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could have been attached during the night。 He quickly checked all underside parts; then the wheel wells; shock absorbers and brake lines。 Satisfied; he walked around the vehicle looking for grease spots; pieces of wire; hand prints; even disturbances on the gravel near the car doors。 Before opening each door fully; Halloran ran a credit card around the tiny gaps to check for wires。 This done; he sniffed the interior before entering; seeking the smell of bitter almonds or any other odd odour。 Wary of pressure detonators; he checked the dashboard; glove partment and ashtrays without putting any weight on the seats。 He then looked under the seats。 He examined the engine; using the credit…card check once more before lifting the hood pletely; afterwards he did the same with the trunk。 Only when this ritual was plete did he start the engine and let it run for a few minutes; moving the car backwards and forwards a few feet。 Sure that the Mercedes had not been tampered with during the night; Halloran switched off and climbed out; locking up again before leaving it。
  'Was all that really necessary?' a voice asked from the porch。
  He turned to find Felix Kline watching from just inside; his arms folded as he leaned one shoulder against the stonework。 He was dressed casually once more…jeans and loose…fitting jacket; a sweater underneath。 And he had a grin on his face that dismissed all the fatigue Halloran had noticed the night before。
  'I'd have done the same even if the Mere had been locked away in a garage overnight;' Halloran replied。 'I'll check out the Rover if it's unlocked。'
  'So you really didn't believe me when I told you I was safe here。' Halloran shrugged。 'It isn't Shield's policy to take chances。'
  'Nope; I suppose not。' Kline emerged from the shade; stretching his limbs and looking up at the sky。 'It's going to be a good day。 You want to take a trip; Halloran? A little pre…breakfast exercise; huh? Something to keep you in trim。'
  'What've you got in mind?'
  'Follow the leader and you'll find out。' He strode off in the direction of the lake and Halloran was surprised at the briskness of his step。 Only last night Kline had appeared overe by exhaustion; his features haggard; all movement wearied; this morning the man exuded energy。
  'C'mon; forget about the other car;' Kline called back cheerfully。
  Halloran walked after him at a more leisurely pace; although he was far from relaxed: all the while he kept an alert eye on their surroundings; looking for any sudden change in the landscape; any glints of light that might be sun reflecting off binoculars or a rifle barrel; he paid particular attention to the road leading from the estate's entrance。
  Kline was well ahead; almost at the lake's edge。 Occasionally he would wind his arms in the air or skip full circle; and Halloran halt…expected him to do a cartwheel at any moment。 It was as if the small man had too much energy to spare。
  The ground dipped slightly towards the water and Kline was stooping; only his head and shoulders in view。 Halloran hurried his pace and found his client on a low jetty; moored to it was a rowing boat。
  'This'll set you up for the day;' Kline said as he untied the mooring rope。
  'No outboard?'
  'I like the quietness of the lake; its stillness。 I don't like engines upsetting that。 Monk or Palusinski usually do the rowing for me; but you can have that privilege today。' Kline hopped into the boat and settled at its stern。 'Let's get going。'
  'There won't be much to see with this mist;' Halloran remarked; stepping onto the jetty。
  'Maybe;' Kline replied; turning away to look across the cloud…canopied surface。
  Halloran climbed aboard; using a foot to push the boat away from the landing…stage。 Sitting on the middle bench; he used one oar to set the boat further adrift; before sliding both into their rowlocks。 Turning about; he set course for the middle of the lake; soon finding an easy rhythm; their passage through the curling mists smooth and unhurried。 His position gave Halloran an opportunity to study his panion at close range and he realised Kline's change had little to do with any physical aspect; but was linked with the man's volatile nature; his puzzling splitpersonality; for nothing in his features had altered。 There was just a brightness to him; a shining in those dark eyes; a sharpness in his tone。 Not for the first time; Halloran wondered if his client was on drugs of some kind。
  Kline; whose face had been in profile; suddenly swung round to confront him。 'Still trying to figure me out; Halloran?' He gave a short laugh。 'Not easy; is it? Nigh on impossible; I'd say; Even for me。' His laughter was longer this time。 'Thing of it is; I'm unlike anyone you've ever met before。 Am I right?' Halloran continued rowing。 'I'm only interested in your safety。'
  'Is that what your bosses at Shield instruct you to tell your clients? Is that in the handbook? You can't deny you're curious though。 Wouldn't you really like to know more about me; how I got so rich; about this power of mine? You would; wouldn't you? Yeah; I know you would。'
  'I admit I'm interested。' Kline slapped his own knee。 'That's reasonable。' He leaned forward conspiratorially。 'I can tell you I wasn't born this way。 Oh no; not quite like this。 Let's call it a late gift。' His smile was suddenly gone and; although his eyes bore into Halloran's; Kline seemed to be looking beyond。
  'You make it sound as if your psychic ability was handed to you。' An oar had dredged up some rotted weeds and Halloran paused to free the paddle end。 The tendrils were slick under his touch and he had to tug several times to clear the wood。 When he dipped the oar back into the water he found Kline was smiling at him; no longer preoccupied with distant thoughts。
  'Did you sleep soundly last night?' the dark…haired man enquired。
  Was his smile really a leer? And why the abrupt change in topic? 'Well enough for the time I had;' Halloran replied。
  'You weren't disturbed at all?'
  'Only by Neath's lack of security。 You're taking unnecessary risks here。'
  'Yeah; yeah; we'll discuss that later。 Cora's an interesting lady; don't you think? I mean; she's not quite what she seems。 Have you realised that?'
  'I don't know much about her。'
  'No; of course not。 Has she told you how she came to be working directly for me? I decided I wanted Cora the first time I laid eyes on her in old Sir Vic's office about three years ago。 Recognised her potential; y'see; knew she had 。 。 。 hidden depths。 Know what I mean; Halloran?' Halloran ignored the insinuations; but had to hold his rising anger in check。 'She obviously makes a good PA。'
  'You're right; she does。 Aren't you curious though?' Halloran stopped rowing; resting the oars in the water; letting the boat drift。 'About what?' he said evenly。
  'Huh! You are。 Me and Cora; what goes on between us。 Does she do more for me than just arrange schedules; type letters? Maybe you want to know if she and I are lovers。'
  'That's none of my business。' Kline's smile was sly。 'Oh no? I'm an extremely aware person; Halloran; and it isn't hard for me to sniff out something going on un
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