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       He stared at her。 〃You told them? But you didn't really say anything。 I figured it out myself; and I would have eventually even if you hadn't let a hint slip out。 Aviendha; they told me they could speak to people in their dreams。 It was only a step from that。〃
       〃Would you have had me dishonor myself further?〃 Her voice was level enough; but her eyes could have started the fire laid on the hearth。 〃I will not dishonor myself for you or any man! I gave you the trail to follow; and I will not deny my shame。 I should have let you freeze。〃 She threw the blankets right on top of his head。
       He pulled them off and laid them beside him on the pallet while trying to think of what to say。 It was ji'e'toh again。 The woman was as prickly as a thornbush。 Supposedly she had been given the task of teaching him Aiel customs; but he knew her true job; to spy on him for the Wise Ones。 Whatever dishonor was attached to spying among Aiel; apparently it did not extend to the Wise Ones。 They knew he knew; but for some reason it did not seem to concern them; and as long as they were willing to let matters remain as they were; so was he。 For one thing; Aviendha was not a very good spy; she almost never tried to find anything out; and her own temper got in the way of making him angry or guilty the way Moiraine did。 For another; she was actually pleasant pany sometimes; when she forgot to keep her thorns out。 At least he knew who it was that Amys and the others had set to watch him; if it was not she; it would be someone else; and he would be constantly wondering who。 Besides; she was never wary around him。
       Mat; Egwene; even Moiraine sometimes looked at him with eyes that saw the Dragon Reborn; or at least the danger of a man who could channel。 The clan chiefs and the Wise Ones saw He Who es With the Dawn; the man prophesied to break the Aiel like dried twigs; if they did not fear him; they still sometimes treated him like a red adder they had to live with。 Whatever Aviendha saw; it never stopped her being scathing whenever she chose; which was most of the time。
       An odd sort of fort; but pared to the rest; it was a fort nonetheless。 He had missed her。 He had even picked flowers from some of the spiny plants around Rhuidean … bloodying his fingers until he realized he could use the Power … and sent them to her; half a dozen times; the Maidens had carried the blossoms themselves; instead of sending gai'shain。 She had never acknowledged them; of course。
       〃Thank you;〃 he said finally; touching the blankets。 They seemed a safe enough subject。 〃I suppose you can't have too many in the nights here。〃
       〃Enaila asked me to bring them to you when she found out I was here to see you。〃 Her lips twitched in the beginnings of an amused smile。 〃A number of the spear…sisters were worried that you might not be warm enough。 I am to see that you light your fire tonight; you didn't last night。〃
       Rand felt his cheeks coloring。 She knew。 Well; she would; wouldn't she? The bloody Maidens may not tell her everything anymore; but they don't bother to keep anything from her; either。 〃Why did you want to see me?〃
       To his surprise; she folded her arms beneath her breasts and paced the short length of the room twice before stopping to glare at him。 〃This was not a regard gift;〃 she said accusingly; shaking the bracelet at him。 〃You admitted as much。〃 True; though he thought she might have put a knife in his ribs had he not conceded it。 〃It was simply a fool gift from a man who did not know or care what my … what the spear…sisters might think。 Well; this has no meaning either。〃 She pulled something from her pouch and tossed it onto the pallet beside him。 〃It cancels debt between us。〃
       Rand picked up what she had thrown and turned it over in his hands。 A belt buckle in the shape of a dragon; ornately made in good steel and inlaid with gold。 〃Thank you。 It's beautiful。 Aviendha; there is no debt to cancel。〃
       〃If you will not take it against my debt;〃 she said firmly; 〃then throw it away。 I will find something else to repay you。 It is only a trinket。〃
       〃Hardly a trinket。 You must have had this made。〃
       〃Do not think that means anything; Rand al'Thor。 When I。。。 gave up the spear; my spears; my knife〃 … unconsciously her hand brushed her belt; where that long…bladed knife used to hang … 〃even the points of my arrows were taken from me and handed to a smith to make simple things to give away。 Most I gave to friends; but the Wise Ones had me name the three men and three women I most hate; and I was told to give each of them a gift made from my weapons; with my own hands。 Bair says it teaches humility。〃 Straight…backed and glaring; biting off each word; she looked and sounded anything but humble。 〃So you will not think that means anything。〃
       〃It means nothing;〃 he said; nodding sadly。 Not that he wanted it to mean anything; really; but it would have been pleasing to think she might be beginning to see him as a friend。 It was plain foolish to feel jealousy over her。 I wonder who gave it to her? 〃Aviendha? Was I one of those you hate so much?〃
       〃Yes; Rand al'Thor。〃 She suddenly sounded hoarse。 For a moment she turned her face away; eyes shut and quivering。 〃I hate you with all of my heart。 I do。 And I always will。〃
       He did not bother to ask why。 Once he had asked her why she disliked him and practically had his nose snapped; off。 She had not told him; though。 But this was more than a dislike she sometimes seemed to forget。 〃If you really hate me;〃 he said reluctantly; 〃I will ask the Wise Ones to send someone else to teach me。〃
       〃But if you …〃
       〃No!〃 If anything; her denial was even more fierce this time。 She planted her fists on her hips and lectured as if she meant to drive every word home in his heart。 〃Even if the Wise Ones allowed me to stop; I have toh; obligation and duty; to my near…sister Elayne; to watch you for her。 You belong to her; Rand al'Thor。 To her and no other woman。 Remember that。〃
       He felt like throwing up his hands。 At least this time she was not describing to him how Elayne looked without any clothes; some Aiel customs took even more getting used to than others。 He sometimes wondered if she and Elayne had agreed on this 〃watching〃 between them。 He could not believe it; but then again; even women who were not Aiel were odd as often as not。 More than that; he wondered who Aviendha was supposed to be protecting him from。 Except for the Maidens and the Wise Ones; Aiel women seemed to look at him half as prophecy made flesh; and thus not really flesh at all; and half as a blood snake loose among children。 The Wise Ones were nearly as bad as Moiraine when it came to trying to make him do what they wanted; and the Maidens he did not want to think about。 The whole thing made him furious。
       〃Now; you listen to me。 I kissed Elayne a few times; and I think she enjoyed it as much as I did; but I am not promised to anyone。 I'm not even sure she wants that much from me anymore。〃 In the space of a few hours she had written him two letters; one called him the dearest light of her heart before going on to make his ears burn; while the other 
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