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cb.coldheart canyon-第41章

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of the house。 A paving stone path led down the flank of the house。 It was a narrow; steep descent; and it plainly hadn't been used in many years。 Roots had cracked the stones; and shrubbery choked the path in several places。 It took her fully ten minutes to make her cautious descent; but it delivered her into a far more beautiful spot than she'd expected。 Somebody had once created a wonderful garden back here; and now; with spring early this year throughout the state; the place was glorious。 Everywhere there were bursts of brilliant color…and hummingbirds; going from flower to flower; and butterflies; drying their newly…exposed wings to the sun。
  The beauty of the place put all thoughts of jeopardy out of Tammy's head; at least for a few moments。 She made her way through the bushes to what had once been an enormous lawn…though there were so many wild flowers in the tall grass; and so much grass sprouting in the border; that lawn and border had bee virtually indistinguishable…and looked back up at the house; her gaze going from window to window; balcony to balcony; to see if there was anybody watching her。 She saw nobody; so she grew a little more confident and strode out into the middle of the lawn so that she could get herself a good look at the house。 It was much larger than she'd assumed from the front; and even in its dilapidated state it was an; elegant place; the curves of its balconies echoing one another; the ironwork of its railings delicate。
  That said; it was a strange house for Todd to be living in。 She knew how hard he'd worked to perfect his residence in Bel Air (four architects; two interior designers; millions of dollars spent): so why was he here? There could only be one explanation。 He was in hiding。 He didn't want anyone to see him in his wounded state。 She understood the logic of that。 There were some people…some of his fans…who wanted to think he was perfect。 Luckily she wasn't one of those people。 Far from it。 The fact that he was here; all locked away; hurting and angry; made her feel all the more love for him。 If she got a chance; she'd tell him so。 If he'd let her; she'd peel those stifling bandages off his face。 She didn't care what he looked like underneath; it was still her Todd; wasn't it? Still the man she idolized。 For once the fact that her breasts were too big would be a Godsend。 They'd be a fortable place for him to lay his hurt head。 She could rock him and keep him there; safe and sound。
  From the corner of her eye; she saw something move in the foliage。 The blissful imaginings fled。 Very slowly; she looked towards the shrubs where she'd seen the motion。 The sun was bright; the shadows dark and solid。 The leaves shook in the light breeze。 Was that what she'd seen? The leaves shaking? Apparently so; for there was nothing else visible。
  She returned her gaze to the house; looking for the best way for her to get in。 There were no open windows on the garden level…at least none that she could see…and the doors all looked to be securely locked。 She pushed her way through a line of shrubs so as to see if the house was any more vulnerable elsewhere; but the foliage grew thicker around her as she proceeded; and then she somehow managed to bee disorientated; because when she turned back to try another way she found that she'd lost sight of both the lawn and the house。 She felt like Alice; suddenly shrinking away; the flowers around her were huge; like sunflowers; only purple and scarlet; and the scent they gave off was achingly sweet。 They grew so tall; however; and in such preternatural numbers; that she could not see the house at all…not a chimney pot; not a balcony。 Her only hope was to make a guess at the direction in which the house lay; which she did; plunging on through the enormous blooms。 But her guesswork was hopelessly amiss。 The shrubbery simply thickened; the sunflowers giving way to bushes whose branches carried bell…shaped yellow blossoms; almost the size of her head。 She couldn't yell for help; of course; that would bring Caputo running。 She had no choice but to head on in the same hopeless fashion; until at last the thicket cleared somewhat; and she had sight of the sky again。
  Emerging from the shrubbery she was instantly on her guard; in case she'd e to a place where she could be spotted。 But she needn't have worried。 Her travels had brought her down the hill; and put a line of cypress trees (which she could not remember moving through) between herself and the house。 Only one reasonably sensible option presented itself。 Directly ahead of her was a narrow pathway…as overgrown as the one that had brought her down the side of the house。 She had no idea where it led; but it was a pathway; it implied that others had been here before her; perhaps in the same predicament; and this trail of trodden ground marked their exit。 If it had worked for them; why not for her? Pulling pieces of twig and blossom from her hair and blouse as she went; she followed the path。
  She suddenly had a mental picture of herself in her present state。 What a sight she must be; stumbling out of the greenery like some crazed explorer。 What the hell was she thinking of? Out there on the open street it had been easy to talk herself into this trespass。 Now she was beginning to think the whole idea wasn't so smart。 It wasn't the fact that she was lost in the environs of the house that disfited her: she'd find her way back to the street eventually。 Nor was she particularly concerned about the threat posed by Caputo; not now that she knew Todd was here。 Caputo might yell a bit; and threaten her with the police if she didn't leave; but he was more bark than bite。 No; what had brought her to a halt was the distinct sense that she wasn't alone out here in the undergrowth。 There was somebody close by。 She couldn't see anybody; but the feeling was too strong to be ignored。
  She slowly started to turn on her heel; viewing the scene around her。
  〃Whoever you are。。。〃 she said; doing her best to keep her voice as quiet and non…confrontational as possible; 〃please show yourself。〃
  There was a motion in the undergrowth; five or six yards from where she stood。 Somebody…or something…had apparently moved from their hiding place。 There was more than one creature in the vicinity; she guessed; it was several。 There was foliage moving all around her now; as though those hiding in the shrubbery were getting ready to show themselves。
  She started walking again; faster than before; and her walking brought her into a place where the shrubbery cleared a little; presenting her with a most unexpected sight。 There were perhaps seven or eight cages; arranged on either side of a wide; flagged walkway。 They varied in size。 The largest might have housed two horses and left some room for maneuver; the smallest was perhaps half that size。 Vines had wrapped themselves around the bars and fell here and there; in tattered green curtains; as though to conceal what lay inside the cages。 In fact; there was nothing to conceal。 The occupants of this menagerie had long since disappeared。
  She moved down the walkway cautiously; increasingly certain that her stalkers were matching her motion step by step on the other side of the cag
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