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amed its other sides。 Those hills disturbed Halloran; for he realised it would be easy for intruders to slip unseen down through the trees to the very boundaries of the house itself。
  His attention was irresistibly drawn back to the building itself; which appeared to be a curious jumble of irregular shapes。 Principally Tudor in period; various sections had apparently been added on during its history with no regard for symmetry。 The two gables were of unequal height and pitch; and the twisted chimneys were scattered almost inconsequently over the various roofs。 There were different levels of turrets and a wing had been built onto the far side that stood higher than any other part of the building。 Yet the overall image was not unpleasing and much of that had to do with the rich colouring of its brickwork; for the walls fairly glowed in the sunlight; the aged stone mottled a warm red; that same redness even within the roof tiles; the gables were half…timbered and the many turrets fringed grey; serving to plement the ruddiness of the main walls。
  Although the building as a whole was pact; Neath was nevertheless hugely impressive; its position alone; between the small hills and lake; supplying its own special grandeur。 Halloran began to re…assess Kline's worth in terms of personal wealth。
  They were moving on level ground again; the expanse of water on their right; the entrance porch to the house looming up on their left; across the lake Halloran could see the muted hills of Surrey。 He drew the car to a halt outside the stone entrance; and just behind a white Rover; the porch itself jutting from the building; wide and dented pavings inside leading up to the main door。 Both sections of that door were already opening; two robed figures appeared together; dashing forward with heads bowed。 They ran to the Mercedes' rear door; one of them eagerly pulling it open for Kline。
  The two Arabs bowed even more deeply when Kline stepped ;gut。 'Marhaba; Mouallem;' they weled。
  Halloran heard one of them mutter something further as he; himself; climbed from the Mercedes; and he saw Kline smile; the glitter of his dark eyes containing some kind of satisfaction; but no warmth。
  'Youssef meeneeh;' Kline said quietly。
  Halloran opened the other rear door for Cora; while Monk walked around to the back of the car。 The bodyguard caught the keys tossed by Halloran against his chest and opened the boot; reaching for the luggage inside。 Cora seemed unsteady and Halloran gripped her arm。
  'You okay?' he asked。 He thought there was apprehension in her expression when she looked towards the house; but it may only have been nervousness; a delayed reaction perhaps to their experience earlier。
  'What? Oh yes。 Yes。 I'm fine。' She stiffened; finding her strength; and he let go of her arm。 'Thank you for what you did back there。 You acted quickly。'
  'We'll discuss it inside。 You look as though you could do with a stiff drink。' Kline was watching them across the roof of the car。 'Corn needs no excuse for that; Halloran。 I bet even you could use one after that nasty little business。' He was smiling gleefully; his earlier panic obviously forgotten。
  'Let's move inside as quickly as possible;' said Halloran; scanning the road they had just travelled as well as the surrounding area。
  'No need to worry;' Kline assured him。 'Not here; not inside the estate。'
  'I wouldn't be too sure of that;' Halloran replied。
  'Oh; but I am。 pletely。 Nothing can touch me here。'
  'Then humour me。 Let's go in。' The Arabs and Monk followed behind with the luggage; although Halloran retrieved a black bag himself。 They crossed the uneven paving inside the porch and entered the house。 Halloran found himself inside a large hall; a coolness rapidly descending upon him as if it had pounced; directly opposite the main door was a screen of linenfoid panelling; above that a minstrels' gallery; stout oak beams set in the walls and rising to the high bowed ceiling。 A broad stairway led to the floor above from where diamond…paned windows provided inadequate light。
  'Refreshments in the drawing room; Asil;' Kline snapped; stone floor and walls creating a hollowness to his words。 'Not for me; though。 I've got things to do。 Cora; you'll take care of our guest show him around the place。'
  'We need to talk;' Halloran said quickly to Kline。
  'Later。 We'll talk all you want later。' He skipped up the stairway to their right; soft shoes almost silent against the wood。 He turned back to them at the stairway's bend and leaned over the balustrade。
  'Can you feel Neath's wele; Halloran''' he said。 'The house senses you。 can you feel that? And it's confused。 It doesn't know if you're friend or foe。 But you don't really know that yourself yet; do you?' He sniggered。 'Time will tell; Halloran。 You'll be found out soon enough。' Kline continued his ascent leaving Halloran to stare after him。
  From this level Neath resembled a small monastery; thought Halloran。 Except that there was nothing godly about the place。 The day had bee overcast; clouds hanging low and dark over the Surrey hills; so that now the redness of Neath's stonework had bee subdued; the floridity deepening to a tone that was like 。 。 。 the notion disturbed him 。 。 。 like dull; dried blood。 The house looked silent; as though it could never contain voices; footsteps; life itself。 It might resemble a monastery; but it was hard to imagine invocations inside those walls。
  He and Cora were on one of the slopes overlooking Kline's home; Halloran's brief reconnoitre of the estate confirming his doubts about its security。 The two thousand acres were enclosed well enough to keep stray ramblers out; but there was no way any interloper of serious intent could be deterred。 Kline's confidence in his own safety within the bounds of the estate was surprising; to say the least。
  Immediately below them was what once must have been a splendid topiary garden。 Now its bushes and hedges had bee disarrayed; their sculptured shapes no longer maintained; where once there had been carved animals; cones and spheres; there were protrusions and distortions; the vegetation neither natural nor engineered; but tortured and bizarre。 At present these green deformities served only to provide random screening for anyone approaching the house。
  'Can we sit for a while?' Halloran turned to Cora again; the fragile anxiety behind her gaze puzzled him。 She had changed iota jacket and jeans for their tour of the grounds; the transformation from city lady into country girl both easy and pleasing。 Even so; that slight darkness beneath her eyes seemed more pronounced; tainting some of her freshness。
  'We've covered quite a distance in a short space of time;' he said。 'I'm a little breathless myself。'
  'It's not that。 It's 。 。 。 just peaceful up here。' He caught the hesitation and wondered at it。 He also caught her glance towards the house as she'd spoken。 She sank to her knees and he followed suit; lounging back on one elbow while his search roved the grounds below。 The lake had bee leaden and grey; no breeze stirring its surface; no sunlight dappling its cur
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