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 size。 It had a high stone wall; and most of the buildings were stone as well; many as much as three stories; and there were more roofs of slate or tile than thatch。
       This side of the Eldar was no better。 They had passed three Whitecloak encampments before reaching their stopping place; hundreds of white tents in neat rows; and there had to be more they had not seen。 Whitecloaks on this side of the river; the Prophet and maybe a riot waiting to happen on the other; and she had no idea where to go and no way to get there except in a lumbering wagon that moved no faster than she could walk。 She wished she had never let Elayne talk her into abandoning the coach。 Not seeing a weed close enough to snap without stepping aside; she broke the dogfennel in half; then again; until the pieces were no longer than her hand; and tossed them to the ground。 She wished she could do the same with Luca。 And Galad Damodred; for sending them running here。 And al'Lan Mandragoran; for not being here。 Not that she needed him; of course。 But his presence would have been。。。 a fort。
       The camp was quiet; with evening meals cooking over small fires beside the wagons。 Petra was feeding the black…maned lion; thrusting huge pieces of meat through the bars on a stick。 The female lions were already hunkered down over theirs panionably; letting out an occasional growl if someone came too close to their cage。 Nynaeve stopped near Aludra's wagon; the Illuminator was working with wooden mortar and pestle on a table let down from the side of her wagon; muttering to herself over whatever she was pounding。 Three of the Chavanas smiled at Nynaeve enticingly; motioning her to join them。 Not Brugh; who still glowered over his lip; though she had given him a salve to make the swelling go down。 Maybe if she hit the rest of them as hard; they would listen to Luca … and more importantly; to her! … and realize that she did not want their smiles。 Too bad Master Valan Luca could not follow his own instructions。 Latelle turned from the bear cage and gave her a tight smile; more of a smirk; really。 Mainly; though; Nynaeve stared at Cerandin; who was filing the blunt toenails of one of the huge gray s'redit with what looked like a tool suitable for metal。
       〃That one;〃 Aludra said; 〃she uses the hands and the feet with remarkable ability; no? Do not glare at me so; Nana;〃 she added; dusting her hands。 〃I am not your enemy。 Here。 You must try these new firesticks。〃
       Nynaeve took the wooden box from the dark…haired woman gingerly。 It was a cube she could have held easily with one hand; but she used both。 〃I thought you called them strikers。〃
       〃Maybe yes; maybe no。 Firesticks; it says what they are much better than strikers; yes? I have smoothed the little holes that hold the sticks so they can no longer ignite on the wood。 A good idea; no? And the heads; they are a new formulation。 You will try them and tell me what you think?〃
       〃Yes; of course。 Thank you。〃
       Nynaeve hurried on before the woman could press another box on her。 She held the thing as if it might explode; which she was not certain it would not。 Aludra had everyone trying out her strikers; or firesticks; or whatever she would decide to call them next。 They certainly would light a fire or a lamp。 They could also burst into flame if the blue…gray heads rubbed against each other or anything else rough。 For herself; she would stick with flint and steel; or a coal kept properly banked in a box of sand。 Much safer。
       Juilin caught her before she could set foot on the steps of the wagon she shared with Elayne; his gaze going straight to her swollen eye。 She glared at him so hard that he stepped back and snatched that ridiculous conical cap from his head。 〃I've been over the river;〃 he said。 〃There are a hundred or so Whitecloaks in Samara。。。 Just watching; and being watched as hard themselves by Ghealdanin soldiers。 But I recognized one。 The young fellow who was sitting across from The Light of Truth in Sienda。〃
       She smiled at him; and he took another hasty step back; eyeing her wanly。 Galad in Samara。 That was all they needed。 〃You always bring such wonderful news; Juilin。 We should have left you in Tanchico; or better; on the dock in Tear。〃 That was hardly fair。 Better he told her of Galad than that she walked around a corner into the man。 〃Thank you; Juilin。 At least we know to keep an eye out for him; now。〃 His nod was hardly a proper response to graciously offered thanks; and he hurried away; clapping his hat on; as if he expected her to hit him。 Men had no manners。
       The interior of the wagon was far cleaner than it had been when Thom and Juilin purchased it。 The flaking paint had all been scraped off … the men had grumbled about doing that … and the cabinets and the tiny table that was fastened to the floor oiled until they shone。 The small brick stove with its metal chimney was never used … the nights were warm enough; and if they began cooking in here; Thom and Juilin would never take another turn … but it made a good place to keep their valuables; the purses and the jewelry boxes。 The washleather pouch holding the seal that she had stuffed in as far as it would go and had not touched since。
       Elayne; seated on one of the narrow beds; stuffed something under the blankets when Nynaeve climbed inside; but before she could ask what it was; Elayne exclaimed; 〃Your eye! What happened to you?〃 They needed to wash her hair in henpepper again; faint hints of gold were showing at the roots of those black tresses。 It had to be done every few days。
       〃Cerandin hit me when I wasn't looking;〃 Nynaeve muttered。 The remembered taste of boiled catfern and powdered mavinsleaf made her tongue curl。 That was not why she had let Elayne go to the last meeting in Tel'aran'rhiod; too。 She was not avoiding Egwene。 It was just that she made most of the journeys into the World of Dreams between meetings; and it was only fair to give Elayne her chances to go。 That was it。
       Carefully she put the box of firesticks into one of the cabinets; next to two more。 The one that had actually caught fire was long since discarded。
       She did not know why she was hiding the truth。 Elayne had obviously not been outside the wagon; or she would know already。 She and Juilin were probably the only people in camp who did not know; now that Thom had surely revealed every disgusting detail to Luca。
       Taking a deep breath; she sat down on the other bed and made herself meet Elayne's eyes。 Something in the quiet of the other woman said she knew that more was ing。
       〃I。。。 asked Cerandin about damane and sul'dam。 I am certain she knows more than she lets on。〃 She paused for Elayne to voice doubts that she had asked rather than demanded; to say that the Seanchan woman had already told them all she knew; that she had not had much contact with damane or sul'dam。 But Elayne kept silent; and Nynaeve realized that she was only hoping to postpone the moment with an argument。 〃She got quite heated about not knowing any more; so I shook her。 You've really gone too far with her。 She waggled her finger under my nose!〃 Still Elayne only watched her; those cool blue eyes barely blinking
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