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cb.coldheart canyon-第1章

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  There are a lot of people to thank for helping me bring this one home。 It was a devil of a book to write; for a host of reasons。 For one thing; I began writing it the week before my father passed away; and inevitably the long shadow of that event dimmed the joy of writing; at least for the first six months or so; slowing it to a crawl。
  Paradoxically; even as my production of useable text diminished; I could feel the scale of the story I wanted to tell getting bigger。 What had originally begun life as an idea for a short; satiric stab at Hollywood began to blossom into something larger; lusher and stranger: a fantasia on Hollywood both in its not…so…innocent youth and in its present; wholly mercialized phase; linked by a sizeable cast and a mythology which I would need to create and explain in very considerable detail。
  I don't doubt that this second incarnation of the book will be much more satisfying a read than the first…which I had written almost in its entirety before changing direction…but Lord; it was a son of a bitch to get down onto the page。
  Forgive me; then; if the list of people I'm thanking is longer than usual。 And believe me when I tell you every one of them deserves this nod of recognition; because each has helped get Coldheart Canyon out of my head and into print。
  Let me begin with the dedicatee of this book; David Emilian Armstrong; my husband and in every sense of the word my partner: the one who was with me when one of our five dogs; Charlie; passed away (Charlie's loving presence; and the sadness and frustration of losing him; is recorded in this novel)。 David always has faith in my capacity to go one step further: to make the tale I'm telling a little richer; the picture I'm painting a little brighter; the photograph I'm taking a little sexier。
  My thanks to Craig Green and Don MacKay; to whom I first gave the handwritten pages to be typed; and most especially to David John Dodds…my oldest and dearest friend…who worked through much of the Christmas period (with the Seraphim offices deserted around us) polishing the text; then polishing the polishes; so that the immense manuscript would be ready to be dispatched to my publishers before I went to recuperate in Kauai。
  To Bob Pescovitz; my researcher; and Angela Calin; my translator; my thanks。
  To Michael Hadley; Joe Daley and Renee Rosen; who run all the various aspects of my creative life outside writing and painting (films; television; theme park mazes and toy…lines; web…sites; photographs…and the endless business of promoting the above); my gratitude。 In the last year and a half; I have often been an absentee boss; because I've been in the wilds of Coldheart Canyon。 During that period; they have worked together to make our businesses prosper。 Let me not forget Ana Osgood and Denny McLain; to whom fall the very considerable responsibilities of organizing and archiving my visual work; especially the many enormous paintings for my next books; The Abarat Quartet。
  Then there are the two people…Toya Castillo and Alex Rosas…who make the homes in which we work run smoothly。 Who feed David and myself; and wash our clothes; who make sure there's shampoo in our shower and our dogs smell sweet。 Again; I have been something of a phantom of myself for much of the last year; passing through the house on my way to write or paint with a distracted look。 They kindly indulge my craziness; and my endless calls for cups of hot sweet tea。
  I also owe a great debt of gratitude to Dr Alex del Rosario; and his assistant Judy Azar。 I recently described Alex as the perfect 'artist's doctor'。 He has guided me through some lengthy periods of sickness in the last couple of years; understanding as no other physician in my history has the fierce and sometimes self…wounding passion that makes artists attempt to do the impossible: to paint another world into being; while writing a two hundred thousand word novel while producing a couple of movies; for instance。 For me; this is my natural; albeit obsessive; behavior。 But my body isn't that of a thirty…year…old any longer (or even that of a forty…year…old!)。 It plains now when I drive it hard; as I do daily。 It has taken a massive contribution of sympathetic counsel; medication and alternative therapies to keep body and spirit together since my father's death and I owe Alex a huge debt of thanks for my present good health。
  Finally; the powers that be。 First; my love and thanks to Ben Smith; my Hollywood agent; who has been a true visionary in a job that is often maligned (in this book; for instance) as being for cold; artistically disinterested men and women。 My thanks and great admiration go to the lawyer who has helped shape my business life in the last two years; David Golden。 The Abarat deal with the Disney pany was the largest literary deal made in Hollywood last year; and it covers every possible shape and permutation that my invented world might take; in the hands of Disney's imagineers。 To give you a taste of what kind of wordage David Golden has minutely analyzed on my behalf: the Disney contract had three pages alone devoted to listing its contents!
  On the literary side; my dear Anne Sibbald; who has surely the tenderest heart of any agent who ever represented an unreformed maker of monsters like myself; has been a constant source of encouragement; and a fearless champion when…on occasion…the machinations of the corporate world proved painful and inprehensible。
  And last…but oh; you both know; never least…my editors。
  In New York; Robert Jones (who's had his own wars to fight of late; and has still always been there with a witty word of support; or some wonderfully dry remark at the expense of the many idiocies of the publishing world。)
  And finally we e to Jane Johnson。 My Jane; I insist; the Editor of Editors; who is never far from my mind when I set pen to paper。 Increasingly; Jane; I think I write to entertain you; to please you。 We have survived for many years together on a raft of shared beliefs about the necessity of dreams; tossed around in the tumultuous seas of modern publishing。 In that time; Jane has lost countless colleagues to exhaustion; frustration and despair; and yet she manages to be a mistress of beautiful prose as well as an editor of a stable of authors; who; like me; could not imagine their literary lives continuing without her。
  I would have given up the increasingly problematic ambition of having a broad audience for my work; and fled into the minor; the hermetic and the oblique; without her tireless encouragement。
  My love to you; my Jane; and; as always; my heartfelt thanks。
  Here's another tale for you; saved from the flood。
  It is night in Coldheart Canyon; and the wind es off the desert。
  The Santa Anas; they call these winds。 They blow off the Mojave; bringing malaise; and the threat of fire。 Some say they are named after Saint Anne; the mother of Mary; others that they are named after one General Santa Ana; of the Mexican cavalry; a great creator of dusts; others still that the name is derived from santanta; which means Devil Wind。
  Whatever the truth of the m
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