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       〃I will;〃 he said quietly; and suddenly all of his anger was gone; though he still stared intently at her face。 〃For the rest。。。 If you wish to find loyal men; you must look to the outlying garrisons; perhaps as far as Whitebridge。 Some who were in Caemlyn were sent to Cairhien with the levies; but the rest in the city are Gaebril's to a man。 Their new。。。 Their new oath is to throne and law; not the Queen。〃
       It was worse than she had hoped for; but no more than she had expected; really。 Whatever he was; Gaebril was no fool。 〃Then I must go elsewhere to begin reestablishing my rule。〃 The Houses would be difficult to rally after the exiles; after Ellorien; but it had to be done。 〃Gaebril may try to stop me leaving the Palace〃 … she found a faint memory of trying to leave; twice; and being halted by Gaebril …〃so you will procure two horses and wait in the street behind the south stables。 I will meet you there; dressed for riding。〃
       〃Too public;〃 he said。 〃And too close。 Gaebril's men might recognize you; however you disguised yourself。 I know a man。。。 Could you find an inn called The Queen's Blessing; in the western part of the New City?〃 The New City was new only in parison with the Inner City it surrounded。
       〃I can。〃 She did not like being opposed; even when it made sense。 Bryne had done that; too。 It would be a pleasure to show this young man just how well she could disguise herself。 It was her habit once a year; though she realized that she had not done it so far this year; to dress as a moner and walk the streets to feel the pulse of the people。 No one had ever recognized her。 〃But can this man be trusted; young Tallanvor?〃
       〃Basel Gill is as loyal to you as I am myself。〃 He hesitated; anguish crossing his face then being replaced by anger once more。 〃Why have you waited so long? You must have known; you must have seen; yet you have waited while Gaebril tightened his hands around Andor's neck。 Why have you waited?〃
       So。 His anger was honestly e by; and it deserved an honest answer。 Only she had no answer; certainly not one she could tell him。 〃It is not your place to question your Queen; young man;〃 she said with a gentle firmness。 〃A loyal man; as I know that you are loyal; serves without question。〃
       He let out a long breath。 〃I will await you in the stable of The Queen's Blessing; my Queen。〃 And with a bow suitable for a state audience; he was gone。
       〃Why do you keep calling him young?〃 Lini demanded once the door closed。 〃It puts his back up。 'A fool puts a burr under the saddle before she rides。〃
       〃He is young; Lini。 Young enough to be my son。〃
       Lini snorted; and this time there was nothing delicate about it。 〃He has a few years on Galad; and Galad is too old to be yours。 You were playing with dolls when Tallanvor was born; and thinking babes came the same way as dolls。〃
       Sighing; Morgase wondered if the woman had treated her mother like this。 Probably。 And if Lini lived long enough to see Elayne on the throne … which somehow she did not doubt; Lini would last forever … she would probably treat Elayne no differently。 That was assuming that a throne remained for Elayne to inherit。 〃The question is; is he as loyal as he seems; Lini? One faithful Guardsman; when every other loyal man in the Palace has been sent away。 Suddenly it seems too good to be true。〃
       〃He swore the new oath。〃 Morgase opened her mouth; but Lini forestalled her。 〃I saw him afterwards; alone behind the stables。 That's how I knew who you meant; I found out his name。 He did not see me。 He was on his knees; tears streaming down his face。 He alternated apologizing to you and repeating the old oath。 Not just to 'the Queen of Andor;' but to 'Queen Morgase of Andor。' He swore in the old way; on his sword; slicing his arm to show he would shed his last drop before breaking it。 I know a thing or two of men; girl。 That one will follow you against an army with nothing but his bare hands。〃
       That was good to know。 If she could not trust him; she would have to doubt Lini next。 No; never Lini。 He had sworn in the old way? That was something for stories; now。 And she was letting her thoughts drift again。 Surely Gaebril's clouding of her mind was finished now; with all she knew。 Then why did a part of her still want to go back to her sitting room and wait? She had to concentrate。 
       〃I will need a simple dress; Lini。 One that does not fit too well。 A little soot from the fireplace; and。。。〃
       Lini insisted on ing; too。 Morgase would have had to tie her to a chair to leave her behind; and she was not certain that the old woman would have let herself be tied; she had always seemed frail; and had always been far stronger than she seemed。
       When they slipped out through a small side gate; Morgase did not look very much like herself。 A bit of soot had darkened her red…gold hair; taken its sheen away and made it lank。 Sweat rolling down her face helped; as well。 No one believed that queens sweated。 A shapeless dress of rough … very rough … gray wool; with divided skirts; pleted her disguise。 Even her shift and stockings were coarse wool。 She looked a farm woman who had ridden the cart horse to market and now wanted to see a little of the city。 Lini looked herself; straight…backed and no…nonsense; in a green woolen riding dress; well cut but ten years out of fashion。
       Wishing she could scratch; Morgase also wished that the other woman had not taken her so to heart about the dress not fitting very well。 Stuffing the low…necked gown away under the bed; her old nurse had muttered some saying about displaying wares you did not mean to sell; and when Morgase claimed she had just made it up; her reply was At my age; if I make it up; it's still an old saying。 Morgase more than half…suspected that her itchy; ill…draped dress was punishment for that gown。
       The Inner City was built on hills; streets following the natural curve of the land and planned to give sudden views of parks full of trees and monuments; or tile…covered towers glittering a hundred colors in the sun。 Sudden rises hurled the eye across Caemlyn entire; to the rolling plains and forests beyond。 Morgase saw none of it as she hurried through the crowds thronging the streets。 Usually she would have tried to listen to the people; to gauge their mood。 This time she heard only the hum and babble of a great city。 She had no thought of trying to rouse them。 Thousands of men armed mainly with stones and rage could overwhelm the Guards in the Royal Palace; but if she had not known it before; the riots in the spring that had brought Gaebril to her attention; and the near riots the year before; had shown what mobs could do。 She meant to rule again in Caemlyn; not see it burned。
       Beyond the white walls of the Inner City; the New City had its own beauties。 Tall slender towers; and domes gleaming white and gold; huge expanses of red…tiled roofs; and the great; towered outer walls; pale gray streaked with silver and white。 Broad boulevards; split down the middle by wide expanses of trees and grass; were jammed with people and carriages and wagons。 Except to notice in passing that the grass was dying for lack of ra
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