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jrt.the hobbit-第34章

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rring round their ears。 They could not stand that; nor the huge bats; black as a top…hat; either; so they gave up fires and sat at night and dozed in the enormous uncanny darkness。  All this went on for what seemed to the hobbit ages upon ages; and he was always hungry; for they were extremely careful with their provisions。 Even so; as days followed days; and still the forest seemed just the same; they began to get anxious。 The food would not last for ever: it was in fact already beginning to get low。 They tried shooting at the squirrels; and they wasted many arrows before they managed to bring one down on the path。 But when they roasted it; it proved horrible to taste; and they shot no more squirrels。  They were thirsty too; for they had none too much water; and in all the time they had seen neither spring nor stream。 This was their state when one day they found their path blocked by a running water。 It flowed fast and strong but not very wide right across the way; and it was black; or looked it in the gloom。 It was well that Beorn had warned them against it; or they would have drunk from it; whatever its colour; and filled some of their emptied skins at its bank。 As it was they only thought of how to cross it without wetting themselves in its water。 There had been a bridge of wood across; but it had rotted and fallen leaving only the broken posts near the bank。  Bilbo kneeling on the brink and peering forward cried: 〃There is a boat against the far bank! Now why couldn't it have been this side!〃 〃How far away do you think it is?〃 asked Thorin; for by now they knew Bilbo had the sharpest eyes among them。
 〃Not at all far。 I shouldn't think above twelve yards。〃
 〃Twelve yards! I should have thought it was thirty at least; but my eyes don't see as well as they used a hundred years ago。 Still twelve yards is as good as a mile。 We can't jump it; and we daren't try to wade or swim。〃 〃Can any of you throw a rope?〃
 〃What's the good of that? The boat is sure to be tied up; even if we could hook it; which I doubt。〃
 〃I don't believe it is tied;〃 said Bilbo; 〃though of course I can't be sure in this light; but it looks to me as if it was just drawn up on the bank; which is low just there where the path goes down into the water。〃 〃Dori is the strongest; but Fili is the youngest and still has the best sight;〃 said Thorin。 〃e here Fili; and see if you can see the boat Mr。  Baggins is talking about。〃
 Fili thought he could; so when he had stared a long while to get an idea of the direction; the others brought him a rope。 They had several with them; and on the end of the longest they fastened one of the large iron hooks they had used for catching their packs to the straps about their shoulders。 Fili took this in his hand; balanced it for a moment; and then flung it across the stream。
 Splash it fell in the water! 〃Not far enough!〃 said Bilbo who was peering forward。 〃A couple of feet and you would have dropped it on to the boat。 Try again。 I don't suppose the magic is strong enough to hurt you; if you just touch a bit of wet rope。〃
 Fili picked up the hook when he had drawn it back; rather doubtfully all the same。 This time he threw it with greater strength。  〃Steady!〃 said Bilbo; 〃you have thrown it right into the wood on the other side now。 Draw it back gently。〃 Fili hauled the rope back slowly; and after a while Bilbo said:
 〃Carefully! It is lying on the boat; let's hope the hook will catch。〃 It did。 The rope went taut; and Fili pulled in vain。 Kili came to his help; and then Oin and Gloin。 They tugged and tugged; and suddenly they all fell over on their backs。 Bilbo was on the lockout; however; caught the rope; and with a piece of stick fended off the little black boat as it came rushing across the stream。 〃Help!〃 he shouted; and Balin was just in time to seize the boat before it floated off down the current。
 〃It was tied after all;〃 said he; looking at the snapped painter that was still dangling from it。 〃That was a good pull; my lads; and a good job that our rope was the stronger。〃
 〃Who'll cross first?〃 asked Bilbo。
 〃I shall;〃 said Thorin; 〃and you will e with me; and Fili and Balin。  That's as many as the boat will hold at a time。 After that Kili and Oin and Gloin and Don; next On and Nori; Bifur and Bofur; and last Dwalin and Bombur。〃 〃I'm always last and I don't like it;〃 said Bombur。 〃It's somebody else's turn today。〃
 〃You should not be so fat。 As you are; you must be with the last and lightest boatload。 Don't start grumbling against orders; or something bad will happen to you。〃
 〃There aren't any oars。 How are you going to push the boat back to the far bank?〃 asked the hobbit。
 〃Give me another length of rope and another hook;〃 said Fili; and when they had got it ready; he cast into the darkness ahead and as high as he could throw it。 Since it did not fall down again; they saw that it must have stuck in the branches。 〃Get in now;〃 said Fili; 〃and one of you haul on the rope that is stuck in a tree on the other side。 One of the others must keep hold of the hook we used at first; and when we are safe on the other side he can hook it on; and you can draw the boat back。〃
 In this way they were all soon on the far bank safe across the enchanted stream。 Dwalin had just scrambled out with the coiled rope on his arm; and Bombur (still grumbling) was getting ready to follow; when something bad did happen。 There was a flying sound of hooves on the path ahead。 Out of the gloom came suddenly the shape of a flying deer。 It charged into the dwarves and bowled them over; then gathered itself for a leap。 High it sprang and cleared the water with a mighty jump。 But it did not reach the other side in safety。  Thorin was the only one who had kept his feet and his wits。 As soon as they had landed he had bent his bow and fitted an arrow in case any hidden guardian of the boat appeared。 Now he sent a swift and sure shot into the leaping beast。 As it reached the further bank it stumbled。 The shadows swallowed it up; but they heard the sound of hooves quickly falter and then go still。  Before they could shout in praise of the shot; however; a dreadful wail from Bilbo put all thoughts of venison out of their minds。 〃Bombur has fallen in! Bombur is drowning!〃 he cried。 It was only too true。 Bombur had only one foot on the land when the hart bore down on him; and sprang over him。 He had stumbled; thrusting the boat away from the bank; and then toppled back into the dark water; his hands slipping off the slimy roots at the edge; while the boat span slowly off and disappeared。
 They could still see his hood above the water when they ran to the bank。
 Quickly they flung a rope with a hook towards him。 His hand caught it; and hey pulled him to the shore。 He was drenched from hair to boots; of course; but that was not the worst。 When they laid him on the bank he was already fast asleep; with one hand clutching the rope so tight that they could not get it from his grasp; and fast asleep he remained in spite of all they could do。  They were still standing over him; cursing their ill luck; and Bombur's clumsiness; and lamenting the loss of the boat which made it impossible for them to go back and look for the hart; when they bec
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