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       It struck the Forsaken; and Rahvin ceased to exist。 The Darkhounds in Rhuidean had bee motes before they vanished; whatever kind of life they had had struggling to continue; or the Pattern struggling to maintain itself even for them。 Before this; Rahvin simply。。。 ceased。
       Rand let the balefire die; pushed saidin away a little。 Trying to blink away the purple afterimage; he stared up at the wide hole in the marble balustrade; the remains of one column a fang above it; stared at the matching hole in the palace roofs They did not flicker; as if what he had done was too strong even for this place to mend。 After everything; it seemed almost too easy。 Perhaps there was something up there to convince him Rahvin was really dead。 He ran toward a door。
       Frantically; Nynaeve threw everything into trying to close the flame tight around Rahvin once more。 The thought came that she should have used lightning。 She was going to die。 Those horrible eyes had fixed on Moghedien; not her; but she was going to die too。
       Liquid fire sliced up into the colonnade; so hot it made the fire she had made seem cool。 Shock made her release her weaving; and she flung up a hand to protect her face; yet before it had raised halfway; the liquid fire was gone。 So was Rahvin。 She did not believe he had escaped。 There had been an instant; so brief she could almost have imagined it; when that white bar touched him and he became。。。 mist。 Just an instant。 She could have imagined。 But she did not believe so。 She drew a shuddering breath。
       Moghedien had her face in her hands; weeping; trembling。 The one emotion Nynaeve sensed through the a'dam was relief so powerful it drowned anything else。
       Hurried boots grated on the stairs below。
       Nynaeve spun; took a step toward the spiral staircase。 She was surprised to realize she was drinking deeply of saidar; holding herself ready。
       That surprise faded when Rand climbed into sight。 He was not as she remembered。 His features were the same; but his face was hard。 Blue ice made his eyes。 The bloody rips in his coat and breeches; the blood on his face; seemed to suit that face。
       The way he looked; she would not be surprised if he killed Moghedien on the spot the instant he discovered who she was。 Nynaeve had uses for her yet。 He would recognize an a'dam。 Without another thought she changed it; let the leash vanish; leaving only the silver bracelet on her wrist and the collar on Moghedien。 A moment of panic when she prehended what she had done; then a sigh as she realized that she still felt the other woman。 It worked exactly as Elayne had said it would。 Perhaps he had not seen。 She was between him and Moghedien; the leash had trailed behind her。
       He barely glanced at Moghedien。 〃I thought about those flames; ing up here。 I thought it might have been you or。。。 Where is this? Is this where you meet Egwene?〃
       Looking up at him; Nynaeve tried not to swallow。 So cold; that face。 〃Rand; the Wise Ones say what you've done; what you are doing; is dangerous; even evil。 They say you lose something of yourself if you e here in the flesh; some part of what makes you human。〃
       〃Do the Wise Ones know everything?〃 He brushed past her and stood staring at the colonnade。 〃I used to think Aes Sedai knew everything。 It doesn't matter。 I don't know how human the Dragon Reborn can afford to be。〃
       〃Rand; I。。。〃 She did not know what to say。 〃Here; let me Heal you at least。〃
       He held still for her to reach up and take his head in her hands。 For her part; she had to suppress a wince。 His fresh wounds were not serious; only numerous … what could have bitten him; she was sure most of these were bites … but the old wound; that half…healed; never…healing wound in his side; that was a sinkhole of darkness; a well filled with what she thought the taint of saidin must be like。 She channeled the plex flows; Air and Water; Spirit; even Fire and Earth in small amounts; that made up Healing。 He did not roar and flail about。 He did not even blink。 He shivered。 That was all。 Then he took her wrists and brought her hands down from his face。 She was not reluctant。 His new injuries were gone; every bite and scrape and bruise; but not the old wound。 Nothing had changed about that。 Anything short of death should be capable of being Healed; even that。 Anything!
       〃Is he dead?〃 he asked quietly。 〃Did you see him die?〃
       〃He's dead; Rand。 I saw。〃
       He nodded。 〃But there are others still; aren't there? Other。。。 Chosen。〃
       Nynaeve felt a stabbing sliver of fear from Moghedien; but she did not glance back。 〃Rand; you must go。 Rahvin is dead; and this place is dangerous for you as you are。 You must go; and not e back here in the body。〃
       〃I will go。〃
       He did nothing that she could see or feel … of course; she could not … but for a moment she thought the hallway behind him had。。。 turned in some way。 But it did not look any different。 Except。。。 She blinked。 There was no half…gone column in the colonnade beyond him; no hole in the stone railing。
       He went on as if nothing had happened。 〃Tell Elayne。。。 Ask her not to hate me。 Ask her。。。〃 Pain twisted his face。 For a moment she saw the boy she had known; looking as though something precious was being ripped away from him。 She reached out to fort him; and he stepped back; his face stone again; and bleak。 〃Lan was right。 Tell Elayne to forget me; Nynaeve。 Tell her I've found something else to love; and there's no room left for her。 He wanted me to tell you the same thing。 Lan has found someone else; too。 He said for you to forget him。 Better never to have been born than to love us。〃 He stepped back again; three long steps; the hall seemed to turn dizzyingly with him in it … or part of the hall did … and he was gone。
       Nynaeve stared at where he had been; and not at the fitfully flickering reappearance of the damage to the colonnade。 Lan had told him to say that?
       〃A。。。 remarkable man;〃 Moghedien said softly。 〃A very; very dangerous man。〃
       Nynaeve stared at her。 Something new was ing through the bracelet to her。 Fear was still there; but muted by。。。 Expectation might have been the best way to describe it。
       〃I have been helpful; have I not?〃 Moghedien said。 〃Rahvin dead; Rand al'Thor saved。 None of it would have been possible without me。〃
       Nynaeve understood now。 Hope more than expectation。 Sooner or later Nynaeve would have to wake。 The a'dam would vanish。 Moghedien was trying to remind her of her aid … as if it had not had to be wrenched out of her … just in case Nynaeve might be steeling herself to kill before she went。 〃It is time for me to go; too;〃 Nynaeve said。 Moghedien's face did not alter; but fear strengthened and so did hope。 A large silver cup appeared in Nynaeve's hand; apparently filled with tea。 〃Drink this。〃
       Moghedien edged back。 〃What …?〃
       〃Not poison。 I could kill you easily enough without; if that was my aim。 After all; what happens to you here is real in the waking world; too。〃 Hope much stronger than fear now。 〃It will make you sleep。 A deep sleep; too deep to touch Tel'aran'rhiod。 It's called forkroot。〃
       Moghedien took
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