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g the White Lion on a breeze。 On the other side of that wall was the garden where he had first met Elayne。
       Blue eyes floated accusingly outside the Void; the darting memory of kisses stolen in Tear; the memory of a letter laying her heart and soul at his feet; of messages borne by Egwene professing love。 What would she say if she ever learned about Aviendha; about that night together in the snow hut? Memory of another letter; icily spurning him; a queen condemning a swineherd to outer darkness。 It did not matter。 Lan was right。 But he wanted。。。 What? Who? Blue eyes; and green; and dark brown。 Elayne; who maybe loved him and maybe could not make up her mind? Aviendha; who taunted him with what she would not let him touch? Min; who laughed at him; thought him a wool…headed fool? All that flashed along the boundaries of the Void。 He tried to ignore it; to ignore anguished memories of another blue…eyed woman; lying dead in a palace corridor; so long ago。
       He had to stand there; while Aiel dashed out behind Bael; veiling themselves; spreading left and right。 It was his presence that maintained the platform; it would vanish as soon as he stepped through the gateway。 Aviendha waited almost as calmly as Pevin; though she did occasionally put her head out to frown faintly in one direction or the other down the street。 Asmodean fingered his sword and breathed too quickly; Rand wondered whether the man knew how to use the thing。 Not that he would have to。 Mat stared up the wall as though at a bad remembrance。 He had entered the palace this way once; too。
       The last veiled Aiel went by; and Rand motioned the others out; then followed。 The gateway winked out of existence; leaving him in the middle of a long circle of wary Maidens。 Aiel were running down the curving street … it followed the line of the hill; all the streets of the Inner City flowed with the land … vanishing around winding corners as they hurried to find and secure anyone who might give alarm。 More were climbing the slope; and some had even begun to scale the wall; using tiny knobs and ridges for finger… and toe…holds。
       Suddenly Rand stared。 To his left the street bowed downward and rounded out of sight; the decline giving a view past tile…covered towers; sparkling in the morning sun with a hundred changing colors; across tile roofs all the way to one of the Inner City's many parks; its white walks and monuments forming a lion's head when seen from this angle。 To his right the street rose a little before curving away; more towers topped by spires or domes of various shapes glittering above the rooftops。 Aiel filled the street; fanning out quickly into side streets that spiraled away from the palace。 Aiel; and not a soul else。 The sun was high enough for people to be out and about their business; even this close to the palace。
       Like a nightmare the wall above toppled outward in half a dozen places; Aiel and stones smashing down on those still climbing。 Before those bouncing; sliding chunks of masonry reached the streets; Trollocs appeared in the openings; dropping the tree…thick battering rams they had used and drawing scythe…curved swords … more; with spiked axes and barbed spears; huge man…shapes in black mail with spikes at shoulders and elbows; huge man…faces distorted by snouts and muzzles; beaks and horns and feathers; plunging down the slope with eyeless Myrddraal like midnight serpents in their midst。 All along the street howling Trollocs and silent Myrddraal poured from doorways; leaped from windows。 Lightning stabbed from the cloudless sky。
       Rand wove Fire and Air to meet Fire and Air; a slow…spreading shield racing lightnings' fall。 Too slow。 One bolt struck the shield directly above his head; shattering in a blinding glare; but others grounded themselves; and his hair lifted as the air itself seemed to hammer him down。 Almost he lost the weave; almost the Void itself; but he wove what he could not see through eyes still filled with coruscating light; spread the shield against bolts from the heavens that he could at least feel hammering at it。 Hammering to reach him; but that could change。 Drawing saidin through the angreal in his pocket; he wove the shield until he was sure it must cover half of the Inner City; then tied it off。 As he pushed himself to his feet; sight began to return; watery and painful at first。 He had to move fast。 Rahvin knew he was here。 He had to。。。
       Surprisingly little time had passed; seemingly。 Rahvin had not cared how many of his own he took。 Stunned Trollocs and Myrddraal on the slope were falling to spears in the hands of Maidens; many of whom moved unsteadily themselves。 Some Maidens; those nearest Rand; were only now pulling themselves up from where they had been flung; and Pevin stood spraddle…legged; holding himself upright with the red banner's staff; his scarred face still blank as slate。 More Trollocs boiled through the gaps in the wall above; and the din of battle filled the streets in all directions; but it might as well have been in another country so far as Rand was concerned。
       There had been more than one bolt in that first volley; but not all had been aimed at him。 Mat's smoking boots lay a dozen paces from where Mat himself sprawled on his back。 Tendrils of smoke rose from the black haft of his spear; too; from his coat; even from the silver foxhead; hanging out of his shirt; that had not saved him from a man's channeling。 Asmodean was a twisted shape of char; recognizable only from the blackened harpcase still strapped to his back。 And Aviendha。。。 Unmarked; she could have laid down to rest … if she could have rested staring unblinking at the sun。
       Rand bent to touch her cheek。 Cooling already。 It felt。。。 Not like flesh。
       It startled him a little; that sound ing from his throat: He seemed to be sitting somewhere deep in the back of his own head; the Void around him vaster; emptier; than it had ever been before。 Saidin raged through him。 He did not care if it scoured him away。 The taint seeped through everything; tarnished everything。 He did not care。
       Three Trollocs broke past the Maidens; great spiked; axes and oddly hooked spears in hairy hands; all…too human eyes fixing on him; standing there apparently unarmed。 The one with a boar's tusked snout went down with Enaila's spear through its spine。 Eagle's beak and bear's muzzle raced on toward him; one on booted feet; the other on paws。
       Rand felt himself smile。
       Fire burst from the two Trollocs; a flame at every pore; bursting through black mail。 Even as their mouths opened to scream; a gateway opened right where they stood。 Bloody halves of burning; cleanly sliced Trolloc fell; but Rand was staring through the opening。 Not into blackness; but a great columned hall with lion…carved stone panels; where a large man with wings of white in his dark hair started up in surprise from a gilded throne。 A dozen men; some dressed as lords; some in breastplates; turned to see what their master was looking at。
       Rand barely noticed them。 〃Rahvin;〃 he said。 Or someone did。 He was not sure who。
       Sending fire and lightning ahead of him; he stepped through and let th
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