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 he was a bull…goose fool。 Better to err toward caution; he always said。 One of the Forsaken had noticed him。 He certainly was not standing in Rand's shadow now。
       Sliding across the floor; he sat with his chin on his knees and his back against the door; staring at Melindhra's face; trying to decide what to do。 When a servant knocked with his supper; he shouted for her to go away。 Food was the last thing he wanted。 What was he going to do? He wished he did not feel the dice spinning in his head。
Chapter 52 
(Crescent Moon and Stars)
       Laying down his razor; Rand wiped the last flecks of lather from his face and began doing up his shirt…laces。 Early morning sunlight streamed through the square arches leading to his bedchamber balcony; the heavy winter curtains had been hung; but tied back to let in a breath of air。 He would be presentable when he killed Rahvin。 The thought loosed a bubble of rage; floating up out of his belly。 He forced it back down。 He would be presentable; and calm。 Cold。 No mistakes。
       When he turned from the gilt…framed mirror; Aviendha was sitting on her rolled…up pallet against the wall; beneath a hanging portraying impossibly high gold towers。 He had offered to have another bed put in the room; but she claimed mattresses were too soft for sleeping。 She was watching him intently; her shift forgotten in one hand。 He had been careful about not looking around from his shaving to give her time to dress; but aside from her white stockings; she wore not a stitch。
       〃I would not shame you in front of other men;〃 she said abruptly。
       〃Shame me? What do you mean?〃
       She stood in one smooth motion; surprisingly pale where the sun had not touched her; slender and hard…muscled; yet with roundnesses and softnesses that haunted his dreams。 This was the first time he had allowed himself to look at her openly when she flaunted herself; but she did not seem aware of it。 Those big blue…green eyes were fixed on his。 〃I did not ask Sulin to include Enaila or Somara or Lamelle that first day。 Nor did I ask them to watch you; or to do anything if you faltered。 That was only their own concern。〃
       〃You just let me think they would try to carry me off like a babe if I wavered。 A fine distinction。〃
       His wry tone flew right past her。 〃It made you take care when you needed to。〃
       〃I see;〃 he said dryly。 〃Well; I thank you for the promise not to shame me; in any case。〃
       She smiled。 〃I did not say that; Rand al'Thor。 I said not in front of other men。 If you require it; for your own good。。。 〃 Her smile deepened。
       〃Do you mean to e like that?〃 He gestured irritably; taking her in from head to toe。
       She had never shown the slightest embarrassment at being naked in front of him … far from it … but she glanced down at herself; then at him looking at her; and her face reddened。 Suddenly she was surrounded by a flurry of dark brown wool and white algode; flying into her clothes so quickly that he could have thought she was channeling them on。 〃Have you arranged everything?〃 came from the middle of it。 〃Have you spoken to the Wise Ones? You were gone late last night。 Who else es with us? How many can you take? No wetlanders; I hope。 You cannot trust them。 Especially not treekillers。 Can you truly carry us to Caemlyn in one hour? Is it like what I did the night。。。? I mean to say; how will you do it? I cannot like trusting myself to things I do not know and cannot understand。〃
       〃Everything is arranged; Aviendha。〃 Why was she babbling? And refusing to meet his eye? He had met with Rhuarc and the other chiefs still near the city; they had not truly liked his plan; but they saw it in terms of ji'e'toh; and none thought he had any other choice。 They discussed it quickly; agreed; and then turned the talk to other things。 Nothing to do with Forsaken or Illian or battle at all。 Women; hunting; whether Cairhienin brandy could pare with oosquai; or wetlander tabac with what was grown in the Waste。 For an hour he had almost forgotten what lay ahead。 He hoped that the Prophecy of Rhuidean was somehow wrong; that he would not destroy those men。 The Wise Ones had e to him; a delegation of more than fifty; alerted by Aviendha herself and led by Amys and Melaine and Bair; or maybe by Sorilea。 With Wise Ones often it was difficult to tell who was in charge。 They had not e to talk him out of anything … ji'e'toh again … but to make sure he understood that his obligation to Elayne did not outweigh that to the Aiel; and they had kept him in the meeting room until they were satisfied。 It was that or lift them bodily out of his way to reach the door。 When they wanted to be; those women were as good at ignoring shouts as Egwene had bee。 〃We'll find out how many I can take when I try。 Only Aiel。〃 With luck; Meilan and Maringil and the rest would not know he was gone until after he went。 If the Tower had spies in Cairhien; maybe the Forsaken did as well; and how could he trust people to keep secrets who could not see the sun rise without trying to use the fact in Daes Dae'mar?
       By the time he had shrugged into a red coat embroidered in gold; a fine wool eminently suitable for a Royal Palace; in Caemlyn or Cairhien … the thought amused him; in a bleak sort of way … by that time; Aviendha was almost dressed。 It was a wonder to him how she could scramble into her clothes so quickly and yet have nothing out of place。 〃A woman came last night while you were away。〃
       Light! He had forgotten Colavaere。 〃What did you do?〃
       She paused in tying the laces of her blouse; eyes trying to bore a hole in his head; but her tone was offhand。 〃I took her back to her own chambers; where we talked for a time。 There will be no more treekiller flipskirts scratching at your tent flap; Rand al'Thor。〃
       〃The very end I aimed at; Aviendha。 Light! Did you hurt her badly? You can't go around beating ladies。 These people cause me enough trouble without you bringing more。〃
       She sniffed loudly and went back to her laces。 〃Ladies! A woman is a woman; Rand al'Thor。 Unless she is a Wise One;〃 she added judiciously。 〃That one sits lightly this morning; but her bruises can be hidden; and with a day's rest she will be able to leave her chambers。 And she knows the right of matters; now。 I told her if she caused you any bother again … any bother … I would e talk to her once more。 A much longer talk。 She will do as you say; when you say it。 Her example will teach others。 The treekillers understand nothing else。〃
       Rand sighed。 Not a method he would or could have chosen; but it might actually work。 Or it might only make Colavaere and the others more sly from now on。 Aviendha might not be worried about repercussions against herself … in fact; he would be surprised if she had even considered the possibility … but a woman who was High Seat of a powerful House was not the same as a young noblewoman of lesser rank。 Whatever the effect for him; Aviendha could find herself set upon in some dark hallway and given ten times what she had given Colavaere; if not worse。 〃Next time; let me handle matters my way。 I am the Car'a'carn; remember。〃
       〃You have shaving
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