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lse would ever go near the place。 It sounded plicated; even to me。 I was very tired。 I made a fuzzy mental note to ask around; when I got back to the 〃Dolphin〃; to find out who had suggested shifting the dead men in there。
  The walls of the lab were lined with shelves and cupboards containing jars and bottles and retorts and test tubes and such…like chemical junk; but I didn't give them more than a glance。 I went to the corner of the hut where the dead men lay most closely together; shone my light along the side of the room; and found what I was looking for in a matter of secondsa floorboard standing slightly proud of its neighbors。 Two of the blackened; contorted lumps that had once been men lay across that board。 I moved them just far enough; not liking the job at all; then lifted one end of the loose floorboard。
  It looked as if someone had had it in mind to start up a supermarket。 In the six…inch space between the floor and the base of the hut were stacked dozens of neatly arranged canssoup; beef; fruit; vegetables; a fine varied diet with all the proteins and vitamins a man could want。 Someone had had no intention of going hungry。 There was even a small pressure stove and a couple of gallons of kerosene to thaw out the cans。 And to one side; lying flat; two rows of gleaming Nife cellsthere must have been about forty in all。
  I replaced the board; left the lab; and went across to the meteorological hut again。 I spent over an hour there; unbuttoning the backs of metal cabinets and peering into their innards; but I found nothing。 Not what I had hoped to find; that is。 But I did e across one very peculiar item; a small green metal box six inches by four by two; with a circular control that was both switch and tuner; and two glassed…in dials with neither figures nor marking on them。 On one side of the box was a brass…rimmed hole。
  I turned the switch and one of the dials glowed green; a magic…eye tuning device with the fans spread well apart。 The other dial stayed dead。 I twiddled the tuner control but nothing happened。 Both the magic eye and the second dial required something to activate themsomething like a preset radio signal。 The hole in the side would acmodate the plug of any standard telephone receiver。 Not many people would have known what this was; but I'd seen one betore a transistorized homing device for locating the direction of a radio signal; such as emitted by the 〃Sarah〃 device on American space capsules which enables searchers to locate it once it has landed in the sea。
  What legitimate purpose could be served by such a device in Drift Ice Station Zebra? When I'd told Swanson and Hansen of the existence of a console for monitoring rocket…firing signals from Siberia; that much of my story; anyway; had been true。 But that had called for a giant aerial stretching far up into the sky: this parative toy couldn't have ranged a twentieth of the distance to Siberia。
  I had another look at the portable radio transmitter and the now exhausted Nife batteries that served them。 The dialing counter was still tuned to the wave band on which the 〃Dolphin〃 had picked up the distress signals。 There was nothing for me there。 I looked more closely at the nickel…cadmium cells and saw that they were joined to one another and to the radio set by wire…cored rubber leads with very powerful spring…loaded sawtooth clips on the terminals: those last ensured perfect electrical contact; as well as being very convenient to use。 I undid two of the clips; held my flashlight high; and peered closely at the terminals。 The indentations made by the sharpened steel saw teeth were faint but unniistakable。
  I made my way back to the laboratory hut; lifted the loose floorboard again; and shone my light on the Nile cells lying there。 At least half of the cells had the same characteristic markings。 Cells that looked fresh and unused; yet had those same markings; and if anything was certain; it was that those cells had been brand new and unmarked when Drift Ice Station Zebra had been first set up。 A few of the cells were tucked so far away under adjacent floorboards that I had to stretch my hand far in to reach them。 I pulled out two; and in the space behind them; I seemed to see something dark and dull and metallic。
  It was too dark to distinguish clearly what the object was but after I'd levered up another two floorboards; I could see without any trouble at all。 It was a cylinder about thirty inches long and six in diameter with brass stopcock and mounted pressure gauge registering 〃Full;〃 close beside it was a package about eighteen inches square and four thick stenciled with the words 〃Radio Sonde Balloons。〃 Hydrogen; batteries; balloons; corned beef; and mulligatawny soup。 A catholic enough assortment of stores by any standards: but there wouldn't have been anything haphazard about the choice of that assortment。
  When I made it back to the bunkhouse; the two patients were still breathing。 That was about all I could say for myself; too; I was shaking with cold; and even clamping my teeth together couldn't keep them from chattering。 I thawed out under the big electric heaters until I was only half frozen; then I picked up my flashlight and moved out again into the wind and the cold and the dark。 I was a sucker for punishment; that was for sure。
  In the next twenty minutes I made half a dozen plete Circuits of the camp; moving a few yards farther out with each circuit。 I must have walked over a mile altogether and that was all I had for it; just the walk and a slight touch of frostbite high up on my cheekbones; the only part of my face other than my eyes exposed to that bitter cold。 I knew I had frostbite; for my skin had suddenly ceased to feel cold any more and was quite dead to the touch。 Enough was enough; and I had a hunch that I was wasting my time; anyway。 I headed back to the camp。
  I passed between the meteorological hut and the lab and was just level with the eastern end of the bunkhouse when I sensed as much as saw something odd out of the corner of my eye。 I steadied my flashlight beam on the east wall …and peered closely at the sheath of ice that had been deposited there over the days by the ice storm。 Most of the encrustation was of a homogeneous grayish…white; very smooth and polished; but it wasn't all gray…white; here and there it was speckled with dozens of black flecks of odd shapes and sizes; none of them more than an inch square。 I tried to touch them; but they were deeply imbedded in and showing through the gleaming ice。 I went to examine the east wall of the meteorological hut; but it was quite innocent of any such black flecking。 So was the east wall of the lab。
  A short search inside the meteorological hut turned up a hammer and screw…driver。 I chipped away a section of the black…flecked ice; brought it into the bunkhouse; and laid it on the floor in front of one of the big electrical heaters。 Ten minutes later I had a small pool of water and; lying in it; the sodden remains of what had once been fragments of burnt paper。 This was very curious indeed。 It meant that there were scores of pieces of burnt paper imbedded in the east wall of the bunkhouse。 Just there: nowhere else。 The explanation; of 
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