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jrt.the hobbit-第36章

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 there the drip of it was dropping heavily on the forest floor。 That only reminded them that they were also parchingly thirsty; without doing anything to relieve them: you cannot quench a terrible thirst by standing under giant oaks and waiting for a chance drip to fall on your tongue。 The only scrap of fort there was; came unexpectedly from Bombur。  He woke up suddenly and sat up scratching his head。 He could not make out where he was at all; nor why he felt so hungry; for he had forgotten everything that had happened since they started their journey that May morning long ago。 The last thing that he remembered was the party at the hobbit's house; and they had great difficulty in making him believe their tale of all the many adventures they had had since。
 When he heard that there was nothing to eat; he sat down and wept; for he felt very weak and wobbly in the legs。 〃Why ever did I wake up!〃 he cried。 〃I was having such beautiful dreams。 I dreamed I was walking in a forest rather like this one; only lit with torches on the trees and lamps swinging from the branches and fires burning on the ground; and there was a great feast going on; going on for ever。 A woodland king was there with a crown of leaves; and there was a merry singing; and I could not count or describe the things there were to eat and drink。〃
 〃You need not try;〃 said Thorin。 〃In fact if you can't talk about something else; you had better be silent。 We are quite annoyed enough with you as it is。 If you hadn't waked up; we should have left you to your idiotic dreams in the forest; you are no joke to carry even after weeks of short mons。〃
 There was nothing now to be done but to tighten the belts round their empty stomachs; and hoist their empty sacks and packs; and trudge along the track without any great hope of ever getting to the end before they lay down and died of starvation。 This they did all that day; going very slowly and wearily; while Bombur kept on wailing that his legs would not carry him and that he wanted to lie down and sleep。
 〃No you don't!〃 they said。 〃Let your legs take their share; we have carried you far enough。〃
 All the same he suddenly refused to go a step further and flung himself on the ground。 〃Go on; if you must;〃 he said。 〃I'm just going to lie here and sleep and dream of food; if I can't get it any other way。 I hope I never wake up again。〃
 At that very moment Balin; who was a little way ahead; called out: 〃What was that? I thought I saw a twinkle of light in the forest。〃 They all looked; and a longish way off; it seemed; they saw a red twinkle in the dark; then another and another sprang out beside it。 Even Bombur got up; and they hurried along then; not caring if it was trolls or goblins。 The light was in front of them and to the left of the path; and when at last they had drawn level with it; it seemed plain that torches and fires were burning under the trees; but a good way off their track。
 〃It looks as if my dreams were ing true;〃 gasped Bombur puffing up behind。 He wanted to rush straight off into the wood after the lights。 But the others remembered only too well the warnings of the wizard and of Beorn。 〃A feast would be no good; if we never got back alive from it;〃 said Thorin。  〃But without a feast we shan't remain alive much longer anyway;〃 said Bombur; and Bilbo heartily agreed with him。 They argued about it backwards and forwards for a long while; until they agreed at length to send out a couple of spies; to creep near the lights and find out more about them。 But then they could not agree on who was to be sent: no one seemed anxious to run the chance of being lost and never finding his friends again。 In the end; in spite of warnings; hunger decided them; because Bombur kept on describing all the good things that were being eaten; according to his dream; in the woodland feast; so they all left the path and plunged into the forest together。  After a good deal of creeping and crawling they peered round the trunks and looked into a clearing where some trees had been felled and the ground levelled。 There were many people there; elvish…looking folk; all dressed in green and brown and sitting on sawn rings of the felled trees in a great circle。 There was a fire in their midst and there were torches fastened to some of the trees round about; but most splendid sight of all: they were eating and drinking and laughing merrily。
 The smell of the roast meats was so enchanting that; without waiting to consult one another; every one of them got up and scrambled forwards into the ring with the one idea of begging for some food。 No sooner had the first stepped into the clearing than all the lights went out as if by magic。
 Somebody kicked the fire and it went up in rockets of glittering sparks and vanished。 They were lost in a pletely lightless dark and they could not even find one another; not for a long time at any rate。 After blundering frantically in the gloom; falling over logs; bumping crash into trees; and shouting and calling till they must have waked everything in the forest for miles; at last they managed to gather themselves in a bundle and count themselves by touch。 By that time they had; of course; quite forgotten in what direction the path lay; and they were all hopelessly lost; at least till morning。
 There was nothing for it but to settle down for the night where they were; they did not even dare to search on the ground for scraps of food for fear of being separated again。 But they had not been lying long; and Bilbo was only just getting drowsy; when Dori; whose turn it was to watch first; said in a loud whisper:
 〃The lights are ing out again over there; and there are more than ever of them。〃
 Up they all jumped。 There; sure enough; not far away were scores of twinkling lights; and they heard the voices and the laughter quite plainly。  They crept slowly towards them; in a single line; each touching the back of the one in front。 When they got near Thorin said: 〃No rushing forward this time! No one is to stir from hiding till I say。 I shall send Mr。 Baggins alone first to talk to them。 They won't be frightened of him…('What about me of them?' thought Bilbo)…and any way I hope they won't do anything nasty to him。〃 When they got to the edge of the circle of lights they pushed Bilbo suddenly from behind。 Before he had time to slip on his ring; he stumbled forward into the full blaze of the fire and torches。 It was no good。 Out went all the lights again and plete darkness fell。 If it had been difficult collecting themselves before; it was far worse this time。 And they simply could not find the hobbit。 Every time they counted themselves it only made thirteen。 They shouted and called: 〃Bilbo Baggins! Hobbit! You dratted hobbit!  Hi! hobbit; confusticate you; where are you?〃 and other things of that sort; but there was no answer。
 They were just giving up hope; when Dori stumbled across him by sheer luck。 In the dark he fell over what he thought was a log; and he found it was the hobbit curled up fast asleep。 It took a deal of shaking to wake him; and when he was awake he was not pleased at all。
 〃I was having such a lovely dream;〃 he grumbled; 〃all about having a most gorgeous dinner。〃
 〃Good heavens! he
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