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ion; I'm subservient to a man who's half…mad; half…genius。 I can imagine what you think of me。' Halloran sat next to her; their bodies touching。 'The only thing I can't figure out is what you really drink。' Cora had to smile。 'Whatever happens to be on offer;' she replied with only a hint of sullenness。 She sipped the wine and he noticed the bottle level was down to the last quarter。 'Did I shock you last night?' Cora asked; looking into her glass。
  'Sure;' he answered。
  She looked up sharply。
  'I'd be a liar if I said I didn't enjoy it; though;' Halloran added。
  'He made me do it。'
  'He made me go to your room。' She reached for the bottle and topped up her wine glass; even though it was still half…full。 'Felix told me to go to you last night。' Halloran was stunned。 'I don't understand。'
  'He ordered me to seduce you。 I don't know why。 Perhaps he was testing you in some way。 Or testing me。 Perhaps he got some kind of kick out of it; finding another way to degrade me; turn me into a whore。'
  'Why should he want to do that?'
  'Felix enjoys corrupting people。 But it's too soon for you to have realised that。'
  'Cora; this doesn't make sense。'
  'You already know there's no sense to any of this; Liam。 Why persist in looking for it? I'm sorry if I've bruised your ego; but the truth is I was merely obeying instructions last night。' Her hand was shaking and she quickly drank to prevent the wine spilling over。 She glanced at him and was surprised to find him smiling still; but this time that coldness was there; the glint of cruelness that somehow was constantly lurking beneath his surface manner。
  'Maybe Kline wanted me kept busy;' he said。
  She caught her breath。 He was right。 For reasons of her own…reasons that were unclear even to herself…Cora had wanted to hurt Liam; to break through that aura of sureness。 But there was more to it than that。 She had wanted him; had wanted him to make love to her; had gone to him willingly as if 。 。 。 Cora struggled to crystallise the thought 。 。 。 as if he might be her 。 。 。 saviour? Redeemer? Oh God; what a fool she was。 Even then; when he had been inside her; it wasn't enough。 She'd needed something more; much more。 And they'd had to make love a different way so that she could achieve her own satisfaction。 Felix had reduced her to that; made her a creature of sensations rather than emotions。 And she'd despised Liam for this also; for she had allowed him to see her for what she was。 Tonight she had tried to hurt him; but he had turned it around。 It was she who had been humiliated further。
  'Please go; Liam;' she said; her voice brittle。
  'Oh no; not yet。 Not yet; Cora。' That faint Irishness to his voice again。 How strange that it should make him sound so dangerous。
  'I want you to leave。' Instead he took the glass from her hand。
  'I don't know what game it is you all think you're playing;' he said quietly; 'and honestly; I don't much care。 But at least there's something more to you; Cora; something that megalomaniac hasn't touched yet。 I don't know how he's managed to bring you to this point; but I do know you've kept a part of yourself away from him。 You were different the first time I saw you; and I think it was because I was seeing you the way you used to be; the way you can still be。'
  'There's nothing left for …' He touched his fingers to her lips。 'You're wrong。' His own lips replaced his hand and she tried to turn away。 He held her firm and kissed her; hurting her。
  Cora sank into the sofa and pushed at his chest。 She didn't want this。 He wasn't the man to take her from Felix。 They were alike; Felix and Liam。 Cruel men。 Vicious men。 That was why Felix was fascinated by him。 They were akin。
  He was hurting her; and there was pleasure in that。 But she mustn't let him; she couldn't let him 。 。 。
  Halloran grabbed her wrist and pulled it aside。 She was lying on the sofa now; the robe open beneath the belt; exposing her thighs。 He continued to kiss her; his mouth hard against hers; and when she finally wrenched her head away; his lips sank to her neck and he bit; but used no strength。 Cora moaned; partly out of self…pity and partly out of self…disgust; for feelings were being aroused in her。
  'Please don't;' she tried to say; but Halloran had pulled the robe away from her breasts。 He lowered his head to them。 'I don't want this!' she hissed; but his hand was on her thigh; pressing firmly; then gliding down to her knee; reaching behind; touching delicate nerve…points。 His weight was on her; pinning her; and he used his body to part her legs。 Still she protested; squirming against him; her fingers clenched on his shoulders。 She could have clawed him; or pulled his hair; or bit him。 But she didn't。
  He sank to the floor; kneeling before her; keeping his body between her legs。 Her robe had fallen open pletely; the belt loose around her waist; and Halloran deftly undid his own clothing。 He entered her; the movement hard and quick; causing her to cry out even though she was moist; ready for him despite her resistance。 His lips found hers once more and this time she did not refuse him; the force of her kiss matched his。
  Her arms reached around him; drawing him tight; and now Halloran groaned; a soft murmur that excited her。 Cora's legs were rigid against his hips and she thrust herself forward; letting him fill her; wanting more; crying for more; her breathing tight and her arms trembling。 Cora's cries turned into gasps and Halloran's hands went under and around her shoulders so that he could pull her down onto him; his own thrusts controlled and rhythmic。 But that restraint was soon overwhelmed and he twisted his face into Cora's wet hair and she arched her neck; pushing her head back into the cushions; her hips almost rising off the sofa; clutching at him as their juices surged to mix inside her body。 Her cry was sharp; trailing to a whimper; their bodies shuddering together; slowly calming to a trembling; eventually relaxing to a stillness。 They lay there; neither one willing to separate。
  Halloran felt the wetness on his cheek and lifted his head to look at Cora。 She was weeping and when he tried to speak she pulled him down against her。 His arm slid beneath her neck and he held her tightly。
  They stayed that way until her weeping stopped; neither one saying anything; feeling no need to; content to rest with each other。 Cora loved the feel of him inside her; even though he was soft now; and she ran her fingers beneath his shirt; caressing his spine。 Halloran raised himself without withdrawing and lifted her legs onto the sofa。 He lay on top; brushing his mouth across her face; kissing her eyes; her temples; her cheeks; passion subdued; replaced by tenderness。
  'You don't know what he's done to me;' she said。
  'None of that matters;' he soothed。
  She sighed; a sweet sound; when she felt him being hard again。 They made love slowly this time; their movement sensuous; almost languid; sensing each other in a different; more perfect; way。 Their passion grew but was unleashed easily; a flowing then gently ebbing release。
  As before; they remained locked together for some time and; w
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