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n Birgitte; as strong as Aviendha。 Would Nynaeve have sense enough to hold her tongue in front of Amys tonight? She had a vague thought of taking Nynaeve by the scruff of the neck and shaking her。 Silly。 Nynaeve was years the older。 Arch an eyebrow at her。 Dunsinin。 Birgitte。 As hardy and strong as a Maiden of the Spear。
       Her head slipped down to the pages; and she tried to cradle the small book under her cheek as her breathing slowed and deepened。

       She gave a start at finding herself among the great redstone columns of the Heart of the Stone; in the strange light of Tel'aran'rhiod; and another at realizing that she wore the cadin'sor。 Amys would not be pleased to see her in that; not amused at all。 Hastily she changed it; and was surprised when her clothes flickered back and forth between the algode blouse and bulky wool skirt and a fine gown of brocaded blue silk before finally settling on the Aiel garb; plete with her ivory bracelet of flames and her gold…and…ivory necklace。 That indecision had not happened to her in some time。
       For a moment she thought of stepping out of the World of Dreams; but she suspected she was soundly asleep; back in her tent。 Very likely she would only step into a dream of her own; and she did not yet always have awareness in her dreams; without that; she could not return to Tel'aran'rhiod。 She was not about to leave Amys and Nynaeve alone together。 Who knew what Nynaeve would say; if Amys got her temper up? When the Wise One arrived; she would simply say that she had just arrived herself。 The Wise Ones had always been a bit ahead of her; or arrived at the same time; before this; but surely if Amys believed she had only been there a second it would not matter。
       She had almost grown accustomed to the feel of unseen eyes in this vast chamber。 Only the columns; and the shadows; and all this empty space。 Still; she hoped that Amys was not too long in ing; nor Nynaeve。 But they would be。 Time could be as strange in Tel'aran'rhiod as in any dream; but it had to be a good hour yet before the arranged meeting。 Perhaps she had time to。。。
       Suddenly she realized that she could hear voices; like faint whispers among the columns。 Embracing saidar; she moved cautiously toward the sound; toward the place where Rand had left Callandor beneath the great dome。 The Wise Ones claimed that control of Tel'aran'rhiod was as strong as the One Power here; but she knew her abilities with the Power far better; and trusted them more。 Still hidden well back among the thick redstone columns; she stopped and stared。
       It was not a pair of Black sisters; as she had feared; and not Nynaeve; either。 Instead; Elayne stood near the glittering shaft of Callandor rising out of the floorstone; deep in quiet conversation with as oddly dressed a woman as Egwene had ever seen。 She wore a short white coat of peculiar cut and wide yellow trousers gathered in folds at her ankles; above short boots with raised heels。 An intricate braid of golden hair hung down her back; and she held a bow that gleamed like polished silver。 The arrows in the quiver shone; too。
       Egwene squeezed her eyes shut。 First the difficulty with her dress; and now this。 Just because she had been reading about Birgitte … a silver bow told the name for certain … was no reason to imagine that she saw her。 Birgitte waited … somewhere … for the Horn of Valere to call her and the other heroes to the Last Battle。 But when Egwene opened her eyes again; Elayne and the oddly dressed woman were still there。 She could not quite make out what they were saying; but she believed her eyes this time。 She was on the point of going out to announce herself when a voice spoke; behind her。
       〃Did you decide to e early? Alone?〃
       Egwene whirled to face Amys; her sun…darkened face too youthful for her white hair; and leathery…cheeked Bair。 Both stood with their arms folded beneath their breasts; even the way their shawls were pulled tight spoke of displeasure。
       〃I fell asleep;〃 Egwene said。 It was too much before time for her story to work。 Even as she explained hastily about dozing off and why she had not gone back … minus the part about not wanting Nynaeve and Amys to talk alone … she was surprised to feel a tinge of shame that she had intended to lie and relief that she had not。 Not that the truth would necessarily save her。 Amys was not as strict as Bair … not quite … but she was perfectly capable of setting her to piling up rocks the rest of the night。 Many of the Wise Ones were great believers in useless labor for punishment; you could not tell yourself you were doing anything other than being punished while you were burying ashes with a spoon。 That was provided they did not simply refuse to teach her any more; of course。 The ashes would be much preferable。
       She could not hold back a sigh of relief when Amys nodded and said; 〃It can happen。 But next time; return and dream your own dreams; I could have heard what Nynaeve has to say; and tell her what we know。 If Melaine was not with Bael and Dorindha tonight; she would be here; as well。 You frightened Bair。 She is proud of your progress; and if anything happened to you。。。〃
       Bair did not look proud。 If anything; she scowled even more deeply; as Amys paused。 〃You are lucky Cowinde found you when she returned to clear away your supper; and was worried when she could not rouse you to move to your blankets。 If I thought you had been here more than a few minutes alone。。。〃 The glare sharpened in dire promise for a moment; and then her voice turned grumpy。 〃Now I suppose we have to wait for Nynaeve to arrive; just to stop you begging if we send you back。 If we must; we must; but we will use the time to advantage。 Concentrate your mind on …〃
       〃It isn't Nynaeve;〃 Egwene said hastily。 She did not want to know what a lesson would be like with Bair in this mood。 〃It is Elayne; and。。。〃 She trailed off; as she turned。 Elayne; in elegant green silk suitable for a ball; was pacing up and down not far from Callandor。 Birgitte was nowhere to be seen。 I did not imagine her。
       〃She is here already?〃 Amys said; moving to where she could see; too。
       〃Another young fool;〃 Bair muttered。 〃Girls today have no more brains or discipline than goats。〃 She stalked out ahead of Egwene and Amys and planted herself across Callandor's glittering shape from Elayne; fists on hips。 〃You are not my pupil; Elayne of Andor … though you've wheedled enough out of us to keep you from killing yourself here; if you are careful … but if you were; I would welt you from your toes up and send you back to your mother until you were grown enough to be let out of her sight。 Which I think might take as many more years as you have lived already。 I know you have been ing into the World of Dreams alone; you and Nynaeve。 You are both fools to do it。〃
       Elayne gave a start when they first appeared; but as Bair's tirade washed over her; she drew herself up; that chilly tilt to her chin。 Her gown became red and took on a finer sheen; and grew embroidery down the sleeves and across the high bodice; including rearing lions in white and golden lilies; her own sigil。 A thin golden diadem rested in he
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