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en he had dreamt of the offspring he would eventually raise。 The boy was sturdy enough; no disappointment there; but there was a sly laziness to him; a reluctance to offer more than was required of him。 Janusz's mother despaired; and she herself often did extra work her husband had ordered the boy to do; always taking the greatest care that Henryk would not find out。 They ate poorly; selling what they could of their meagre produce and; because theirs was a farm without livestock; turnips; beetroots and potatoes became their staple diet。 The boy craved something more。
  Then one night his father; out of desperation and perhaps even bitterness; stole a neighbour's pig。 It was a young pig; not yet plump; but one that could be dealt with quickly and easily in the dead of night。 Henryk felled the animal with one sharp blow of a mlotek; not even its sleeping mother rousing to the short squeal of pain。 He yanked the pig from its pen; concealing it beneath his coat even though there was no one around to see; then scurried back to his own home。
  The family did not wait for morning to cook their prize; for their stomachs groaned at the sight of the pink flesh。 The small animal was quickly gutted and set over the fire to roast; liver arid kidneys set aside for later consumption。 Henryk's wife chopped vegetables; adding to them dried mushrooms picked from the forest weeks earlier。 Some would be cooked for the feast they could not deny themselves that night; while what was left would be used for the soup they would make from the pig's bones and trotters。 Any guilt Kazimiera felt over her husband's dishonesty vanished as soon as the first aromas from the roasting meat wafted towards her。
  Young Janusz was impatient。 And there was sornething about the pink nakedness of the uncooked pig that had its own allure。 His father brought out a bottle of the cheap wine he had taken to consoling himself with of late; filling tin mugs for himself and Kazimiera; even allowing his son one or two sips。。 It had been a long time since Henryk had felt in such hearty mood and his wife enjoyed his suddenly restored robustness。 While they toasted each other; Kazimiera almost coy under the leering looks she received from her man; Janusz's gaze kept wandering towards the liver and kidneys that lay neglected on the table。
  The harsh wine on empty stomachs took no time at all to lighten heads and Henryk; after warning his son to watch the roasting pig as if his life depended on it…the slightest charring would mean the severest beating for the boy…pulled his notunwilling kochankg into the bedroom。
  Janusz obeyed; turning the pig on its spit every few minutes。 His mouth was wet with juices as the meat cooked。 Yet his eyes kept returning to the raw meat glistening on the table at the centre of the room。
  Making sure that the bedroom door was closed; he approached the table as stealthily as his father had approached their neighbour's farmyard。 With trembling fingers he picked up the liver; finding its clammy softness not at all unpleasant。 He sniffed the meat like a nervous mongrel。 The smell wasn't strong; yet somehow it prevailed over the roasting pork。 He bit into it。
  He discovered that devouring raw meat was not so simple。 It stretched and stretched; its shininess preventing a firm grip。 He laid it down once more and lifted the kitchen knife。 Janusz carefully cut off a thin sliver of meat (some enjoyment there; cutting into the moist softness; blood staining the blade); then pushed it into his mouth。 To begin with the taste was repugnant; but the more he chewed the more he became used to it。 And soon he began to appreciate the raw freshness。
  Janusz; aged just nine years; swallowed the meat and cut off another sliver。
  The whole family feasted in the early hours of the morning; eating the pork and vegetables in enraptured silence; Henryk swilling wine until the bottle was empty; occasionally winking at Kazimiera and grinning lewdly。 The very fact that the meat was so clandestine added its own special flavour。
  It was a feast that the young Janusz would never forget。 Indeed the memory would taunt his tastebuds many; many times in the years to e。
  Neither of his parents mentioned the missing liver the following day…perhaps Henryk's improbity towards his good neighbour subdued any anger he felt against his own son for stealing the meat; and Kazimiera could only feel shame that circumstances had driven her little Janusz to such a hungry state。 Conditions did not improve when suspicion for the loss of the pig fell on the Palusinski family; although no accusations were made。 Help from others came less and less。
  Janusz grew; his frame sturdy enough; but his flesh lean and undernourished。 He was disliked by the other boys of the village (who had no particular regard for the senior Palusinski's ancient act of valour) for Janusz could best be described as shifty; always on the edge of any group; constantly seeking ways to better his own lot (he was hungry most of the time; a disfort that can easily shape a person's character)。 As the years passed and the boy was able to take on more man's work (albeit unenthusiastically); conditions for the Palusinskis improved。 They were still impoverished; true; but then so were many of their neighbours; and Henryk's old wound continued to make prolonged labour difficult: yet food for the table slowly became less of a problem and occasionally there were zlotys enough to spend on other things; usually new farming equipment。 Poland itself was establishing a more benevolent governance; initiating land reforms that were beneficial to the small farmholder; creating a social security system and organising health care for its population。 Janusz Palusinski might well have grown into a relatively normal young man had not yet another unfortunate chapter in Poland's history begun。
  On 1st September 1939 Germany invaded; bringing a reign of terror that would eventually lead to the total subjugation of the Polish people。 Important officials; potential troublemakers; men of learning were to be eliminated under the new order of the General Government。 The Polish workers were to be intimidated into submission: the murder of countless numbers saw to this。 Failure to obey the edicts of the Third Reich meant immediate execution or being sent to a concentration camp (which usually resulted in a more lingering death)。 All Jews were to be exterminated。
  For Poland it was a return to the bad old days of rule by fear。 For Janusz Palusinski; then sixteen years old; it meant a return to the bad old days of permanent hunger。
  The Nazis had set the Polish farmers working for the sustenance of the German people; each district mander ensuring that no produce was withheld; only the most meagre amount left for the farmer and his family so that they had the strength to work the fields。 To hide food from the occupying forces meant punishment by death。
  The people of Janusz's village; both men and women; young and old; were decimated during the terrible years that followed; for the Polish people are a proud and defiant race (not to mention stubborn) and the village was no mare; and certainly no less; than an encaps
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