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       Mat looked up at Moiraine。 〃You mean there's something you haven't ferreted out?〃
       〃What news; Mat?〃 Rand demanded。
       〃Morgase is dead。〃
       Egwene gasped; clasping both hands to her mouth below eyes like huge circles。 Moiraine whispered something that might have been a prayer。 Asmodean's fingers never faltered on the harp。
       Rand felt as if his belly had been ripped out。 Elayne; forgive me。 And a faint echo; altered。 Ilyena; forgive me。 〃Are you certain?〃
       〃As certain as I can be without seeing the body。 It seems Gaebril has been named King of Andor。 And Cairhien; too; for that matter。 Supposedly Morgase did it。 Something about the times needing a strong man's hand or some such; as if anybody could have a stronger than Morgase herself。 Only; those Andorans down south have heard rumors that she hasn't been seen in weeks。 More than rumors。 You tell me what it adds up to。 Andor's never had a king; but now it has one; and the queen's vanished。 Gaebril's the one wanted Elayne killed。 I tried to tell her that; but you know how she always knows more than a mudfooted farmer。 I don't think he'd balk a second at slitting a queen's throat。〃
       Rand discovered that he was sitting in one of the chairs across from Mat; though he did not remember moving。 Aviendha laid a hand on his shoulder。 Concern tightened her eyes。 〃I am all right;〃 he said roughly。 〃There's no need to send for Somara。〃 Her face reddened; but he hardly noticed。
       Elayne would never be able to forgive him。 He had known that Rahvin … Gaebril … held Morgase prisoner; but he had ignored it because the Forsaken might expect him to help her。 He had gone his own way; to do what they did not expect。 And ended chasing Couladin instead of doing what he planned。 He had known; and concentrated his attention on Sammael。 Because the man taunted him。 Morgase could wait while he smashed Sammael's trap and Sammael with it。 And so Morgase was dead。 Elayne's mother was dead。 Elayne would curse him to her deathbed。
       〃I'll tell you one thing;〃 Mat was going on。 〃There are a lot of queen's men down there。 They are not so sure about fighting for a king。 You find Elayne。 Half of them will flock to you to put her on the …〃
       〃Shut up!〃 Rand barked。 He quivered so hard with fury that Egwene stepped back; and even Moiraine eyed him carefully。 Aviendha's hand tightened on his shoulder; but he shook it off as he stood。 Morgase dead because he had done nothing。 His own hand had been on the knife as surely as Rahvin's。 Elayne。 〃She will be avenged。 Rahvin; Mat。 Not Gaebril。 Rahvin。 I'll lay him by the heels if I never do another thing!〃
       〃Oh; blood and bloody ashes!〃 Mat groaned。
       〃This is madness。〃 Egwene flinched as if realizing what she had said; but she kept that firm; calm voice。 〃You have your hands full with Cairhien yet; not to mention the Shaido to the north and whatever it is you're planning in Tear。 Do you mean to start another war; with two on your plate already and a ruined land besides?〃
       〃Not a war。 Me。 I can be in Caemlyn in an hour。 A raid … right; Mat? … a raid; not a war。 I'll rip Rahvin's heart out。〃 His voice was a hammer。 He felt as if acid filled his veins。 〃I could wish I had Elaida's thirteen sisters to take with me; to smother him; and bring him to justice。 Tried and hung for murder。 That would be justice。 But he'll just have to die however I can kill him。〃
       〃Tomorrow;〃 Moiraine said softly。
       Rand glared at her。 But she was right。 Tomorrow would be better。 A night to let his rage cool。 He needed to be cold when he faced Rahvin。 Now he wanted to seize saidin and lay about him; destroying。 Asmodean's music had changed again; to a tune that street musicians in the city had played during the civil war。 You could still hear it sometimes when a Cairhienin noble passed。 〃The Fool Who Thought He Was King。〃 〃Get out; Natael。 Get out!〃
       Asmodean straightened smoothly; bowing; but his face could have done for snow; and he crossed the room quickly; as if uncertain what one second more might bring。 He always pushed; but perhaps this time he had pushed too far。 As he opened the door; Rand spoke again。
       〃I will see you tonight。 Or I will see you dead。〃
       Asmodean's bow was not so graceful this time。 〃As my Lord Dragon mands;〃 he said hoarsely; and hurriedly pulled the door shut with him on the other side。
       The three women looked at Rand; expressionless; not blinking。
       〃The rest of you go; too〃 Mat practically bounded toward the door。 〃Not you。 I have things to say to you yet。〃
       Mat stopped short; sighing loudly and fiddling with his medallion。 He was the only one who had moved。
       〃You do not have thirteen Aes Sedai;〃 Aviendha said; 〃but you have two。 And myself。 I may not know as much as Moiraine Sedai; but I am as strong as Egwene; and I am no stranger to the dance。〃 She meant the dance of spears; what the Aiel called battle。
       〃Rahvin is mine;〃 he told her quietly。 Maybe Elayne could forgive him a little if he at least avenged her mother。 Probably not; but maybe he could forgive himself。 A little。 He forced his hands to stay at his sides; to not make fists。
       〃Will you draw a line on the ground for him to step over?〃 Egwene asked。 〃Put a chip on your shoulder? Have you considered that Rahvin might not be alone if he calls himself King of Andor now? Much good it will do when you appear if one of his guards puts an arrow through your heart。〃
       He could remember wishing she would not shout at him; but it had been so much easier then。 〃Did you think I meant to go alone?〃 He had; he had never thought of anyone to guard his back; though now he could hear a small whisper; He likes to e from behind; or at your flanks。 He could hardly think clearly at all。 His anger seemed to have a life of its own; stoking the fires that kept it boiling。 〃But not you。 This is dangerous。 Moiraine can e if she wishes。〃
       Egwene and Aviendha did not look at one another before stepping forward; but they moved as one; not stopping until they were so close even Aviendha had to tilt her bead back to look up at him。
       〃Moiraine can e if she wishes;〃 Egwene said。
       If her voice was smooth ice; Aviendha's was molten stone。 〃But it is too dangerous for us。〃
       〃Have you bee my father? Is your name Bran al'Vere?〃
       〃If you have three spears; do you put two aside because they are newer made?〃
       〃I do not want to risk you;〃 he said stiffly。
       Egwene arched her eyebrows。 〃Oh?〃 That was all。
       〃I am not gai'shain to you。〃 Aviendha bared her teeth。 〃You will never choose what risks I take; Rand al'Thor。 Never。 Know it now。〃
       He could。。。 What? Wrap them in saidin and leave them? He still could not shield them。 So they might well snare him in return。 A fine mess; all because they wanted to be stubborn。
       〃You have thought of guards;〃 Moiraine said; 〃but what if who is with Rahvin is Semirhage; or Graendal? Or Lanfear? These two might overwhelm one such; but could you face her and Rahvin together alone?〃
       There had been something in her voice when she said Lanfear's name。 Was she afraid that if Lanfear was there
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