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       Nynaeve hurled herself flat and scrambled along the hall floor as something slashed through the nearest wall。 Moghedien slithered as fast as she; but if the woman had not; she would have hauled her by the a'dam。 Had that been Rand; or Rahvin? She had seen bars of white fire; liquid light; like that in Tanchico; and she had no wish to be anywhere near one again。 She did not know what it was; and she did not want to know。 I want to Heal; burn both of these fool men; not learn a fancy way to kill!
       She levered herself up to a crouch; peered back the way they had e。 Nothing。 An empty palace hallway。 With a ten…foot long gash through both walls; as neat as any stoneworker could have done; and bits of tapestry lying on the floor。 No sign of either man。 She had not had a glimpse of either so far。 Only their handiwork。 Sometimes that handiwork had almost been her。 A good thing that she could draw on Moghedien's anger; filter it out of the terror clawing to escape and let it seep into her。 Her own was a pitiful thing that would scarcely have allowed her to sense the True Source; much less channel the flow of Spirit that kept her in Tel'aran'rhiod。
       Moghedien was hunched over on her knees; dry retching。 Nynaeve's mouth tightened。 The woman had tried to remove the a'dam again。 Her cooperation had faded quickly when they discovered Rand and Rahvin actually here in Tel'aran'rhiod。 Well; trying to unfasten that collar when it was around your neck was its own punishment。 At least Moghedien did not have anything left in her stomach this time。
       〃Please。〃 Moghedien caught at Nynaeve's skirt。 〃I tell you; we must get away。〃 Stark panic made her voice painful。 Moghedien's clawing terror mirrored itself on her face。 〃They are here in the flesh。 The flesh!〃
       〃Be quiet;〃 Nynaeve said absently。 〃Unless you've lied to me; that is an advantage。 For me。〃 The other woman claimed that being in the World of Dreams physically limited your control of the Dream。 Or rather; she admitted it; after letting a bit of the knowledge slip。 She had admitted; too; that Rahvin did not know Tel'aran'rhiod as well as she。 Nynaeve hoped that meant he did not know it as well as she did。 That he knew more than Rand; she did not doubt。 That wool…headed man! Whatever his reason for ing after Rahvin; he should never have let the man lead him here; where he did not know the rules; where thoughts could kill。
       〃Why will you not understand what I tell you? Even if they had only dreamed themselves here; either would be stronger than we。 Here in the flesh; they could crush us without blinking。 In the flesh they can draw saidin more deeply than we can draw saidar dreaming。〃
       〃We are linked。〃 Still not paying attention; Nynaeve gave her braid a sharp pull。 No way to tell which direction they had gone。 And no warning of anything until she saw them。 Somehow it still seemed unfair that they could channel without her being able to see or feel the flows。 A stand…lamp that had been sliced in two was suddenly whole again; then not; just as quickly。 That white fire must be incredibly powerful。 Tel'aran'rhiod usually healed itself rapidly whatever you did to it。
       〃You brainless fool;〃 Moghedien sobbed; shaking Nynaeve's skirt with both hands as if wanting to shake Nynaeve。 〃It does not matter how brave you are。 We are linked; but you contribute nothing the way you are。 Not a shred。 It is my strength; and your madness。 They are here in the flesh; not dreaming! They are using things you have never dreamed of! They will destroy us if we stay!〃
       〃Keep your voice down;〃 Nynaeve snapped。 〃Do you want to bring one of them down on us?〃 She looked both ways hurriedly; but the hallway was still empty。 Had that been footsteps; boots? Rand or Rahvin? One had to be approached as carefully as the other。 A man in a fight for his life could strike out before he saw they were friends。 Well; that she was; anyway。
       〃We must go;〃 Moghedien insisted; but she did lower her voice。 She got to her feet; sullen defiance twisting her mouth。 Fear and anger writhed inside her; first one stronger; then the other。 〃Why should I help you any further? This is madness!〃
       〃Would you rather feel the nettles again?〃
       Moghedien flinched; yet her dark eyes remained stubborn。 〃You think I will let them kill me rather than be hurt by you? You are mad。 I will not stir from this spot until you are ready to take us away from here。〃
       Nynaeve jerked her braid again。 If Moghedien refused to walk; she would have to drag her。 Not a very quick way to search; with what seemed miles of palace corridors yet to go。 She should have been harsher when the woman first tried balking。 In Nynaeve's place; Moghedien would have killed without hesitation; or; if she thought the other useful; woven the trick of taking someone's will; making them worship her。。。 Nynaeve had tasted that once; in Tanchico; and even had she known how it was done; she did not think she could do it to somebody else。 She despised this woman; hated her with all her being。 But even if she had not needed her; she could not have killed her just standing there。 The trouble was; she was afraid that Moghedien knew that too; now。
       Still; a Wisdom headed the Women's Circle … even if the Circle did not always agree … and the Women's Circle dealt out punishments to women who broke the law or offended custom too deeply; and to men; too; for some transgressions。 She might not have Moghedien's stomach for killing; for crushing people's minds; but。。。
       Moghedien opened her mouth; and Nynaeve filled it with a gag of Air。 Or rather she made Moghedien do it; with the a'dam linking them; it was like channeling herself; but Moghedien knew it was her own abilities being used like a tool in Nynaeve's hand。 Dark eyes glittered indignantly as Moghedien's own flows snared her arms to her sides and pulled her skirts tight around her ankles。 For the rest; Nynaeve used the a'dam; just as with the nettles; creating the sensations she wanted the other woman to feel。 Not the reality; the feel of reality。
       Moghedien stiffened in her bonds as a leather strap seemed to strike her bottom。 That was what it would feel like to her。 Outrage and humiliation rolled through the leash。 And contempt。 pared to her elaborate ways of hurting people; this seemed suitable for a child。
       〃When you are ready to cooperate again;〃 Nynaeve said; 〃just nod。〃 This could not take long。 She could not just stand there while Rand and Rahvin tried to kill one another。 If the wrong one died because she avoided danger by letting Moghedien keep her there。。。
       Nynaeve remembered a day when she was sixteen; just after she had been judged old enough to put her hair in a braid。 She had stolen a plum pudding from Corin Ayellin on a dare from Nela Thane and walked out the kitchen door right into Mistress Ayellin。 Adding the aftermath; sending it along the leash in a lump; made Moghedien's eyes pop。
       Grimly; Nynaeve did it again。 She won't stop me short! Again。 I will help Rand whatever she thinks! Again。 Even if it kills us! Again。 Oh; Light; she could be right; Rand could kill us both before he knows it's me。 Again。 L
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