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       But he kept searching; scanning the wooded peaks and ridges。 They gave cover for Couladin's Aiel as well as for him; but here and there he could make them out。 Not all were involved in pitched battles; but every last group was larger than his; every one was between him and safety to the south; and he had no way to tell who was who until it might be too late。 The Aiel themselves seemed to know at a glance; but that did him no good。
       Some mile or more off; a few hundred cadin'sor…clad shapes running eight abreast and heading east topped a rise where half…a…dozen leatherleaf made a poor excuse for a copse。 Before the lead runners could start down the other side; a lightning bolt flashed down into their midst; splashing men and earth like a stone thrown into a pond。 Pips did not even quiver as the clap reached Mat; the gelding had grown accustomed to closer strikes than that。
       Some of the fallen men picked themselves up; limping; and immediately joined those who had kept their feet in a hasty check of the unmoving。 No more than a dozen were hauled across shoulders before they all dashed down from the height; back the way they had e。 None paused to look at the crater。 Mat had watched them learn that lesson; waiting only invited a second silvery lance from the clouds。 In moments they were out of sight。 Except for the dead。
       He swung the looking glass east。 There was a look of sunlight a few miles that way。 The log tower should have been visible; poking above the trees; but he had not been able to find it in some time。 Maybe he was looking in the wrong places。 It did not matter。 The lightning had to be Rand's work; and all the rest of it as well。 If I can get far enough that way。。。
       He would be right back where he started。 Even if it was not the pull of ta'veren drawing him back; he would have a hard time leaving again once Moiraine found out。 And there was Melindhra to consider。 He had never heard of a woman who would not take it askance when a man tried to walk out of her life without letting her know。
       As he panned the looking glass slowly; hunting the tower; a slope covered in spaced leatherleaf and paperbark abruptly went up in flames; every tree bee a torch at the same instant。
       Slowly he lowered the brass…bound tube; he hardly required it to see the fire; and the thick gray smoke already making a thick plume into the sky。 He did not need signs to recognize channeling when he saw it; not like that。 Had Rand finally tipped over the edge of madness? Or maybe Aviendha had finally had enough of being forced to stay around him。 Never upset a woman who could channel; that was a rule Mat seldom managed to follow; but he did try。
       Save the smart mouth for somebody besides yourself; he thought sourly。 He was just trying not to think about the third alternative。 If Rand had not finally gone mad; and Aviendha or Egwene or one of the Wise Ones had not decided to be rid of him; then someone else was taking a hand in the day's business。 He could add two twos without getting five。 Sammael。 So much for trying that way out; it was no way out of anything。 Blood and bloody ashes! What has happened to my …?
       A fallen branch cracked under someone's foot behind him; and he reacted without thinking; knees more than reins pulling Pips in a tight circle; sword…bladed spear whipping across from the pommel of his saddle。
       Estean almost dropped his helmet; his eyes going wide; as the short blade stopped a breath short of splitting his head for him。 The rain had slicked his hair down into his face。 Also afoot; Nalesean grinned; partly startled and partly amused at the other young Tairen's disfort。 Square…faced and blocky; Nalesean was the second since Melanril to lead the Tairen cavalry。 Talmanes and Daerid were there as well; a pace behind as usual; and blank…faced beneath their bell…shaped helmets; also as usual。 The four had left their horses farther back in the trees。
       〃There are Aiel ing straight for us; Mat;〃 Nalesean said as Mat raised the raven…marked spear upright。 〃The Light burn my soul if there's a one less than five thousand。〃 He grinned at that; too。 〃I don't think they know we're here waiting for them。〃
       Estean nodded once。 〃They are keeping to the valleys and hollows。 Hiding from。。。〃 He glanced at the clouds and shivered。 He was not the only one to be uneasy about what might e out of the sky; the other…three looked up; too。 〃Anyway; it's plain they mean to go through where Daerid's men are。〃 There was actually a touch of respect in his voice when he mentioned the pikes。 Grudging; true; and not very strong; but it was difficult to look down on someone after they had saved your neck a few times。 〃They will be on top of us before they see us。〃
       〃Wonderful。〃 Mat breathed。 〃That is just bloody wonderful。〃
       He meant it for sarcasm; yet Nalesean and Estean missed the flavor; of course。 They looked eager。 But Daerid wore as much expression on his scarred face as a rock; and Talmanes lifted an eyebrow at Mat just a fraction; shook his head a hair。 That pair knew fighting。
       The first encounter with the Shaido had been an even wager at best; one Mat would never have taken if not forced。 That all the lightning had shaken the Aiel enough to turn it into a rout changed nothing。 Twice more today they had seen action; when Mat discovered himself in a choice of whether to catch or be caught; and neither had e out nearly as well as the Tairens believed。 One had been a draw; but only because he had been able to lose the Shaido after they pulled back to regroup。 At least they had not e again while he was getting everyone away through the twisting hill valleys。 He suspected they had found something else to occupy them; maybe more of that lightning; or fireballs; or the Light knew what。 He knew very well what had allowed them to escape their last fight with skins mostly whole。 Another bunch of Aiel plowing into the rear of those fighting him; just in time to keep the pikes from being overrun。 The Shaido had decided to withdraw to the north; and the others … he still did not know who … had swung off to the west; leaving him in possession of the field。 Nalesean and Estean considered it a clear victory。 Daerid and Talmanes knew better。
       〃How long?〃 Mat asked。
       It was Talmanes who answered。 〃Half an hour。 Perhaps a little more; if grace favors us。〃 The Tairens looked doubtful; they still did not seem to realize how quickly Aiel could move。
       Mat had no such illusions。 He had already studied the surrounding terrain; but he looked at it again and sighed。 There was a very good view from this hill; and the only halfway decent stand of trees within half a mile was right where he sat his saddle。 The rest was scrub brush; little as much as waist…high; dotted with leatherleaf and paperbark and the occasional oak。 Those Aiel would surely send scouts up here for a look; and there was no chance at all that even the horsemen could get out of sight before they did。 The pikes would be right out in the open。 He knew what had to be done … it was catch or be caught again … but he did not have to like it。
       He only took a glance; but before he could open his 
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