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       Elayne's mouth tightened。 That was about what she had expected; but not what she wanted to hear。 〃Wish〃 and 〃want〃 trip the feet; but 〃is〃 makes the path smoother。 That was what Lini said。 You had to deal with what was; not what you wished was。 〃And you saw there would be someone else。 Someone I'd have to。。。 share him with。〃
       〃Two;〃 Min said hoarsely。 〃Two others。 And。。。 And I'm one。〃
       Mouth already open for the next question; for a moment Elayne could only stare。 〃You?〃 she got out at last。
       Min bristled。 〃Yes; me! Do you think I can't fall in love? I didn't want to; but I did; and that's that。〃 She stalked past Elayne down the alleyway; and this time Elayne was slower to catch up。
       It certainly explained a few things。 How nervously Min had always sidestepped talking about it。 The embroidery on her lapels。 And unless she was imagining it; Min was wearing rouge; too。 How do I feel about it? she wondered。 She could not sort it out。 〃Who is the third?〃 she asked quietly。
       〃I don't know;〃 Min mumbled。 〃Only that she has a temper。 Not Nynaeve; thank the Light。〃 She gave a weak laugh。 〃I don't think I could have survived that。〃 Once more she gave Elayne a cautious sidelong look。 〃What does this mean between you and me? I like you。 I never had a sister; but sometimes I feel like you。。。 I want to be your friend; Elayne; and I won't stop liking you whatever happens; but I can't stop loving him。〃
       〃I don't very much like the idea of having to share a man;〃 Elayne said stiffly。 That was certainly an understatement。
       〃Me; neither。 Only。。。 Elayne; it shames me to admit it; but I will take him any way I can get him。 Not that either of us has much choice。 Light; he's scrambled my whole life。 Just thinking about him scrambles my brains。〃 Min sounded as if she did not know whether to laugh or cry。
       Elayne exhaled slowly。 Not Min's fault。 Was it better that it was Min rather than; say; Berelain or somebody else she could not abide? 〃Ta'veren;〃 she said。 〃He bends the world around him。 We are chips caught in a whirlpool。 But I seem to recall you and me and Egwene saying we'd never let a man e between us being friends; We will work it out somehow; Min。 And when we find out who the third is。。。 Well; we'll work that out; as well。 Somehow。〃 A third! Could she be Berelain? Oh; blood and ashes!
       〃Somehow;〃 Min said bleakly。 〃Meanwhile; you and I are caught here in a leg trap。 I know there's another; I know I can't do anything about it; but I had enough trouble reconciling myself to you; and。。。 Cairhienin women aren't all like Moiraine。 I saw a Cairhienin noblewoman in Baerlon once。 On the surface; she made Moiraine look like Leane; but sometimes she said things; hinting。 And her auras! I don't think a man in the whole town was safe alone with her; not unless he was ugly; lame; and better yet; dead。〃
       Elayne sniffed; but she managed to make her voice light。 〃Never you mind about that。 We have another sister; you and I; one you've never met。 Aviendha is keeping a close eye on Rand; and he doesn't go ten steps without a guard of Aiel Maidens of the Spear。〃 A Cairhienin woman? At least she had met Berelain; knew something of her。 No。 She was not going to fret over it like some brainless girl。 A grown woman dealt with the world as it was and made the best of it。 Who could it be?
       They had e out into an open yard dotted with cold ashes。 Huge kettles; most pitted where rust had been scrubbed away; stood against the encircling stone wall; which had been toppled in several places by trees growing up in it。 Despite the shadows crossing the yard; two steaming kettles still sat on flames; and three novices; hair sweat…soaked and white skirts tied up; were hard at work on scrub boards stuck into broad wash…pots full of soapy water。
       With a glance at the shirts under Min's arm; Elayne embraced saidar。 〃Let me help you with those。〃 Channeling to do assigned chores was forbidden … physical labor built character; so they said … but this could not be counted the same。 If she swirled the shirts around in the water violently enough; there should be no reason to get their hands wet。 〃Tell me everything。 Are Siuan and Leane as changed as they seem? How did you get here? Is Logain really here? And why are you laundering some man's shirts? Everything。〃
       Min laughed; plainly pleased to change the subject。 〃'Everything' will take a week。 But I'll try。 First; I helped Siuan and Leane get out of the dungeon Elaida had stuck them in; and then。。。〃
       Making appropriate sounds of amazement; Elayne channeled Air to lift one of the boiling kettles clear of its flames。 She hardly noticed the novices' incredulous stares; she was used to her own strength now; and it rarely occurred to her that she did things; without thinking; that some full Aes Sedai could not do at all。 Who was the third woman? Aviendha had better be keeping a close eye on him。
Chapter 51 
News es to Cairhien 
       A thin thread of blue smoke rising from the plain; short…stemmed pipe clenched in his teeth; Rand rested one hand on the balcony's stone railing and looked into the garden below。 Sharp shadows were lengthening; the sun was a red ball falling through a cloudless sky。 Ten days in Cairhien; and this seemed the first moment he had stood still when he was not asleep。 Selande stood close by his side; pale face tilted up to watch him; not the garden。 Her hair was not so elaborately done as that of a woman of higher rank; but it still added half a foot to her height。 He tried to ignore her; but it was difficult to ignore a woman who insisted on pressing her firm bosom against your arm。 The meeting had gone on long enough for him to want a moment's break。 He had known it for a mistake as soon as Selande followed him out。
       〃I know a secluded pool;〃 she said softly; 〃where this heat might be escaped。 A sheltered pool; where nothing would disturb us。〃 The music of Asmodean's harp drifted out through the square arches behind them。 Something light; cool sounding。
       Rand puffed a little more vigorously。 The heat。 Nothing pared to the Waste; but。。。 Autumn should be ing on; yet the afternoon felt like the depths of summer。 A rainless summer。 Shirt…sleeved men in the garden were spreading water from buckets; doing it late to avoid evaporation; but too much was brown or dying。 The weather could not be natural。 The burning sun mocked him。 Moiraine agreed; and Asmodean; but neither knew what to do or how; any more than he did。 Sammael。 Sammael he could do something about。
       〃Cool water;〃 Selande murmured; 〃and you and I alone。〃 She snuggled closer; though he did not see how it was possible。
       He wondered when the next taunt would e。 No dashing off in a temper; whatever Sammael did。 Once his methodical buildup in Tear was done; then he would loose the lightning。 One crushing stroke to put an end to Sammael; and add Illian to his bag at the same time。 With Illian; Tear and Cairhien; plus an army of Aiel big enough to overwhelm any nation in weeks; he。。。
       〃Would you not like to swim? I do not swim well myself; but surely you will teach me。〃
       Rand sighed。
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