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ve a pig in a blanket and a root beer  make that coffee。 Cold drinks are bad on a hot night。。。。 How do you like working here?。。。 I'm ready for the check。。。。 Keep the change。。。。 It was nice seeing you again; Josephine  looking for hidden meanings; nuances that she might have missed。 Of course; he could not have said anything with Cissy seated beside him; but the truth was that he really had nothing to say to Josephine。 She was surprised that he had even remembered her name。 She was standing in front of the sink in the little kitchen of the drive…in; lost in her thoughts; when Paco; the young Mexican cook; came up behind her and said; 
 〃Que pasa; Josita? You have that look een your eye。〃 
 She liked Paco。 He was in his late twenties; a slim; dark eyed man with a ready grin and a flip joke when pressure built up and everyone was tense。 
 〃Who ees he?〃 
 Josephine smiled。 〃Nobody; Paco。〃 
 〃Bueno。 Because there are seex hungry cars going' crazy at there。 Vamos!〃 
 He telephoned the next morning; and Josephine knew who it was before she lifted the receiver。 She had not been able to get him out of her mind all night。 It was as though his call was the extension of her dream。 His first words were; 
 〃You're a cliche。 While I was away; ou've grown up and bee a beauty;〃 and she could have died of happiness。 He took her out to dinner that evening。 Josephine had been prepared for some out…of…the…way little restaurant where David would not be likely to run into any of his friends。 Instead they went to his club; where everyone stopped by their table to say hello。 David was not only unashamed to be seen with Josephine; he seemed proud of her。 And she loved him for it and for a hundred other reasons。 The look of him; his gentleness and understanding; the sheer joy of being with him。 She had never known that anyone as wonderful as David Kenyon could exist。 Each day; after Josephine finished work; they were together。 
 Josephine had had to fight men off from the time she was fourteen; for there was a sexuality about her that was challenge。 Men were always pawing and grabbing at her; trying to squeeze her breasts or shove their hands up her skirt; thinking that that was the way to excite her; not knowing how much it repelled her。 David Kenyon was different。 He would occasionally put his arm around her or touch her casually; and Josephine's whole body would respond。 She had never felt this way about anyone before。 On the days when she did not see David; she would think of nothing else。 She faced the fact that she was in love with him。 As the weeks went by; and they spent more and more time together; Josephine realized that the miracle had happened。 David was in love with her。 He discussed his problems with her; and his difficulties with his family。 
 〃Mother wants me to take over the businesses;〃 David told her; 〃but I'm not sure that's how I want to spend the rest of my life。〃 
 The Kenyon interests included; besides oil wells and refineries; one of the largest cattle ranches in the Southwest; a chain of hotels; some banks and a large insurance pany。 
 〃Can't you just tell her no; David?〃 David sighed。 〃You don't know my mother。〃 
 Josephine had met David's mother。 She was a tiny woman。 It seemed impossible that David had e out of that stick figure who had borne three children。 She had been very ill during and after each pregnancy and had had a heart attack following the third delivery。 Over the years she repeatedly described her suffering to her children; who grew up with the belief that their mother had deliberately risked death in order to give each of them life。 It gave her a powerful hold on her family; which she wielded unsparingly。 
 〃I want to live my own life;〃 David told Josephine; 〃but I can't do anything to hurt Mother。 The truth is  Doc Young doesn't think she's going to be with us much longer。〃 
 One evening; Josephine told David about her dreams of going to Hollywood and being a star。 He looked at her and said; quietly; 
 〃I won't let you go。〃 
 She could feel her heart beating wildly。 Each time they were together; the feeling of intimacy between them grew stronger。 Josephine's background did not mean a damn to David。 He did not have an ounce of snobbery in him。 It made the incident at the drive…in one night that much more shocking。 
 It was closing time; and David was parked in his car; waiting for her。 Josephine was in the small kitchen with Paco; hurriedly putting away the last of the trays。 
 〃Heavy date; huh?〃 Paco said。 Josephine smiled。 
 〃How did you know?〃 
 〃Because you look like Chreestmas。 Your pretty face ees all lit up。 You tell heem for me he's one lucky hombre!〃 Josephine smiled and said; 
 〃I will。〃 On an impulse; she leaned over and gave Paco a kiss on the cheek。 An instant later; she heard the roar of a car engine and then the scream of rubber。 She turned in time to see David's white convertible smash the fender of another car and race away from the drive…in。 She stood there; unbelievingly; watching the tail lights disappear into the night。 
 At three o'clock in the morning; as Josephine lay tossing in bed; she heard a car pull up outside her bedroom。 She hurried to the window and looked out。 David was sitting behind the wheel。 He was very drunk。 Quickly; Josephine put on a robe over her nightgown and went outside。
 〃Get in;〃' David manded。 
 Josephine opened die car door and slid in beside him。 There was a long; heavy silence。 When David finally spoke; his voice was thick; but it was more than the whiskey he had drunk。 There was a rage in him; a savage fury that propelled the words out of him like small explosions。 
 〃I don't own you;〃 David said。 〃You're free to do exactly as you please。 But as long as you go out with me; I expect you not to kiss any god damned Mexicans。 Y'understand?〃 
 She looked at him; helplessly; then said; 
 〃When I kissed Paco; it was because … he said something that made me happy。 He's my friend。〃 
 〃David took a deep breath; trying to control the emotions that were burning inside him。 
 〃I'm going to tell you something I've never told to a living soul。〃 
 Josephine sat there waiting; wondering what was ing next。 
 〃I have an older sister;〃 David said。 〃Beth。 I … I adore her。〃 Josephine had a vague recollection of Beth; a blonde; fair…skinned beauty; whom Josephine used to see when she went over to play with Mary Lou。 Josephine had been eight when Beth passed away。 David must have been about fifteen。 
 〃I remember when Beth died;〃 Josephine said。 David's next words were a shock。 
 〃Beth is alive。〃 She stared at him。 〃But; I … everyone thought …〃
 〃She's in an insane asylum。〃 He turned to face her; his fice dead。 〃She was raped by one of our Mexican gardeners; Beth's bedroom was across the hall from mine。 I heard her screams and I raced into her room。 He had ripped off her nightgown and he was on top of her and 〃 His voice broke with the memory。 〃I struggled with him until my mother ran in and called the police。 They finally arrived and took the man to jail。 He mitted suidde in his cell that night。 But Beth had lost her mind。 She'll never leave that place。 Never。 I can't tell you how much I love her; Josie。 I miss her so d
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