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 She felt a small stab of worry; but she knew that she was being silly。 〃Call me the moment you can;〃 she said。 Toby kissed her and danced out the door。 
 It was as though Las Vegas; Nevada; had been created for the sole pleasure of Toby Temple。 He felt it the moment he saw the town。 It had a marvelous kinetic energy that he responded to; a pulsating power that matched the power burning inside him。 Toby flew in with O'Hanlon and Rainger; and when they arrived at the airport; a limousine from the Oasis Hotel was waiting for them。 It was Toby's first taste of the wonderful world that was soon to be his。 He enjoyed leaning back in the huge car and having the chauffeur ask; 
 〃Did you have a nice flight; Mr。 Temple?〃 
 There was always the little people who could smell a success even before it happened; Toby thought。 
 〃It was the usual bore;〃 Toby said carelessly。 He caught the smile that O'Hanlon and Rainger exchanged; and he grinned back at them。 He felt very close to them。 They were all a fame; the best god damned team in show business。 The Oasis was off the glamorous strip; far removed from the more famous hotels。 As the limousine approached the hotel; Toby saw that it was not as large or as fancy as the Flamingo or the Thunderbird; but it had something better; much better。 It had a giant marquee in front that read: OPENING SEPT。 4TH LILI WALLACE TOBY TEMPLE 
 Toby's name was in dazzling letters that seemed a hundred feet high。 No sight was as beautiful as this in the whole goddamned world。 
 〃Look at that!〃 he said in awe。 O'Hanlon glanced at the sign and said; 
 〃Yeah! How about that? Lili Wallace!〃 And he laughed。 〃Don't worry; Toby。 After the opening you'll be on top of her。〃 
 The manager of the Oasis; a middle…aged; sallow…faced man named Parker; greeted Toby and personally escorted him to his suite; fawning all the way。 
 〃I can't tell you how pleased we are to have you with us; Mr。 Temple。 If there's a anything at all you needanythingjust give me a call。〃 
 The wele; Toby realized; was for Clifton Lawrence。 This was the first time the fabulous agent had deigned to book someone of his clients into this hotel。 The manager of the Oasis hoped that now the hotel would get some of Lawrence's fantastically big stars。 
 The suite was enormous。 It consisted of three bedrooms; large living room; a kitchen; a bar and a terrace。 On a table in the living room were bottles of assorted liquors; flowers and a large bowl of fresh fruit and cheeses; pliments of the management。 
 〃I hope this will be satisfactory; Mr。 Temple;〃 Parker said。 
 Toby looked around and thought of all the dreary little cockroach…ridden fleabag hotel rooms he had lived in。 
 〃Yeah。 t's okay。〃
 〃Mr。 Landry checked in an hour ago。 I've arranged to the Mirage Room for your rehearsal at three o'clock。〃 
 〃Remember; if there's anything at all you need 〃 And the manager bowed himself out。 Toby stood there; savoring his surroundings。 He was to live in places like this for the rest of his life。 He'll have it all  the broads; the money; the applause。 Mostly the applause。 People sitting out there laughing and cheering and loving him。 That was his food and drink。 He did not need anything else。 
 Dick Landry was in his late twenties; a slight; thin man with an alopecian head and long; graceful legs。 He had started out as a gypsy on Broadway and had graduated from the chorus to lead dancer to choreographer to director。 Landry had taste and a sense of what an audience wanted。 He could not make a bad act good; but he could make it look good; and if he was given a good act; he could make it sensational。 
 Until ten days ago; Landry had never heard of Toby Temple; and the only reason Landry had cut into his frantic schedule e to Las Vegas and stage Temple's act was because 
 Toby dropped his spoon。 
 〃A thousand a week? That's fantastic。 Cliff!〃 
 〃And I've had a couple of feelers from the Thunderbird and the El Rancho Hotel。〃 
 〃Already?〃 Toby asked; elated。 
 〃Don't wet your pants。 It's just to play the lounge。〃 He smiled。 〃It's the old story; Toby。 To me you're a headliner; and to you you're a headliner  but to a headliner; are you a headliner?〃 He stood up。 〃I have to catch a plane to New York。 I'm flying to London tomorrow。〃 
 〃London? When will you be back?〃 
 〃In a few weeks。〃 Clifton leaned forward and said; 〃Listen to me; dear boy。 You have two more weeks here。 Treat it like a school。 Every night you're up on that stage; I want you to figure out how you can be better。 I've persuaded O'Hanlon and Rainger not to leave。 They're willing to work with you day and night。 Use them。 Landry will e back weekends to see how everything is going。〃 
 〃Right;〃 Toby said。 〃Thanks; Cliff。〃 
 〃Oh; I almost forgot;〃 Clifton Lawrence said casually。 He pulled a small package from his pocket and handed it to Toby。 Inside was a pair of beautiful diamond cufflinks。 They were in the shape of a star。 
 Whenever Toby had some free time; he relaxed around the large swimming pool at the back of the hotel。 There were twenty…five girls in the show and there were always a dozen or so from the chorus line in bathing suits; sunning themselves。 They appeared in the hot noon air like late…blooming flowers; one more beautiful than the next。 Toby had never had trouble getting girls; but what happened to him now was a totally new experience。 The showgirls had never heard of Toby Temple before; but his name was up in lights on the marquee。 That was enough。 He was a Star; and they fought each other for the privilege of going to bed with him。 
 The next two weeks were marvelous for Toby。 He would wake up around noon; have breakfast in the dining room ere he was kept busy signing autographs and then rehearse an hour or two。 Afterward; he would pick one or two the long…legged beauties around the pool and they would up to his suite for an afternoon romp in bed。 And Toby learned something new。 Because of the tiny costumes the girls wore; they had to get rid of their pubic hair。 But they waxed it in such a way that only a curly wip of hair was left in the center of the mound; making the :ning more available。 
 〃It's like an aphrodisiac;〃 one of the girls confided to by。 〃A few hours in a pair of tight pants and a girl bees having nymphomaniac。〃 
 Toby did not bother to learn any of their names。 They were all 〃baby〃 or 〃honey〃; and they became a marvelous; sensuous blur of thighs and lips and eager bodies。 
 During the final week of Toby's engagement at the Oasis; he had a visitor。 Toby had finished the first show and was in his dressing room; creaming off his makeup; when dining room captain opened the door and said in hushed tones; 〃Mr。 Al Caruso would like you to join his table。〃 
 Al Caruso was one of the big names in Las Vegas。 He owned one hotel outright; and it was rumored that he had shares in two or three others。 It was also rumored that he had bad connections; bur that was no concern of Toby's。 What was important was that if Al Caruso liked him; Toby would get bookings in Las Vegas for the rest of his life。 He hurriedly finished dressing and went into the dining room to meet Caruso。 
 Al Caruso was a short m
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