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  If Shield had been made aware of Kline's true role within the organisation; then a much more prehensive plan of action would have been undertaken and a larger protection force; with even more stringent restrictions; employed。 As it was; Magma had used a blindfold on the agency。
  But what concerned Mother most; though; was Sir Victor's suggestion that Kline might have been responsible for QuinnReece's death in some way。 The deputy…chairman had succumbed to heart failure; surely。 But there had been others in conflict with the psychic in the past who had also died of sudden and; in two cases at least; inexplicable cardiac arrests。 Three others; to be precise。 One inside the Corporation; a board member who had constantly opposed plans for development put forward (albeit surreptitiously) by Kline; another had been from a rival pany; whose persistent investigations were slowly unravelling Kline's real worth to Magma; the third had been a munications magnate who had instigated a take…over bid for the Corporation。 This man had a known heart condition; but when he had been found dead from a massive coronary in his bed one morning; a look of sheer horror had been frozen into his features。 It was concluded that a nightmare had aggravated his diseased heart to the point of killing him。 But both Sir Victor and Mother had seen the horrorstruck look also on Quinn…Reece's face。
  There had been other incidents through the years。 and the chairman had confessed to Mother that he; himself; had begun to live in fear of Kline's strange powers。 Although nothing could be proved; Sir Victor realised there had been too many mysterious 'happenings' to be ignored。
  Why Quinn…Reece? Mother had demanded。 What on earth could Kline have against his own deputy…chairman?
  Sir Victor had explained that for some time Kline had suspected Quinn…Reece of leaking news of possible mineral sites for development to another pany。 Indeed; he and the chairman had discussed those suspicions on more than one occasion。 However; this time; Kline had accused his personal assistant; Cora Redmile。 But the chairman was accustomed to the psychic's deviousness and Quinn…Reece's subsequent death was too much of a coincidence to be taken lightly。 Yet there was no proof; none at all。 Only misgivings。
  That was enough for Mather。 He already had doubts about the assignment; a gut…feeling that things weren't quite right。 The torture of Dieter Stuhr had added to his concern; for torture; unless perversion was involved; usually meant information was being sought of the victim。 That information might well have been to do with Shield's security arrangements for Felix Kline。 Somewhat drastic perhaps; but where huge sums of ransom money were involved kidnappers had few scruples。 And then there was always the possibility that more than just abduction was in mind。 Kline might well be a target for assassination…God only knew what enemies the man had。
  Mather had left the Magma building and had gone straight to the home of Gerald Snaith with the remendation that the contract be declared null and void。 That had been over two hours ago; but he felt he had been driving for much longer。
  Mather used the booster fan to clear vapour from the windscreen; his own breath; because he was so close to the glass; contributing to the mist。 For a few moments he was driving blind and he slowed the car almost to a halt。 He pushed another button and the driver's window slid down。 Raindrops pounded at his face when he looked at the road ahead。 There was a wall to his left; set back; undergrowth thick before it; on the opposite side of the road was forest。 He ducked his head back inside and wiped a handkerchief across his face。
  A light behind; dazzling in the rearview mirror; ing up slowly。 A car's headlights。
  They blinked once; twice。 He grunted with satisfaction when they blinked a third time。
  Mather touched his brakes twice in acknowledgement; then pulled over to the side of the road; bringing the car to a halt。 He waited for one of the two men in the vehicle behind to e to him。
  'Didn't expect you; sir;' the operative said loudly enough to be heard over the storm。 He crouched at the open window; collar up against the rain。 'Gave us a surprise; seeing your number。'
  'I've been trying to reach you on the radio;' Mather plained。
  'The storm's fouled up munications。 Never known one like this before。 We've kept in touch with the other patrol by stopping each time we meet en route。 What's up; Mr Mather; what brings you here?'
  'We're pulling out。'
  'Shit; you're joking。'
  'I'm afraid not。 Anything occurred tonight that you're not happy about?'
  'Only this bloody weather。 Visibility's down to twenty yards。'
  'Where's the entrance to the estate?'
  'Gates are up ahead; on the left。 You're nearly there。'
  'Follow me down; I'll brief you off the road。' The operative shrugged; then ran back to the Granada。 Mather set his car in motion; going slowly; looking for the gates。 An open area swept back from the roadway and he turned into it; driving right up to the tall gates。 There should be 。 。 。 yes; there it was。 A dark; bulky shape that had to be the lodge…house。 No lights on。 Well you'll have to get out of bed; chum; if that's where you are。
  Mather flashed his headlights; beeping the horn at the same time。
  Lightning blazed the sky; thunder rent the air; and the lodge…house appeared as a bright; flickering image。 Mather's eyes narrowed。 Had there been something moving in front of it?
  The patrol car came to a halt beside his and Mather reached for his cane before stepping out。 Both men joined him at the gates。
  'Is there anyone inside?' he asked; pointing at the building with his cane。
  'There's supposed to be someone there all the time to operate the gates;' one of the men replied。 'Never seen the bugger; though。' Mather reached and pushed at an iron strut。 That half of the gates swung open a few inches。
  The three men exchanged glances。
  'Something's wrong;' Mather said。
  'Could be an oversight。' The Planner shook his head。 'I'm going in。 I want you to find the other patrol and follow。'
  'We're not allowed in …'
  'Forget about that。 You just e after me as fast as you can。 Phil; you'll e with me。'
  'Right; sir。'
  'Why not wait for the other patrol?' the second man asked〃 suddenly anxious。
  Mather had no adequate answer; only a sense of urgency pressing him。 'Just get on with it!' he barked。 'Open them up; Phil。' He limped back to his car as the operative swung the gates wide。 The other man climbed into the Granada and reversed into the road。
  Mather settled unfortably into the driver's seat; his clothes soaked。 He dreaded to think of the agony his leg would give him tomorrow。 He took the car through the entrance; pausing just long enough for his operative to jump in beside him。
  'Christ; what's that over by the house?' Mather looked towards where the other man was pointing。 Blurred shapes were moving slowly in the rain。
  'Dogs;' the operative said。 'Must be the guard dogs。 Funny; it's the first time I've laid eyes on them。'
  'Can you see how many?'
  'Difficult in this rai
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