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rwhelmed the lamps; until it hurt to book at her except through slitted eyes。 〃I swear it! By the Light and my hope of salvation and rebirth; I will!〃 The anger in her voice changed; being deeper if anything。 〃It isn't working。 There is nothing wrong with her to Heal。 She is as perfect as anyone can be。 But she is dying。 Oh; Light; I can feel her slipping away。 Burn Moghedien! Burn her! And burn me along with her!〃 She was not giving up; though。 The weaving continued; plex flows weaving into Birgitte。 And the woman lay there; golden braid flung over the side of the bed; the rise and fall of her chest slowing。
       〃I can do something that might help;〃 Elayne said slowly。 You were supposed to have permission; but it had not always been so。 Once it had been done almost as often without as with。 There was no reason it should not work on a woman。 Except that she had never heard of it being done to any but men。
       〃Linking?〃 Nynaeve did not look away from the woman on the bed; or stop her efforts with the Power。 〃Yes。 You will have to do it … I don't know how … but let me guide。 I do not know half what I am doing right this minute; but I know that I can do it。 You could not Heal a bruise。〃
       Elayne's mouth tightened; but she let the remark lie。 〃Not linking。〃 The amount of saidar that Nynaeve had drawn into herself was amazing。 If she could not Heal Birgitte with that; what Elayne could add would not make a difference。 Together; they would be stronger than either apart; but not as strong as if their two strengths were simply added。 Besides; she was not certain that she could link。 She had only been linked once; and an Aes Sedai had done it; to show her what it was like more than how。 〃Stop; Nynaeve。 You said yourself it is not working。 Stop and let me try。 If it doesn't work; you can。。。〃 She could what? If Healing worked; it worked; if it did not。。。 There was no point in trying again if it failed。
       〃Try what?〃 Nynaeve snapped; yet she moved away awkwardly; letting Elayne e close。 The weave of Healing faded; but not the shining nimbus。
       Instead of answering; Elayne put one hand on Birgitte's forehead。 Physical contact was as necessary for this as for Healing; and the two times she had watched it done in the Tower; the Aes Sedai had touched the man's forehead。 The flows of Spirit she wove were plex; if not so intricate as Nynaeve's of a moment before。 She barely understood some of what she was doing; and none at all of other parts; yet she had paid close attention; from her hiding place; to how the weave was shaped。 Watched closely because she had built up a stock of stories in her head; made silly romances where there so seldom were any。 After a moment; she sat down on the other bed and let saidar go。
       Nynaeve frowned at her; then bent to examine Birgitte。 The unconscious woman's color was perhaps a little better; her breathing a little stronger。 〃What did you do; Elayne?〃 Nynaeve did not take her eyes from Birgitte; but the glow around her faded away slowly。 〃It wasn't Healing。 I think I could do it myself; now; but it was not Healing。〃
       〃Will she live?〃 Elayne asked faintly。 There was no visible link between her and Birgitte; no flows; but she could sense the woman's weakness。 A terrible weakness。 She would know the moment Birgitte died; even if she was sleeping; or hundreds of miles away。
       〃I do not know。 She isn't fading anymore; but I do not know。〃 Weariness made Nynaeve's voice soft; and pain touched it strongly; as if she shared Birgitte's injury。 Wincing; she rose and unfolded a red…striped blanket to spread over the woman lying there。 〃What did you do?〃
       Silence held Elayne long enough for Nynaeve to join her; lowering herself awkwardly onto the bed。 〃Bonding;〃 Elayne said finally。 〃I。。。 bonded her。 As a Warder。〃 The incredulous stare on the other woman's face made her rush on。 〃Healing was doing no good。 I had to do something。 You know the gifts a Warder gets from being bonded。 One is strength; energy。 He can keep going when other men would collapse and die; survive wounds that would kill anyone else。 It was the only thing I could think of。〃
       Nynaeve drew a deep breath。 〃Well; it is working better than what I did; at least。 A woman Warder。 I wonder what Lan will think of that? No reason why she shouldn't be。 If any woman can; it would be her。〃 Wincing; she curled her legs up beneath her; her gaze kept returning to Birgitte。 〃You will have to keep this secret。 If anyone learns that an Accepted has bonded a Warder; whatever the circumstances。。。〃
       Elayne shivered。 〃I know;〃 she said simply; and quite fervently。 It was not quite a stilling offense; but any Aes Sedai would very likely make her wish she had been stilled。 〃Nynaeve; what happened?〃
       For a long moment she thought the other woman was going to start crying again as her chin quivered and her lips worked。 When she began speaking; her voice was iron; her face a blend of fury and too many tears ever to shed。 She told the tale starkly; almost sketchily; until she came to Moghedien's appearance among the wagons。 That she rendered in painful detail。
       〃I should be welted from the neck down;〃 she said bitterly at last; touching a smooth; unmarked arm。 Unmarked or not; she flinched。 〃I don't understand why I am not。 I feel it; but I deserve the welts; for stupid; foolish pride。 For being too afraid to do what I should。 I deserved being hung up like a ham in a smokehouse。 If there was any justice; I would still be dangling there; and Birgitte would not be lying on that bed; with us wondering whether she'll live or not。 If only I knew more。 If only I could have Moghedien's knowledge for five minutes; I could Heal her。 I am sure of it。〃
       〃If you were still hanging;〃 Elayne said practically; 〃in a very short while you would be waking up and shielding me。 I don't doubt Moghedien would have seen to it that you were angry enough to channel … she knows us all too well; remember … and I do doubt very much that I would have suspected anything until you had done it。 I do not fancy being carted off to Moghedien; and I cannot believe you do either。〃 The other woman did not look at her。 〃It must have been a link; Nynaeve; like an a'dam。 That is how she made you feel pain without marking you。〃 Nynaeve still sat there in a glowering sulk。 〃Nynaeve; Birgitte is still alive。 You did everything you could for her; and the Light willing; she will live。 It was Moghedien who did this to her; not you。 A soldier who takes blame for his rades who fall in battle is a fool。 You and I are soldiers in a battle; but you are not a fool; so stop behaving like one。〃
       Nynaeve did look at her then; a scowl that lasted only a moment before she turned her face pletely away。 〃You don't understand。〃 Her voice sank almost to a whisper。 〃She。。。 was。。。 one of the heroes bound to the Wheel of Time; destined to be born again and again to make legends。 She wasn't born this time; Elayne。 She was ripped out of Tel'aran'rhiod as she stood。 Is she still bound to the Wheel? Or has she been ripped away from that; too? Ripped away from what her own courage earned her; because I was so proud; so man…stubborn stupid; that I made her hunt 
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