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anything merry on that harp。 〃Will he be back soon?〃
       Natael shrugged。 〃When he decides to。 Perhaps soon; perhaps late。 No man clocks the Lord Dragon。 And few women。〃 There it was again; that secretive smile。 A touch bleak; this time。
       〃I'll wait。〃 He meant to go through with this。 Too many times he had found himself putting off going。
       Natael sipped at his wine; studying him across the goblet's rim。
       It was bad enough that Moiraine and the Wise Ones watched him in that silent; searching way … sometimes Egwene did too; she had certainly changed; half Wise One and half Aes Sedai … but from Rand's gleeman; it was enough to set his teeth on edge。 The best thing about leaving would be not having anyone look at him as if they would know in a minute what he was thinking; and already knew whether his smallclothes were clean。
       Two maps lay spread out near the firepit。 One; copied in detail from a tattered map found in a half…burned town; covered northern Cairhien from west of the Alguenya halfway to the Spine of the World; while the other; newly drawn and sketchy; showed the land around the city。 Slips of parchment held down with pebbles dotted both。 If he was going to stay; and ignore Natael's searching look at the same time; there was nothing for it but to study the maps。
       With the toe of his boot he shifted a few pebbles on the map of the city so he could read what was written on the parchments。 In spite of himself; he winced。 If the Aiel scouts could count; Couladin had nearly one hundred and sixty thousand spears … Shaido and those who had supposedly gone to join their societies among the Shaido。 A hard nut to crack; and prickly。 This side of the Spine of the World had not seen an army like that since Artur Hawkwing's time。
       The second map showed the other clans that had crossed the Dragonwall。 All had now; in one force or another; strung out according to when they had left the Jangai and spread apart; but too close to here for fort。 The Shiande; the Codarra; the Daryne; and the Miagoma。 Between them; they apparently had at least as many spears as Couladin; they had not left many behind; if that was true。 The seven clans with Rand almost doubled that; easily enough to face Couladin or the four clans。 Either or。 Not both; not at once。 But both at once might be what Rand had to fight。
       What the Aiel called the bleakness had to be affecting those clans too … every day still men tossed down their weapons and vanished … but only a fool would think it lessened their numbers any more than it did Rand's。 And there was always the possibility that some of those were going to Couladin。 The Aiel did not speak of it very much or very freely; and masked the idea behind talk of joining societies; but even now; men and Maidens decided they could not accept Rand or what he had told them of themselves。 Every morning some were missing; and not all left their spears behind。
       〃A pretty situation; wouldn't you say?〃
       Mat's head jerked up at Lan's voice; but the Warder had entered the tent alone。 〃Just something to look at while I waited。 Is Rand ing back?〃
       〃He will be with us soon。〃 Thumbs tucked behind his sword belt; Lan stood beside 。Mat; looking down at the map。 His face gave away as much as a statue's would。 〃Tomorrow should bring the largest battle since Artur Hawkwing。〃
       〃You don't say?〃 Where was Rand? Still up on that tower; probably。 Maybe he should go there。 No; he could end up haring all over the camp; always one step behind。 Rand would e here eventually。 He wanted to talk about something besides Couladin。 This fight is none of mine。 I'm not running away from anything that concerns me in the least。 〃What about them?〃 He gestured to the slips representing the Miagoma and the others。 〃Any word on whether they mean to join Rand; or do they just intend to sit there watching?〃
       〃Who can say? Rhuarc doesn't seem to know any more than I do; and if the Wise Ones do; they are not telling。 The only thing certain is that Couladin is not going anywhere。〃
       Couladin again。 Mat shifted unfortably and took a half…step toward the entrance。 No; he would wait。 Fastening his gaze on the maps; he pretended to study them further。 Perhaps Lan would leave him in silence。 He just wanted to say his piece to Rand and go。
       The Warder appeared to want to talk; though。 〃What do you think; Master Gleeman? Should we rush down on Couladin with everything and crush him tomorrow?〃
       〃That sounds as good to me as any other plan;〃 Natael replied dourly。 Emptying the goblet down his throat; he dropped it on the carpets and picked up the harp to begin softly strumming something dark and funereal。 〃I lead no armies; Warder。 I mand nothing save myself; and not always that。〃
       Mat grunted; and Lan glanced at him before returning to his study of the maps。 〃You do not think it a good plan? Why not?〃
       He said it so casually that Mat answered without thinking。 〃Plenty of reasons。 If you surround Couladin; trap him between you and the city; you might crush him against it。〃 How long was Rand going to be? 〃But you might push him right over the walls; too。 From what I hear; he's nearly gotten over twice already; even without miners or siege engines; and the city is hanging on by its teeth。〃 Say his piece and go; that was it。 〃Press him enough; and you'll find yourself fighting inside Cairhien。 Nasty thing; fighting in a city。 And the idea is to save the place; not finish ruining it。〃 Those slips laid out on the maps; the maps themselves; made it all so clear。
       Frowning; he squatted with his elbows on his knees。 Lan got down with him; but he hardly noticed。 A dicey problem。 And fascinating。 〃Best if you try to shove him away。 Hit him from the south; mainly。〃 He pointed to the River Gaelin; it joined the Alguenya some miles north of the city。 〃There are bridges up here。 Leave the Shaido a clear path to them。 Always leave a way out; unless you really want to find out how hard a man can fight when he's nothing to lose。〃 His finger slid east。 Wooded hills for the most part; it seemed。 Probably not much different from right around here。 〃A blocking force here on this side of the river will make sure they go for the bridges; if it's big enough and positioned right。 Once they are moving; Couladin won't want to try fighting someone ahead of him while you're ing behind。〃 Yes。 Almost exactly the same as at Jenje。 〃Not unless he's a plete fool; anyway。 They might make it to the river in good order; but those bridges will choke them。 I don't see Aiel swimming; or hunting out fords for that matter。 Keep the pressure on; shove them across。 With luck you'll be able to harry them all the way to the mountains。〃 It was like Cuaindaigh Fords; too; late in the Trolloc Wars; and on much the same scale。 Not much different from the Tora Shan; either。 Or Sulmein Gap; before Hawkwing found his stride。 The names flickered through his head; the images of bloody fields forgotten even by historians。 Absorbed in the map as he was; they did not register as anything but his own remembrances。 〃Too bad you don't have more cavalry。 Light cavalry is best for the harrying。 Bite at the flanks; keep th
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