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pread; they certainly never thought of questioning Ronde Macura。
       A short time later; Therin Lugay led his cart into the yard behind the shop; provisions for the long journey ahead already packed away under the round canvas top。 Indeed; Ronde Macura had cured him of a fever that had taken twenty…three the winter before; but it was a nagging wife and a shrewish mother…in…law that made him glad of a journey all the way to where the witches lived。 Ronde had said someone might meet him; though not who; but he hoped to make it to Tar Valon。
       He tapped on the kitchen door six times before going in; but it was not until he climbed the stairs that he found anyone。 In the back bedroom; Ronde and Luci lay stretched out on the beds; sound asleep and fully clothed; if rather rumpled; with the sun still in the sky。 Neither woman roused when he shook them。 He did not understand that; or why one of the coverlets was lying on the floor cut into knotted strips; or why there were two empty teapots in the room but only one cup; or why a funnel was lying on Ronde's pillow。 But he had always known that there was a great deal in the world he did not understand。 Returning to his cart; he thought about the supplies Ronde's money had purchased; thought of his wife and her mother; and when he led the cart horse off; it was with the intention of seeing what Altara was like; or maybe Murandy。
       One way and another; it was quite a time before a disheveled Ronde Macura tottered up to Avi Shendar's house and sent off a pigeon; a thin bone tube tied to its leg。 The bird launched itself north and east; straight as an arrow toward Tar Valon。 After a moment's thought; Ronde prepared another copy on another narrow strip of thin parchment; and fastened it to a bird from another coop。 That one headed west for she had promised to send duplicates of all of her messages。 In these hard times; a woman had to make out as best she could; and there could be no harm in it; not the sort of reports she made to Narenwin。 Wondering if she could ever get the taste of forkroot out of her mouth; she would not have minded if the report brought just a little harm to the one who called herself Nynaeve。
       Hoeing in his garden patch as usual; Avi paid no attention to what Ronde did。 And as usual; as soon as she was gone; he washed his hands and went inside。 She had placed a larger sheet of parchment underneath the strips to cushion the nib of the pen。 When he held it up to the afternoon light; he could make out what she had written。 Soon a third pigeon was on its way; heading in still another direction。

Chapter 11
(Flame of Tar Valon)
The Nine Horse Hitch

       A wide straw hat shaded Siuan's face as she let Logain lead the way through Lugard's Shilene Gate under the late…afternoon sun。 The city's tall gray outer walls were in some disrepair; in two places she could see; tumbled stone lowered the wall to no more than a tall fence。 Min and Leane rode close behind her; both tired from the pace the man had set over the weeks since Kore Springs。 He wanted to be in charge; and it took little enough to convince him that he was。 If he said when they started of a morning; when and where they stopped of a night; if he kept the money; even if he expected them to serve his meals as well as cook them; it was of little account to her。 All in all; she felt sorry for him。 He had no idea what she planned for him。 A big fish on the hook to catch a bigger; she thought grimly。
       In name; Lugard was the capital of Murandy; the seat of King Roedran; but lords in Murandy spoke the words of fealty; then refused to pay their taxes; or do much of anything else that Roedran wanted; and the people did the same。 Murandy was a nation in name only; the people barely held together by supposed allegiance to the king or queen … the throne changed hands at sometimes short intervals … and fear that Andor or Illian might snap them up if they did not hold together in some fashion。
Stone walls crisscrossed the city; most in a worse state than the outer bastions; for Lugard had grown haphazardly over the centuries; and more than once had actually been divided among feuding nobles。 It was a dirty city; many of the broad streets unpaved and all of them dusty。 Men in high…crowned hats and aproned women in skirts that showed their ankles dodged between merchants' lumbering trains; while children played in wagon ruts。 Trade kept Lugard alive; trade up from Illian and Ebou Dar; from Ghealdan to the west and Andor to the north。 Large bare patches of ground through the city held wagons parked wheel…to…wheel; many heavy…laden under strapped…down canvas covers; others empty and awaiting freight。 Inns lined the main streets; along with horse lots and stables; nearly outnumbering the gray stone houses or shops; all roofed with tiles in blue or red or purple or green。 Dust and noise filled the air; clanging from the smithies; the rumble of wagons and curses of the drivers; boisterous laughter from the inns。 The sun baked Lugard as it slid toward the horizon; and the air felt as though it might never rain again。
       When Logain finally turned in to a stableyard and dismounted behind a green…roofed inn called The Nine Horse Hitch; Siuan clambered down from Bela gratefully and gave the shaggy mare a doubtful pat on the nose; wary of teeth。 In her view; sitting on the back of an animal was no way to travel。 A boat went as you turned the rudder; a horse might decide to think for itself。 Boats never bit; either; Bela had not so far; but she could。 At least those awful first days of stiffness were gone; when she was sure Leane and Min were grinning behind her back as she hobbled about in the evening camp。 After a day in the saddle she still felt as if she had been thoroughly beaten; but she managed to hide it。
       As soon as Logain began bargaining with the stableman; a lanky; freckled old fellow in a leather vest and no shirt; Siuan sidled close to Leane。 〃If you want to practice your wiles;〃 she said softly; 〃practice them on Dalyn the next hour。〃 Leane gave her a dubious look … she had dabbled in smiles and glances at some of the villages since Kore Springs; but Logain had gotten no more than a flat look … then sighed and nodded。 Taking a deep breath; she glided forward in that startling sinuous way; leading her arch…necked gray and already smiling at Logain。 Siuan could not see how she did that; it was as if some of her bones were no longer rigid。
       Moving over to Min; she spoke just as quietly again。 〃The instant Dalyn is done with the stableman; tell him you are going to join me inside。 Then hurry ahead; and stay away from him and Amaena until I e back。〃 From the noise roaring out of the inn; the crowd inside was big enough to hide an army。 Surely big enough to hide the absence of one woman。 Min got that mulish look about her eyes and opened her mouth; no doubt to demand why。 Siuan forestalled her。 〃Just do it; Serenla。 Or I'll let you add cleaning his boots to handing him his plate。〃 The stubborn look remained; but Min gave a sullen nod。
       Pushing Bela's reins into the other woman's hands; Siuan hurried out of the stable yard and started down the street in what she hoped was t
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