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feel those mountains moving in closer and closer every day; and he knew that one day he would no longer be able to breathe; that one day he would be crushed by everything in this small town。 When he left; he told himself he would never return。 And so it made him sad to think about Fletcher。
 Zip; drinking his coffee; studying his reflection in the mirror behind the counter; did not feel sad at all。 Zip felt pretty damn good。 Zip felt; at last; that things were beginning to click。 They had never clicked for him in that ratty neighborhood downtown。 There'd been nothing there for him but getting kicked by the older kids。 Fat Ass Charlie; they used to call him。 Fat Ass Charlie; and bam! a well…placed kick right in the middle of that fat ass。 The nickname had persisted even when he began thinning into adolescence。 And then they'd moved。
 And suddenly; he wasn't fat…assed any more; and he wasn't even Charlie any more。 He began calling himself Zip; and he began feeling that there was opportunity in this new neighborhood; the opportunity to be the person he wanted to be; and not the person everybody else thought he should be。 He'd met Cooch; and Cooch had shown him the ropes and suggested that they join the biggest club in the neighborhood; the Royal Guardians。
 But Zip had ideas of his own。 Why bee a schnook running around the fringes of the higher…ups when you could have a club of your own? And so he suggested the Latin Purples; and he planned to start it small; six; seven guys to begin with … so far there were only four。 And Cooch's sister…in…law had sewn the purple jackets for them; and he wore his jacket with a great deal of pride now because the jacket meant something to him; the jacket meant that he was on his way。
 If you'd asked him where he was going; he couldn't have told you。
 But he knew he was on his way; and he knew that today would be the clincher; today would be the day he realized himself fully as a person。
 And so the three of them sat with their separate thoughts; thoughts which were strangely similar; and when the sailor finally spoke; both Luis and Zip knew instantly what he meant。
 The sailor said; 〃You can lose yourself in Fletcher。 You can get just plumb lost。〃 He shook his head。 〃That's why I left。 I wanted to know who I was。〃
 〃And have you found out?〃 Luis asked。
 〃Give him time;〃 Zip said。 〃You think a guy can make a rep in one day?〃
 〃I'll find out; Louise;〃 the sailor said。
 〃How? With the girls from La Gallina?〃
 〃Sailor; take my advice;〃 Luis said。 〃Go back to your ship。 This neighborhood is not always a nice place。〃
 〃Leave him alone;〃 Zip said。 〃He wants a girl; I'll help him find one。〃 He winked at the sailor; and then he grinned broadly。
 〃Don't let Sunday morning fool you;〃 Luis said。 〃Last night; there was drinking and guitars。 And this morning; everyone sleeps。 But sometimes 。。。 sailor; take my advice。 Go back to your ship。。。〃
 〃I think I'll hang around for a while。〃
 〃Then be careful; eh? You are a stranger here。 Choose your pany。〃 He looked at Zip meaningfully。 〃There are good and bad; entiende? You understand? Take care。〃
 The sailor swung around on his stool。 He leaned his elbows on the counter top and drunkenly looked out over the sun…washed street。
 〃It looks nice and peaceful to me;〃 he murmured。
 〃Can you see through the walls; sailor?〃 Luis asked。 〃Do you know what goes on under the skin of the buildings?〃
 The skin of the building which housed the uniformed cops and detectives of the 87th Precinct was not lovely; nor engaged; nor had it been washed in more than half a century。 It presented a characterless gray to the park across the street; a gray which seemed contradictory to the bright sunshine that filled the air。 The gray stones were rough and uneven; covered with the soot and grime of the city; relieved only by the hanging green globes which announced in white numerals to the world at large that this was Precinct 87。
 The low; flat steps of the front stoop led to a pair of glass…fronted doors which were open now to permit the entrance of whatever scant breeze rustled across Grover Park。 The breeze; unfortunately; did not get very much further than the entrance doors。 It certainly did not pass into the muster room where Sergeant Dave Murchison sat behind his high desk pulling at his undershorts and cursing the heat。 A rotating electric fan sat on top of the switchboard to the left of the desk。 The switchboard; at the moment; wasn't blinking with calls from the violated citizenry; thank God。 Murchison wiped sweat from his brow; tugged at his undershorts; and wondered if it was any cooler upstairs。
 A long wooden plaque; painted white and then overlaid with the black letters DETECTIVE DIVISION; pointed to a flight of narrow iron…runged steps which led upstairs to the bull pen。 The flight of steps; gathering heat only from a small window where the steps turned back upon themselves before continuing to the second floor; was perhaps the coolest spot in the station house。 Beyond the steps; a long corridor led to the detective squadroom where a battery of electric fans fought valiantly to produce some semblance of a breeze。 The grilled windows at the far end of the squadroom admitted bright; golden sunlight which spread across the wooden floor like licking flames。 The men in the squadroom sat in shirt sleeves at sun…drenched desks。
 If there was one nice thing about being a detective; it was the fact that a gray flannel suit; a button…down shirt; and a neat black tie were not requisites of the job。 Detective Steve Carella was perhaps the only detective in the squadroom on that Sunday morning in July who looked as if he might be an advertising executive。 But then; Carella always looked as if he were dressed for the pages of Esquire。 Even wearing a leather jacket and dungarees; he managed to exude the scent of careful grooming。 He was a tall man whose sinewy body gave only the slightest hint of the power he possessed。 Unpadded; slender with a rawboned simplicity; he seemed built to flatter whatever clothes were heaped onto his frame。 This morning he was wearing a blue seersucker suit; the jacket of which was draped over the back of his chair。 He had worn a bow tie to work; but had untied it the moment he entered the squadroom so that it hung loosely about his neck now; his shirt unbuttoned; his head bent over the report he was studying。
 The other cops presented a slightly less sartorial appearance。 Andy Parker; a cop who would have looked like a bum even when dressed for his own funeral; was wearing a pair of tan nylon slacks and a sports shirt which had surely been designed in honor of Hawaii's having achieved statehood。 Hula girls swayed their hips all over Parker's shirt。 Surfboarders flitted over his huge barrel chest。 The colors on the shirt exploded like Roman candles。 Parker; who looked unshaven even though he had shaved closely before reporting to the squadroom; pounded at a typewriter with both huge hands; using his fingers like fists。 The typewriter seemed to resist each successive assault wave; a machine refusing to succumb to brute force。 Parker continued to smash into it as if he were engaged in mortal bat;
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