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eyes; each knowing how far down the long road of the Red man's suffering and exile the other had walked; no other White man could ever know what they knew。 Then Ma came out onto the porch and Pa out of the mill and up to the house; and oh; there was hugging and kissing and crying and laughing and shouting and silence。 They didn't kill the fatted calf; but there was a young pig didn't see another sunrise。 Cally ran to the brothers' farms and Armor…of…God's store and gave notice what was up and soon all the family was gathered to greet Alvin Junior: who they knew wasn't dead but had given up hope of seeing again。
  And then; as it was getting late; there came a time when Pa hid his hands in his pockets; and the other menfolk all grew still; and then the womenfolk; till Alvin nodded and said; 〃I know the tale you have to tell。 So tell it now; all of you; and then I'll tell you my part in it。〃
  They did; and he did; and there was more weeping; of grief this time instead of joy。 This valley of the Wobbish was all the home they'd ever know now; it was the only way they could bear to live; all the folk who'd done murder at Tippy…Canoe; was right among each other and seeing no strangers。 Where could they go and live in peace; what with having to tell all ers what it was they done? 〃So; we got to stay; Al Junior。 But not you or Cally; you know。 And maybe your apprenticeship is still a thing that we can do; what do you think?〃
  〃Time to think of that liter;〃 said Ma。 〃Time for all those questions later。 He's home; that's all for now; you hear me? He's home; who I never thought to lay eyes on again。 Thank the Lord God that he didn't make me a prophet; when I said I'd never lay eyes on my sweet little Alvin anymore。〃
  Alvin hugged his ma back just as hard as she hugged him。 He didn't tell her that her prophecy was true。 That it wasn't her sweet little Alvin who'd e home this time。 Let her find that out on her own。 Right now it was enough that the year was over; that he'd seen the unwinding of all the great changes; that now; however different it might be; however bitter; life could go on in a steady path; with no more breaking of the ground underfoot。
  At night in his own bed; Alvin listened to the distant greensong; still warm and beautiful; still bright and hopeful even though the forest was getting so sparse; even though the future was so dim。 Cause there's no fear of future in the song of life; just the ever…joyful present moment。 That's all I want right now; thought Alvin。 The present moment; which is good enough。


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