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 〃Ah; he makes it a joke;〃 Luis said good…naturedly。 〃You know what I mean; don't you; Frankie?〃
 〃Yes。 I know what you mean。〃
 〃Sometimes here; you feel lost。 And without identity; there can be no dignity; no respect。〃
 〃I know just what you mean; Louise;〃 Jeff said。 〃It's like what I was telling you about Fletcher。 How you can just get swallowed up in a pile of people and forget who and what you are。〃
 〃Si; st。 The island had respect for people; and for life 。。。 and respect for death; too。 Life is cheap here; and death is cheaper。 On the island。。。〃 He paused; as if giving himself time for the memory to grow; to blossom in his mind。 〃On the island;〃 he said; 〃in the towns; when there is a funeral; the casket bearers walk in the center of the main street; and the mourners follow behind the casket。〃
 〃I know this;〃 Hernandez said softly。 〃My father used to talk about this。〃
 〃About the little girls dressed in white; carrying their flowers in the sunshine?〃 Luis said。 〃The town all dusty and quiet and still。〃
 〃Yes;〃 Hernandez said。 〃About that。〃
 〃And the shopkeepers stand in their doorways; and when the casket goes by; they close the doors。 They are showing respect for the dead man。 They are saying; 'I will not conduct business while you pass by; my friend。'〃
 〃Argh; bullshit;〃 Parker said。 〃That ain't respect。 They're just scared of death。 I'll tell you something; Luis。 I don't know what it's like on that island of yours; but here … right here … the only ones who get respect are the live ones … the hoodlums like Pepe Miranda。〃
 Luis shook his head quickly and emphatically。 〃No;〃 he said。
 〃No; huh? Take my word for it。〃
 〃I'm going;〃 Hernandez said。 〃You argue it out between you。〃
 〃Who's arguing?〃 Parker said。 〃We're having a discussion。〃
 〃Okay; so discuss it;〃 Hernandez said; and he walked out of the luncheonette and around the corner。
 Jeff swung around on his stool and stared up the street。 Behind him; he could hear the detective and Luis arguing … well; discussing … but he was not interested in what they were saying。 He kept staring at the closed door of La Gallina; wondering when the bar would open。 He really didn't know whether he actually felt like spending the day in bed with a woman or not; but he couldn't think of much else to do with his time。 And he had e all the way uptown; and he hated to think of the trip as a total loss。 So he kept staring at the closed door; almost willing it to open and … quite miraculously … it opened。
 The girl who stepped out of the bar was no more than nineteen years old; a slender girl with the curved body of a woman thrusting against the sweater and skirt she wore。 Her hair was black; and her eyes were dark。 She took a key from her purse and was leaning over to lock the door when Jeff got off his stool and ran up the street。
 〃Hi;〃 he said。
 The girl whirled; surprised。 Her eyes opened wide; the brownest eyes Jeff had ever seen in his entire life。
 〃Oh!〃 she said; and her lips rounded over the single word; and slowly the shock gave way to puzzlement; and she stared at him curiously; waiting for him to speak。
 〃I've been waiting for you all morning;〃 Jeff said。 〃Were you in there all along?〃
 〃Yes?〃 she said; delivering the word as a question; as if she expected further explanation from him and was waiting for it。 He continued to watch her。 A slow realization was ing to him。 He was beginning to recognize the fact that this was possibly the most beautiful girl he'd ever met; and her beauty left him somewhat tongue…tied。 The girl waited。 Jeff remained speechless。 Finally; she tucked the key into her purse; gave a small feminine shrug; and began walking away。 Jeff stepped around her quickly; directly into her path。
 〃Hey; where you going?〃 he said。
 〃Why? I only just found you。〃
 〃I have to get dressed;〃 the girl said。
 〃You look dressed fine to me;〃 he said; and his eyes traveled the length of her body; pausing on the soft swell of her breasts beneath the light…blue sweater; the abrupt curve of her hips against the black skirt。
 〃I have to get dressed;〃 the girl repeated blankly; seemingly embarrassed by his scrutiny。
 〃Well; that can wait; can't it?〃 he asked。
 The girl seemed very puzzled。 〃What do you want?〃 she said。
 〃Well 。。。 uh 。。。 don't you know?〃
 〃No?〃 the girl said; and again she raised her voice at the end of the word so that it sounded like a question。
 〃Well 。。。 I was talking to a fellow last night。 It was really very early this morning。 Downtown。 In a bar。〃
 〃And he said I should e up here。〃
 〃What for?〃
 〃He said I'd find you here;〃 Jeff said。
 He looked at her; and he thought; Well; he didn't exactly say I would find you here; because no one ever expects to find something like you; no one ever really expects to e across something like you ever in his life。
 〃He didn't say that;〃 the girl said。
 〃Yes。 Yes; he did。〃
 〃What was his name? The man who told you about me?〃
 〃I don't remember;〃 Jeff paused。 〃I was drunk。〃
 〃Are you drunk now?〃
 He smiled tentatively。 〃Sober as a judge。〃
 〃And this fellow told you about me? He said you would find me?'
 〃Well 。。。 not exactly。 I mean; I didn't expect anyone as 。。。 as pretty as you。 But he said…〃
 〃What did he say; exactly?〃
 〃He said I should go uptown。。。〃
 〃And I should look for a place called La Gallina。〃
 〃La Ga… oh。〃 She paused and looked at him more closely。 〃I see。 Yes。 Now I understand。〃
 〃Good。 I got to admit; you're really something。 I mean a guy just doesn't expect 。。。 I mean; I'm not trying to say anything against what you do; or anything like that 。。。 but 。。。 well; you know; it's just unusual; that's all。 To find one as pretty as you。〃
 〃Thank you;〃 the girl said。 She smiled。 〃I think you've made a mistake。〃
 〃This is La Gallina; isn't it?〃 Jeff asked; looking at the gilt lettering on the plate…glass windows again。
 〃Oh; yes。 This is La Gallina。〃
 〃And you did e out of there; didn't you?〃
 〃Yes; I certainly did。〃
 There was a strange twinkle in her brown eyes。 He looked at her suspiciously and realized she was trying to suppress a laugh。
 〃You do work in there?〃 he asked。 〃Don't you?〃
 〃I do。〃
 〃Well; what's so funny?〃 he said; beginning to get slightly annoyed。
 The girl would not allow the laugh to escape her mouth。 〃Nothing;〃 she said。 〃Nothing。〃 … 〃Well; then; all right;〃 he said。
 〃All right;〃 she answered。
 They stood staring at each other; Jeff trying to figure out what was so goddamned funny; and the girl trying her best not to laugh。
 〃Well?〃 he said at last。
 〃Well what?〃
 〃Well; let's go to bed。〃
 〃You and me?〃
 〃Well; sure; you and me。 Who did you think I meant?〃
 The girl shook her head。 〃No。 I don't think so。〃
 She started to move away from him; and he caught her arm; stopping her。
 〃Why not?〃
 〃Well。。。〃 Again; she held back a laugh。 She thought for a moment; and then said; 〃I guess I don't like sailors。〃
 〃That's no attitude;〃 Jeff said; grinning。 〃Some of my best friends are sailors。〃
 〃No;〃 the girl said; shaking her head。 〃No。 Sorry。 No sailors。〃 She saw the disappointment on his face and quickly added; 〃Besides; I'm
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