck stiffly out in front of him; his pelvic area feeling unfortably swollen and not ver
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