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 she could touch the Source。 〃Great Mistress; we serve the Great Lord; as you do。 We also were promised eternal life; and power; when the Great Lord re…〃
       〃Do you think that you are my equal; little sister?〃 Moghedien grimaced in disgust。 〃Did you stand in the Pit of Doom to dedicate your soul to the Great Lord? Did you taste the sweetness of victory at Paaran Disen; or the bitter ashes at the Asar Don? You are a barely trained puppy; not the pack…mistress; and you will go where I point until I see fit to give you a better place。 These others thought themselves more than they are; too。 Do you wish to try your strength against me?〃
       〃Of course not; Great Mistress。〃 Not when she was forewarned and ready。 〃I …〃
       〃You will do so sooner or later; and I prefer to put it out of the way now; in the beginning。 Why do you think your panions look so cheerful? I have taught each of them the same lesson already today。 I will not wonder when you must be taught; too。 I will be done with it now。 Try。〃
       Licking her lips fearfully; Liandrin looked around at the women standing rigidly against the walls。 Only Asne Zeramene so much as blinked; she shook her head ever so slightly。 Asne's tilted eyes; high cheekbones and strong nose marked her Saldaean; and she had all the vaunted Saldaean boldness。 If she counseled against; if her dark eyes held a tinge of fear; then it was surely best to grovel however much was needed to make Moghedien relent。 And yet; there was her trick。
       She went to her knees; head low; looking up at the Forsaken with a fear that was only partly feigned。 Moghedien lounged in her chair; sipping the tea。 〃Great Mistress; I beg you to forgive me if I have presumed。 I know that I am but a worm beneath your foot。 I beg; as one who would be your faithful hound; for your mercy on this wretched dog。〃 Moghedien's eyes dropped to her cup; and in a flash; while the words still tumbled from her mouth; Liandrin embraced the Source and channeled; seeking the crack that must be in the Forsaken's confidence; the crack that was in everyone's fa?ade of strength。
       Even as she lashed out; the light of saidar surrounded the other woman; and pain enveloped Liandrin。 She crumpled to the carpet; trying to howl; but agony beyond anything she had ever known silenced her gaping mouth。 Her eyes were going to burst from her head; her skin was going to peel away in strips。 For an eternity she thrashed; and when it vanished as suddenly as it had begun; all she could do was lie there; shuddering and weeping openmouthed。
       〃Do you begin to see?〃 Moghedien said calmly; handing the empty cup to Temaile with; 〃That was very good。 But next time a little stronger。〃 Temaile looked as though she might faint。 〃You are not quick enough; Liandrin; you are not strong enough; and you do not know enough。 That pitiful little thing you tried against me。 Would you like to see what it is really like?〃 She channeled。
       Liandrin gazed up at her adoringly。 Crawling across the floor; she pushed words through the sobs she still could not stop。 〃Forgive me; Great Mistress。〃 This magnificent woman; like a star in the heavens; a et; above all kings and queens in wonder。 〃Forgive; please;〃 she begged; pressing kisses against the hem of Moghedien's skirt as she babbled。 〃Forgive。 I am a dog; a worm。〃 It shamed her to her core that she had not meant those things before。 They were true。 Before this woman; they were all true。 〃Let me serve you; Great Mistress。 Allow me to serve。 Please。 Please。〃
       〃I am not Graendal;〃 Moghedien said; pushing her away roughly with one velvet…slippered foot。
       Suddenly the sense of worship was gone。 Lying there in a heap; weeping; Liandrin could remember it clearly; though。 She stared at the Forsaken in horror。
       〃Are you convinced yet; Liandrin?〃
       〃Yes; Great Mistress;〃 she managed。 She was。 Convinced that she dared not even think of trying again until she was certain of success。 Her trick was only the palest shadow of what Moghedien had done。 Could she but learn that。。。
       〃We shall see。 I think you may be one of those who needs a second lesson。 Pray it is not so; Liandrin; I make second lessons exceedingly sharp。 Now take your place with the others。 You will find that I have taken some of the objects of power that you had in your room; but you may keep the trinkets that remain。 Am I not kind?〃
       〃The Great Mistress is kind;〃 Liandrin agreed around hiccoughs and occasional sobs that she could not stifle。
       Limply she staggered to her feet and went to stand beside Asne; the wall panel against her back helped to hold her upright。 She saw the flows of Air being woven; only Air; but she still flinched as they bound her mouth shut and stopped sound from her ears。 She certainly did not try to resist。 She did not even let herself think of saidar。 Who knew what one of the Forsaken could do? Perhaps read her thoughts。 That almost made her run。 No。 If Moghedien knew her thoughts; she would be dead by now。 Or still screaming on the floor。 Or kissing Moghedien's feet and begging to serve。 Liandrin shivered uncontrollably; if that weave had not bound her mouth; her teeth would have been chattering。
       Moghedien wove the same around all of them save Rianna; whom the Forsaken beckoned with an imperious finger to kneel before her。 Then Rianna left; and Marillin Gemalphin was unbound and summoned。
       From where she stood; Liandrin could see their faces even if their mouths moved soundlessly for her。 Plainly each woman was receiving orders the others knew nothing of。 The faces told little; though。 Rianna merely listened; a touch of relief in her eyes; bowed her head in assent and went。 Marillin looked surprised; and then eager; but she had been a Brown; and Browns could be enthusiastic over anything that allowed them a chance to unearth some moldy bit of lost knowledge。 Jeaine Caide donned a slow mask of horror; shaking her head at first and trying to cover herself and that disgustingly sheer gown; but Moghedien's face hardened; and Jeaine nodded hurriedly and fled; if not as eagerly as Marillin; just as quickly。 Berylla Naron; lean almost to scrawniness and as fine a manipulator and plotter as there was; and Falion Bhoda; long…faced and cold despite her obvious fear; showed as little expression as Rianna had。 Ispan Shefar; like Liandrin from Tarabon; though dark…haired; actually kissed Moghedien's hem before she rose。
       Then the flows were unwoven around Liandrin。 She thought that it was her turn to be sent away on the Shadow knew what errand; until she saw the bonds dispelled around the others remaining as well。 Moghedien's finger beckoned peremptorily; and Liandrin knelt between Asne and Chesmal Emry; a tall; handsome woman; dark…haired and dark…eyed。 Chesmal; once Yellow; could Heal or kill with equal ease; but the intensity of her gaze on Moghedien; the way her hands trembled as they clutched her skirts; said she intended only to obey。
       She would have to go by such signs; Liandrin realized。 Approaching one of the others with her belief that rewards could be had for handing Moghedien to the rest of the Forsaken might well be disastrous if the one she spoke 
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