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 did more than suggest。 If Lan saw her in that; he would not gabble that his love for her was hopeless and that he would not give her widow's weeds for a bridal gift。 One glimpse; and his blood would catch fire。 He would …
       〃What under the Light is that you have on; Nynaeve?〃 Egwene asked in scandalized tones。
       Nynaeve leaped straight up; spinning; and when she came down facing Egwene and Melaine … it would be Melaine; though none of the Wise Ones would have been any better … the mirror was gone and she was wearing a dark woolen Two Rivers dress thick enough for the depths of winter。 Mortified at being startled as much as anything else … it was mainly at being startled … she changed the dress instantly; without thinking; flashing back into the gossamer Domani and just as quickly to the yellow Taraboner folds。
       Her face flamed。 They probably thought her a plete fool。 And in front of Melaine; at that。 The Wise One was beautiful; with her long red…gold hair and clear green eyes。 Not that she cared a whit how the woman looked。 But Melaine had been at her last meeting here with Egwene; too; and taunted her about Lan。 Nynaeve had lost her temper over it。 Egwene claimed they were not taunts; not among Aiel women; but Melaine had plimented Lan's shoulders; and his hands; and his eyes。 What right did that green…eyed cat have to look at Lan's shoulders? Not that she had any doubts of his faithfulness。 But he was a man; and far away from her; and Melaine was right there; and。。。 Firmly; she put a stop to that line of reasoning。
       〃Is Lan …?〃 She thought her face was going to burn off。 Can't you control your own tongue; woman? But she would not … could not … back away; not with Melaine there。 Egwene's bemused smile was bad enough; but Melaine dared to put on a look of understanding。 〃Is he well?〃 She tried for cool posure; but it came out strained。
       〃He is well;〃 Egwene said。 〃He worries about whether you are safe。〃
       Nynaeve let out a breath she had not realized she was holding。 The Waste was a dangerous place even without the likes of Couladin and the Shaido; and the man did not know the meaning of caution。 He was worried about her safety? Did the fool man think she could not take care of herself?
       〃We've finally reached Amadicia;〃 she said quickly; hoping to cover herself。 A flapping tongue; and then sighs! The man has stolen my wits! There was no telling from the others' faces whether she was succeeding。 〃A village; called Sienda; east of Amador。 Whitecloaks everywhere; but they don't look at us twice。 It is others we have to worry about。〃 In front of Melaine; she had to be careful … to bend the truth a little; in fact; here and there … but she told them of Ronde Macura and her odd message; and her trying to drug them。 Trying; because she could not make herself admit in front of Melaine that the woman had succeeded。 Light; what am I doing? I've never lied to Egwene before in my life!
       The supposed reason … the return of a runaway Accepted … certainly could not be mentioned; not in front of one of the Wise Ones。 They thought that she and Elayne were full Aes Sedai。 But she had to let Egwene know the truth of that somehow。 〃It might have to do with some plot concerning Andor; but Elayne and you and I have things in mon; Egwene; and I think we should be just as careful as Elayne。〃 The girl nodded slowly; she looked stunned; as well she might; but she seemed to understand。 〃A good thing the taste of that tea made me suspicious。 Imagine trying to feed forkroot to someone who knows herbs as well as I do。〃
       〃Schemes within schemes;〃 Melaine murmured。 〃The Great Serpent is a good sign for you Aes Sedai; I think。 Someday you may swallow yourselves by accident。〃
       〃We have news ourselves;〃 Egwene said。
       Nynaeve could see no reason for the girl's haste。 I am certainly not going to let the woman bait me into losing my temper。 And I certainly wouldn't get angry over her insulting the Tower。 She took her hand away from her braid。 What Egwene had to say put temper right out of her head。
       Couladin crossing the Spine of the World was surely grave; and Rand following scarcely less so; he was pushing hard for the Jangai Pass; marching from first light until after dusk; and Melaine said they would soon reach it。 Conditions in Cairhien were harsh enough without a war between Aiel on its territory。 And a new Aiel War to e; surely; if he tried to carry out his mad plan。 Mad。 Not yet; surely。 He had to hang on to sanity; somehow。
       How long since I was worrying how to protect him? she thought bitterly。 And now I just want him to stay sane to fight the Last Battle。 Not only for that reason; but for that one; too。 He was what he was。 The Light burn me; I'm as bad as Siuan Sanche or any of them!
       It was what Egwene had to say about Moiraine that shocked her。 〃She obeys him?〃 she said incredulously。
       Egwene gave a vigorous nod; in that ridiculous Aiel scarf。 〃Last night they had an argument … she's still trying to convince him not to cross the Dragonwall … and finally he told her to stand outside until she cooled down; she looked about to swallow her tongue; but she did it。 She stayed out in the night for an hour; anyway。〃
       〃It is not proper;〃 Melaine said; resettling her shawl firmly。 〃Men have no more business ordering Aes Sedai about than they do Wise Ones。 Even the Car'a'carn。〃
       〃They certainly do not;〃 Nynaeve agreed; then had to clamp her mouth shut to keep from gaping at herself。 What do I care if he makes her dance to his tune? She has made all of us dance to hers often enough。 But it was not proper。 I do not want to be Aes Sedai; just to learn more about Healing。 I want to stay who I am。 Let him order her about! Still; it was not proper。
       〃At least he talks with her; now;〃 Egwene said。 〃Before; he turned to acid if she came within ten feet of him。 Nynaeve; his head swells bigger every day。〃
       〃Back when I thought you'd follow me as Wisdom;〃 Nynaeve told her wryly; 〃I taught you how to take swelling down。 Best for him if you do it; even if he has turned into the king bull in the pasture。 Maybe most because he is。 It seems to me that kings … and queens … can be fools when they forget what they are and act like who they are; but they're worse when they only remember what they are and forget who。 Most could do with someone whose only job is to remind them that they eat and sweat and cry the same as any farmer。〃
       Melaine folded her shawl around her; seeming unsure whether to agree or not; but Egwene said; 〃I try; but sometimes he doesn't seem like himself at all; and even when he is; his arrogance is usually too thick a bubble to prick。〃
       〃Do the best you can。 Helping him hold on to himself may be the best thing that anyone could do。 For him; and the rest of the world。〃
       That produced a silence。 She and Egwene certainly did not like to talk about the eventuality of Rand going mad; and Melaine could not like it any better。
       〃I have something else important to tell you;〃 she went on after a moment。 〃I think the Forsaken are planning something。〃 It was not the same as telling them about Birgitte。 She made it seem
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