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than a stroll against the tide。 Then a vacated room; a broom closet; or a toilet…Halloran hadn't given him details…until night time; then through to the chairman's suite; locked。 doors only slowing him down; not barring him。 Observation cameras? No problem。 Only certain corridors and halls were monitored that late at night and; at an agreed time; Shield had created a minor diversion。 No more than a motor…bike messenger thumping on the glass main door to attract the attention of the two security guards on the monitoring desk。 The messenger had waved a package in his hand and one of the guards had gone to the door while his colleague watched from the desk; poised to press an alarm button which would alert the other two security guards patrolling the building as well as the local police station should anything untoward occur。 So his eyes had been on his partner and the messenger outside (the latter insisting that delivery forms had to be filled in and signed before he released the package) and not on the screens behind him。 The ruse had allowed Halloran to negotiate the more exposed locations without being seen。 Naturally a risk was involved; but human reaction being what it is; the risk was slight。 The rest of the journey had been simple (simple that is; for someone like Halloran): the private elevator; the 'pacification' of Monk and Palusinski; the entry into his; Kline's bedroom。 No big deal (and heads were already rolling in the Corporation's office that morning as specialists from Achilles' Shield revised Magma's security arrangements)。
  Someone else and you could be dead。 Kline remembered Halloran's words。 Not quite that simple; Halloran; he thought。 No; not quite that easy。
  He smiled and Cora was puzzled by the sudden burning intensity in his eyes。
  The Mercedes was slowing; the left indicator blinking。 Halloran turned the car off the main road; then picked up speed again; their surroundings soon vignetting into green fields and hedgerows; with few houses between。
  Cora noticed Halloran occasionally glancing into the rearview mirror; but his reflected eyes betrayed nothing。 He had warned Monk not to look back and she; herself; followed the instruction。 Their car maintained a steady speed and still Cora could not detect from Halloran's manner whether or not they were being followed。
  Several minutes passed before he reached again for the radio transmitter。
  'Hector…Two。 Over。'
  'Tag's still with us; keeping well back。'
  'Yeah。 We made out three occupants。 Want us to block them?'
  'No。 No offensive until we're sure。 There's a village ahead。 Pull in somewhere and let 'em by。 Follow at a distance and e up fast if they make a move。 Out。'
  'Will do。 Out。' Houses quickly loomed up; then they were into the village; a hamlet really; only a few houses on either side of the road。 Halloran saw the small filling station and knew where his back…up would pull into。 He checked the mirror as the Granada slowed into the forecourt。 The blue Peugeot soon came into view and he put his foot down a little to give them cause to hurry。
  He had taken a more circuitous route than necessary to Kline's country house; but now they couldn't have been more than fifteen minutes away。 If these people were hostile; he wanted them to make their play soon; before they were too close to home。 He preferred to keep trouble off the doorstep。
  He eased up on the accelerator; inviting in the possible pursuer。 The Peugeot increased speed; ing up fast; beginning to fill the rearview mirror。
  Halloran had faith in the 'hardened' vehicle he was driving。 The door panels; trunk; roof; and engine partment were armoured with Kevlar; aluminium oxide ballistic ceramic tiles; which was lighter than the old…style heavy steel plate that tended to render a vehicle clumsy and so impede its performance。 The windows were of layered bullet… and blast…resistant glass and the tyres were partmentalised and self…sealing so that speed need not be reduced should they be punctured by bullets。 Even the fuel partments; main and reserve; consisted of separate cells which would limit the outbreak of fire should they be pierced。
  The French car was directly behind now; only feet away from the Mercedes' reinforced bumper。
  'Sit back;' he told Kline; whose face was still close to Halloran's shoulder。 'And keep low; legs against the back of the front seat; as though you're resting。 Cora; they'll be ing up on your side; so brace yourself。 You'll be okay…they'd need a bazooka to dent this tub。'
  'Speed up;' Kline urged。 'Don't let them get alongside us!'
  'Stay low;'Halloran calmly repeated。 'They may be no threat 'Why take the chance? I don't like this; Halloran。'
  'Trust me。' Cora wasn't sure if Halloran's tone was mocking。
  Monk had drawn his revolver by now。 Halloran didn't even look his way; but said; 'Keep that bloody thing tucked into your lap and don't even think of using it unless I tell you。' They were rounding a bend and the Peugeot was straddling the middle of the road ready to overtake。
  Halloran continued to instruct the bodyguard。 'Put your elbow on the sill and keep your left hand in sight。 You know how to act nonchalant?' The American grunted something。
  'Okay;' said Halloran。 'Here they e。 See that church steeple in the distance? I want you all to keep your eyes on that。 No watching our friends here。' The road had straightened; a clear stretch ahead for at least half a mile。 The Peugeot drew level with the Mercedes' rear wheel and Halloran deliberately glanced over his shoulder and touched his brakes; a gentlemanly gesture to allow the other vehicle to pass by。 His hands tightened on the steering wheel; holding it steady; as the Peugeot inched its way alongside。 He could feel the occupants' eyes on him and his senses sharpened to such a degree that he could smell new…cut grass under the petrol fumes; even though all windows were closed; could hear the Mercedes' tyres rumble over the road's hard surface; could feel the pounding of machinery beneath the car's bonnet。 The acuteness of danger overlaid all those sensings。
  Halloran smiled at the other driver; nodding at the deserted road ahead; an indication that he was leaving the way clear。
  The Peugeot suddenly accelerated even more; then was by them; tail rapidly receding into the distance。
  'Hogshit;' grumbled Monk。
  'You scared us far nothing; Halloran;' Kline plained。 Bastard; you scared us for …'
  'Keep down;' Halloran warned。
  There was yet another bend ahead and the blue car had disappeared around it。
  Kline's mouth dropped。 He snapped back into his seat and said; 'You're right。 They're there。' The Peugeot was parked across the road; blocking it pletely。 A fence lined one side of the road; trees the other。 The occupants of the car were outside; crouched low behind the bodywork。
  Halloran slammed on the Mercedes' brakes and the car screeched to a halt; rubber burning off into the concrete in straight black lines。 He immediately shifted into reverse and stabbed down hard on the accelerator pedal; throwing his passengers forward then back into their seats。
  Monk's revolver had slid onto the floor
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