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 He was moving towards the door; gun tucked into holster; before the tapping resumed。 He opened up; one foot rigid against the base of the door so that it couldn't be forced wider。
  Outside stood Cora。
  There were candles all around him; tall thick…stemmed candles; candles that were black。 They hardly lit the chamber; though his wretchedly thin naked body glistened highlights under their subdued glow; the two dark…skinned men had used oil on him; their excitement enhanced by the slippery smoothness of his skin。
  And there were eyes watching him constantly。 Large; unblinking eyes; grouped together at the far end of the room。
  The youth moaned; twisted his head; movement weakened by the frequent injection of fluid into his veins。 They kept him passive。 But not all the time。 Sometimes the Arabs liked to hear him screaming。
  No sound could escape this room; they had said; grinning at him; holding each other's hand。 This was a secret place; one of worship; where the walls were strengthened by the very earth itself。 Scream; they had urged him。 Shriek; for our delight; they had said as long needles pierced his flesh。 Let us see you weep; they coaxed as sharp things were imbedded in his genitalia。
  They had taken the hair from his (body; even gulled free the eyelashes; plucked his nostrils clear; so that he remained only gleaming colourless flesh; a languid; loose…muscled object one moment; a fitful shivering creature the next。 And sometimes; perhaps because of the drugs; the pain was exquisite。
  They had removed his tongue when they grew tired of his words; suspending his body so that he would not suffocate on his own blood; sealing the wound with liquid that blazed more than the cutting。 Then they had mocked his gibbering as they used his body with their own; thrusting into him with a force that tore and bloodied him inside。
  The youth attempted to move his limbs; but they were restrained; not by drugs but by manacles。 He lay on the hard flat surface; arms and legs stretched outwards; body punctured by wounds; many needles still protruding; metal dull in the poor light; thin rivulets of blood; now dried and crusted; on his skin。 Every part of him seared pain and; had his senses been more lucid; the agony might have checked his heart。 While one channel of his mind struggled for reason; others closed down; refuting the hurt to his body; the degradation it had suffered; instinctively knowing that full acknowledgement could only mean insanity。 The remaining dregs of morphia were an ally to their cause。
  The low flames wavered; caressed by a breeze。 He raised his head from the cold slab he was chained to; the motion sluggish; taking all his strength; and looked down along his own body。 The slender spikes in his chest were huge to his fuddled brain; rising like crooked metal poles in a greasy snow field; and their undulation as he breathed became mesmerising。 But light from above was seeping into the chamber。 He struggled to keep his head raised; but it was too heavy; the strain was too much。 It fell back onto the stone with a sharp crack。 He had seen the figures emerge from the passageway though; grouped together at the top of the stairs as if their bodies were joined。 The youth moaned aloud; his dread even more acute。
  He tried to call out when he heard their footsteps on the stairs; wanting to plead with them; and could only manage an incoherent wailing sound that became a whimper when his head lolled to the side and he saw them approach。
  The two Arabs; as ever; were grinning down at him and between them stood…no; sagged; for the others were supporting him…a small man whose ravaged face was so old and so wicked that the youth tried to turn away。 But it was impossible…the strength wasn't there; the side of his face could only rest against the stone and his eyes could only stare。
  The dark…haired man; whose features were wizened and cruel; skin flaking away as though diseased; gazed on the youth; and his tongue flicked across dry; cracked lips。 He extended a tremulous hand; index finger pointing; and trailed a yellow fingernail along the white stomach; bringing the nail up towards the sternum。 As it travelled; the finger sank into the flesh; with no apparent effort; leaving a shallow rent behind。
  Once more a syringe found a vein in the youth's spindly arm and fluid was pushed into him。 The glow rapidly spread through him and he almost smiled his gratitude。 Now he could turn his face towards the black; limitless ceiling above。
  He was conscious of; but did not feel; the pulling apart of his ;kin; and the vapour that rose from his stomach into the cool air was no more to him than a light cloud rising from a warm dampness。
  The dark…haired man shuffled away; aided by one of the Arabs; the other disappearing to a different part of the room。
  The youth lay there on his blood…soaked slab; his body opened; and dreamily wondered why they had gone away。 He didn't mind; not at all。 It was pleasant lying there; watching steam gently curl upwards from a source near him; but just out of sight。 He wanted to drift away; to sleep; but for some reason his mind wouldn't allow him。 It was nagging; trying to tell him something; something desperately urgent; but he didn't want to know; the peace after so much pain was too intoxicating。 Now the needles were tike birthday candles; their heads gleaming as tiny flames。 Was it his birthday? He couldn't remember。 Any celebration was nice though。
  He heard nearby sounds and turned and craned his neck as far as it would go。 Nerve…ends twinged only a little。 The darkhaired man was inside an alcove; opening something; a cabinet of some kind。 No; not a cabinet。 One of those 。 。 。 what were they called? The sort of thing they had in churches; a box…thing priests were always poking into。 Funny; this place was like a church with all the candles; even though they were black。 The stone he lay on was like an altar。
  The youth giggled; although the noise he made was more like a gurgle。
  The three men converged on the pale; prone body; the dark…haired man carrying a dish of black metal; a veil; black again; draped over its edges。 Blood was spilling over from the long scission in the youth's body; spreading in pools on the stone's surface; beginning to trickle down the sides。 The youth had scant life left in him。
  The veil was drawn away; revealing the dish to be more like a wide…brimmed chalice; for it had a base which was clutched in one trembling hand。 With his other hand; the dark…haired man removed the contents and placed it inside the youth's stomach; gently pressing down; soaking it in blood; smothering it in slithery organs。
  Now the youth did scream; a piercing screech that echoed around the stone walls of the chamber; for no drugs could deaden the pain nor the horror。
  He was alive; but barely; when the Arab on the outer side of the stone raised the tool he had collected and began cutting into the youth's outstretched limbs。
  And still those myriad eyes stared; never closing; never wavering。
  'I need pany;' she said simply。 'I get 。 。 。 frightened when I
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