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actual hesitation at that last; and Estean broke in anxiously。
       〃Why should we 'halt'? I know the Lord Dragon told us to hold back; Mat; but burn my soul; there's no honor in sitting and letting the Aiel do all the fighting。 Why should we be saddled with chasing them after they're broken? Besides; my father is in the city; and。。。〃 He trailed off under Mat's stare。
       Mat shook his head; fanning himself with his hat。 The fools were not even where they should be。 There was no chance of turning them back; either。 If Melanril would go … and looking at him; Mat was not sure he would; even on supposed orders from the Lord Dragon … there was still no chance。 He sat his saddle in plain sight of the Aiel lookouts。 If the column started turning around; they would know themselves discovered; and very likely they would attack while the Tairens and the Cairhienin pike were tangled up。 It would be a slaughter as surely as if they had gone ahead in ignorance。
       〃Where is Weiramon?〃
       〃The Lord Dragon sent him back to Tear;〃 Melanril replied slowly。 〃To deal with the Illianer pirates; and the bandits on the Plains of Maredo。 He was reluctant to go; of course; even for so great a responsibility; but。。。 Pardon; Lord Mat; but if the Lord Dragon sent you; how is it that you don't know …〃
       Mat cut him off。 〃I am no lord。 And if you want to question what Rand lets people know; ask him。〃 That set the fellow back; he was not about to question the Lord bloody Dragon about anything。 Weiramon was a fool; but at least he was old enough to have been in a battle。 Except for Estean; looking like a sack of turnips tied on his horse; all this lot had seen was a tavern fight or two。 And maybe a few duels。。。 Fat lot of good that would do them。 〃Now; you all listen to me。 When you pass through that gap ahead between the next two hills; Aiel are going to e down on you like an avalanche。〃
       He might as well have told them there was going to be a ball; with the women all sighing to meet a Tairen lordling。 Eager grins broke out; and they; started dancing their horses about; slapping each other on the shoulder and boasting how many they would kill。 Estean was odd man out; just sighing and easing his sword in its scabbard。
       〃Don't stare up there!〃 Mat snapped。 The fools。 In a minute they would be calling the charge! 〃Keep your eyes on me。 On me!〃
       It was who he was friends with that settled them down。 Melanril and the others in their fine; unmarked armor frowned impatiently; not understanding why he did not want to let them begin the business of killing Aiel savages。 If he had not been Rand's friend they probably would have trampled him and Pips both。
       He could let them go charging off。 They would do it piecemeal; leaving the pikes and the Cairhienin horse behind; though the Cairhienin might join in once they realized what was happening。 And they would all die。 The smart thing would be to let them get on with it while he headed in the opposite direction。 The only trouble was that once these idiots let the Aiel know they were discovered; those Aiel might decide to do something fancy; like swinging around to take the strung…out fools in the flank。 If that happened; there was no certainty that he would get clear。
       〃What the Lord Dragon wants you to do;〃 he told them; 〃is to ride ahead slowly; just as if there wasn't an Aiel inside a hundred miles。 As soon as the pikes are through the gap; they'll form a hollow square; and you get yourselves inside it double quick。〃
       〃Inside!〃 Melanril protested。 Angry mutters rose from the other young lords … except Estean; who looked thoughtful。 〃There is no honor in hiding behind stinking …〃
       〃You bloody do it;〃 Mat roared; reining Pips close to Melanril's horse; 〃or if the bloody Aiel don't kill you; Rand will; and whatever he leaves; I'll chop into sausage myself!〃 This was taking too long; the Aiel had to be wondering what they were talking about by now。 〃With any luck; you will be set before the Aiel can hit you。 If you have horsebows; use them。 Otherwise; hold tight。 You'll get your bloody charge; and you'll know when; but if you move too early。。。!〃 He could almost feel time running down。
       Setting the butt of his spear in his stirrup like a lance; he heeled Pips back down the column。 When he glanced over his shoulder; Melanril and the others were talking and peering after him。 At least they were not haring up the valley。
       The mander of the pikemen proved to be a pale; slender Cairhienin; half a head shorter than Mat and mounted on a gray gelding that looked past ready for the pasture。 Daerid had hard eyes; though; an oft…broken nose; and three white scars crisscrossing his face; one of them not very old。 He took off his bell…shaped helmet while he talked with Mat; the front of his head was shaved。 No lord; he。 Maybe he had been part of the army; before the civil war started。 Yes; his men knew how to form a hedgehog。 He had not faced Aiel; but he had faced brigands; and Andoran cavalry。 There was an implication that he had fought other Cairhienin as well; for one of the Houses contesting for the throne。 Daerid sounded neither eager nor reluctant; he sounded like a man with a job of work to do。
       The column stepped off as Mat turned Pips' head the other way。 They marched with a measured pace; and a quick look behind showed the Tairens' horses moving no faster。
       He let Pips go a little quicker than a walk; but not much。 It seemed he could feel Aiel eyes on his back; feel them wondering what he had said; and where he was going now and why。 Just a messenger who's delivered his message and is going away。 Nothing to worry about。 He certainly hoped that was what the Aiel thought; but his shoulders did not untense until he was sure they could no longer see him。
       The Cairhienin were still waiting where he had left them。 They still had their flankers out; too。 Banners and con made a thicket where the lords had gathered; one in ten or better of the Cairhienin's number。 Most of them wore plain breastplates; and where there was gilt or silverwork; it was battered as though a drunken blacksmith had been at it。 Some of their mounts made Daerid's look like Lan's warhorse。 Could they even do what was needed? But the faces that turned to him were hard; the gazes harder。
       He was in the clear; now; hidden from the Aiel。 He could ride on。 After telling this lot what was expected of them; anyway。 He had sent the others on into the Aiel trap; he could not simply abandon them。
       Talmanes of House Delovinde; his con three yellow stars on blue and his banner a black fox; was even shorter than Daerid and had three years on Mat at most; but he led these Cairhienin although there were older men and even gray hair present。 His eyes held as little expression as Daerid's; and he looked like a coiled whip。 His armor and sword were utterly plain。 Once he had told Mat his name the man listened quietly while Mat laid out his plan; leaning a little out of the saddle to cut lines in the ground with the sword…bladed spear。
       The other Cairhienin lords gathered round on their horses; watching; but none so sharply as Talmanes。 Talmanes studied th
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