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; she was Far Dareis Mai。
       〃I am Melindhra;〃 she went on; 〃of the Jumai sept。 Can you do that every time?〃
       She meant the knife throwing; he realized。 She gave her sept; but no clan。 Aiel never did that。 Unless。。。 She had to be one of the Shaido Maidens who had e to join Rand。 He did not really understand all this about societies; but as for Shaido; he remembered them trying to stick spears in him too well。 Couladin did not like anyone associated with Rand; and what Couladin hated; the Shaido hated。 On the other hand; Melindhra had e here to Rhuidean。 A Maiden。 But she wore a small smile; her gaze held an inviting light。
       〃Most of the time;〃 he said truthfully。 Even when he did not feel it; his luck was good; when he did; it was perfect。 She chuckled; her smile widening; as if she thought he was boasting。 Women seemed to make up their minds whether you were lying without looking at the evidence。 On the other hand; if they liked you; they either did not care or else decided even the most outrageous lie was true。
       Maidens could be dangerous; whatever their clan … any woman could; he had learned that on his own … but Melindhra's eyes were definitely not just looking at him。
       Dipping into his winnings; he pulled up a necklace of gold spirals; each centered on a deep blue sapphire; the largest as big as the joint of his thumb。 He could remember a time … his own memory … when the smallest of those stones would have made him sweat。
       〃They'll look pretty with your eyes;〃 he said; laying the heavy strand in her hands。 He had never seen a Maiden wear baubles of any sort; but in his experience; every woman liked jewelry。 Strangely; they liked flowers nearly as well。 He did not understand it; but then; he was willing to admit that he understood women less than he did his luck; or what had happened on the other side of that twisted doorway。
       〃Very fine work;〃 she said; holding it up。 〃I accept your offer。〃 The necklace disappeared into her belt pouch; and she leaned over to push his hat back on his head。 〃Your eyes are pretty。 Like dark polished catseye。〃 She twisted around to pull her feet up onto the coping and sat with her arms wrapped around her knees; studying him intently。 〃My spear sisters have told me about you。〃
       Mat pulled his hat back into place and watched her warily from under the brim。 What had they told her? And what 〃offer〃? It was only a necklace。 The invitation was gone from her eyes; she looked like a cat studying a mouse。 That was the trouble with Maidens of the Spear。 Sometimes it was hard to tell whether they wanted to dance with you; kiss you; or kill you。
       The street was emptying; the shadows deepening; but he recognized Rand slanting across down the way; pipe clenched between his teeth。 He was the only man in Rhuidean likely to be walking with a fistful of Far Dareis Mai。 They're always around him; Mat thought。 Guarding him like a pack of she…wolves; leaping to do whatever he says。 Some men might have envied him that much at least。 Not Mat。 Not most of the time。 If it had been a pack of girls like Isendre; now。。。
       〃Excuse me for a moment;〃 he told Melindhra hurriedly。 Leaning his spear against the low wall around the fountain; he leaped up already running。 His head still buzzed; but not so loudly as before; and he did not stagger。 He had no worries about his winnings。 The Aiel had very definite views of what was allowed: taking in a raid was one thing; theft another。 Kadere's men had learned to keep their hands in their pockets after one of them had been caught stealing。 After a beating that left him striped from shoulders to heels; he had been sent away。 The one water bag he had been allowed would not have been nearly enough for him to reach the Dragonwall; even if he had had any clothes on。 Now Kadere's men would not pick up a copper they found lying in the street。
       〃Rand?〃 The other man walked on with his encircling escort。 〃Rand?〃 Rand was not even ten paces away; but he did not waver。 Some of the Maidens looked back; but not Rand。 Mat felt cold suddenly; and it had nothing to do with the onset of night。 He wet his lips and spoke again; not a shout。 〃Lews Therin。〃 And Rand turned around。 Mat almost wished he had not。
       For a time they only looked at one another in the twilight。 Mat hesitated about going closer。 He tried telling himself it was because of the Maidens。 Adelin had been one of those who taught him a so…called game; Maidens' Kiss; that he was never likely to forget; or play again; if he had any say in it。 And he could feel Enaila's gaze like an auger boring into his skull。 Who would have expected a woman to go up like oil thrown on a fire just because you told her she was the prettiest little flower you had ever seen?
       Rand; now。 He and Rand had grown up together。 They and Perrin; the blacksmith's apprentice back in Emond's Field; had hunted together; fished together; tramped through the Sand Hills to the edge of the Mountains of Mist; camped under the stars。 Rand was his friend。 Only now he was the kind of friend who might bash your head in without meaning to。 Perrin could be dead; because of Rand。
       He made himself walk to arm's reach of the other man。 Rand was nearly a head taller; and in the early…evening gloom he seemed taller yet。 Colder than he had been。 〃I've been thinking; Rand。〃 Mat wished he did not sound hoarse。 He hoped Rand would answer to his right name this time。 〃I've been away from home a long time。〃
       〃We both have;〃 Rand said softly。 〃A long time。〃 Suddenly he gave a laugh; not loud; but almost like the old Rand。 〃Are you beginning to miss milking your father's cows?〃
       Mat scratched his ear; grinning a bit。 〃Not that; exactly。〃 If he never saw the inside of another barn it would be too soon。 〃But I was thinking that when Kadere's wagons go; I might go with them。〃
       Rand was silent。 When he spoke again; the brief flash of mirth was gone。 〃All the way to Tar Valon?〃
       It was Mat's turn to hesitate。 He wouldn't give me away to Moiraine。 Would he? 〃Maybe;〃 he said casually。 〃I don't know。 That's where Moiraine will want me。 Maybe I'll find a chance to get back to the Two Rivers。 See if everything's all right at home。〃 See if Perrin's alive。 See if my sisters are; and Mother and Da。
       〃We all have to do what we must; Mat。 Not what we want to; very often。 What we must。〃
       It sounded like an excuse; to Mat; as if Rand was asking him to understand。 Only; he had done what he had to himself a few times。 I can't blame Perrin on him; not by himself。 Nobody bloody forced me to follow after Rand like some bloody heel…hound! Only that was not true; either。 He had been forced。 Just not by Rand。 〃You won't … stop me leaving?〃
       〃I don't try to tell you to e or go; Mat;〃 Rand said wearily。 〃The Wheel weaves the Pattern; not me; and the Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills。〃 For all the world like a bloody Aes Sedai! Half turning; to go; Rand added; 〃Don't trust Kadere; Mat。 In some ways he's about as dangerous a man as you ever met。 Don't trust him an inch; or you might get your throat slit; and you and I wouldn't be the only ones to regret that。〃 Then he was gone; down 
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