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jrt.the hobbit-第70章

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now few and terrified; and hidden in the deepest holes they could find; and the Wargs had vanished from the woods; so that men went abroad without fear。 Beorn indeed became a great chief afterwards in those regions and ruled a wide land between the mountains and the wood; and it is said that for many generations the men of his line had the power of taking bear's shape; and some were grim men and bad; but most were in heart like Beorn; if less in size and strength。 In their day the last goblins were hunted from the Misty Mountains and a new peace came over the edge of the Wild。 It was spring; and a fair one with mild weathers and a bright sun; before Bilbo and Gandalf took their leave at last of Beorn; and though he longed for home。 Bilbo left with regret; for the flowers of the gardens of Beorn were m springtime no less marvellous than in high summer。 At last they came up the long road; and reached the very pass where the goblins had captured them before。 But they came to that high point at morning; and looking backward they saw a white sun shining over the out…stretched lands。  There behind lay Mirkwood; blue in the distance; and darkly green at the nearer edge even in the spring。 There far away was the Lonely Mountain on the edge of eyesight。 On its highest peak snow yet unmelted was gleaming pale。  〃So es snow after fire; and even dragons have their ending!〃 said Bilbo; and he turned his back on his adventure。 The Tookish part was getting very tired; and the Baggins was daily getting stronger。 〃I wish now only to be in my own arm…chair!〃 he said。
 Chapter 19
 The Last Stage
 It was on May the First that the two came back at last to the brink of the valley of Rivendell; where stood the Last (or the First) Homely House。
 Again it was evening; their ponies were tired; especially the one that carried the baggage; and they all felt in need of rest。 As they rode down the steep path; Bilbo heard the elves still singing in the trees; as if they had not stopped since he left; and as soon as their riders came down into the lower glades of the wood they burst into a song of much the same kind as before。
 This is something like it:
 〃The dragon is withered;
 His bones are now crumbled;
 His armour is shivered;
 His splendour is humbled!
 Though sword shall be rusted;
 And throne and crown perish
 With strength that men trusted
 And wealth that they cherish;
 Here grass is still growing;
 And leaves are yet swinging;
 The white water flowing;
 And elves are yet singing
 e! Tra…la…la…lally!
 e back to the valley!
 The stars are far brighter
 Than gems without measure;
 The moon is far whiter
 Than silver in treasure:
 The fire is more shining
 On hearth in the gloaming
 Than gold won by mining;
 So why go a…roaming?
 O! Tra…la…la…lally
 e back to the Valley。
 O! Where are you going;
 So late in returning?
 The river is flowing;
 The stars are all burning!
 O! Whither so laden;
 So sad and so dreary?
 Here elf and elf…maiden
 Now wele the weary
 With Tra…la…la…lally
 e back to the Valley;
 Then the elves of the valley came out and greeted them and led them across the water to the house of Elrond。 There a warm wele was made them; and there were many eager ears that evening to hear the tale of their adventures。 Gandalf it was who spoke; for Bilbo was fallen quiet and drowsy。  Most of the tale he knew; for he had been in it; and had himself told much of it to the wizard on their homeward way or in the house of Beorn; but every now and again he would open one eye; and listen; when a part of the story which he did not yet know came in。 It was in this way that he learned where Gandalf had been to; for he overheard the words of the wizard to Elrond。 It appeared that Gandalf had been to a great council of the white wizards; masters of lore and good magic; and that they had at last driven the Necromancer from his dark hold in the south of Mirkwood。
 〃Ere long now;〃 Gandalf was saying; 〃The Forest will grow somewhat more wholesome。 The North will be freed from that horror for many long years; I hope。 Yet I wish he were banished from the world!〃
 〃It would be well indeed;〃 said Elrond; 〃but I fear that will not e about in this age of the world; or for many after。〃
 When the tale of their joumeyings was told; there were other tales; and yet more tales; tales of long ago; and tales 。 of new things; and tales of no time at all; till Bilbo's head fell forward on his chest; and he snored fortably in a corner。
 He woke to find himself in a white bed; and the moon shining through an open window。 Below it many elves were singing loud and clear on the banks of the stream。
 〃Sing all ye joyful; now sing all together?
 The wind's in the free…top; the wind's in the heather;
 The stars are in blossom; the moon is in flower;
 And bright are the windows of Night in her tower。
 Dance all ye joyful; now dance all together!
 Soft is the grass; and let foot be like feather!
 The river is silver; the shadows are fleeting;
 Merry is May…time; and merry our meeting。
 Sing we now softly; and dreams let us weave him!
 Wind him in slumber and there let us leave him!
 The wanderer sleepeth。 Now soft be his pillow!
 Lullaby! Lullaby! Alder and Willow!
 Sigh no more Pine; till the wind of the morn!
 Fall Moon! Dark be the land!
 Hush! Hush! Oak; Ash; and Thorn!
 Hushed be all water; till dawn is at hand!〃
 〃Well; Merry People!〃 said Bilbo looking out。 〃What time by the moon is this? Your lullaby would waken a drunken goblin! Yet I thank you。〃 〃And your snores would waken a stone dragon … yet we thank you;〃 they answered with laughter。 〃It is drawing towards dawn; and you have slept now since the night's beginning。 Tomorrow; perhaps; you will be cured of weariness。〃
 〃A little sleep does a great cure in the house of Elrond;〃 said he; 〃but I will take all the cure I can get。 A second good night; fair friends!〃 And with that he went back to bed and slept till late morning。  Weariness fell from him soon in that house; and he had many a merry jest and dance; early and late; with the elves of the valley。 Yet even that place could not long delay him now; and he thought always of his own home。 After a week; therefore; he said farewell to Elrond; and giving him such small gifts as he would accept; he rode away with Gandalf。 Even as they left the valley the sky darkened in the West before them; and wind and rain came up to meet them。
 〃Merry is May…time!〃 said Bilbo; as the rain beat into his face。 〃But our back is to legends and we are ing home。 I suppose this is a first taste of it。〃
 〃There is a long road yet;〃 said Gandalf。
 〃But it is the last road;〃 said Bilbo。 They came to the river that marked the very edge of the borderland of the Wild; and to the ford beneath the steep bank; which you may remember。 The water was swollen both with the melting of the snows at the approach of summer; and with the daylong rain; but they crossed with some difficulty; and pressed forward; as evening fell; on the last stage of their journey。 This was much as it had been before; except that the pany was smaller; and more s
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