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over; Lord Antero and I have a debt to repay。 And we always honor our debts。〃
 Shouts of happiness; agreement; disagreement; cries of it was their pleasure; and the crowd began dissipating。 Several of them; including that iron…lunged harpooness; wanted to speak to and touch him。 〃Now;〃 he said to me in a low tone after a spell。 〃We should have given that jackanapes and his beach watchers time enough to get away。〃 Little by little; through the well…wishers; we extricated ourselves。 Then; using back alleys and keeping well out of sight of any of the troops from various units who were patrolling the streets; we reached my villa。
 It looked as if it had been readied for a siege。 All of the windows on the lower floors were blocked off with the solid oak deadlights my father's father had prepared; part of the gear we maintained and replaced or added to as needed; which was meant for the most extreme emergency。
 Sergeant Maeen had taken charge; technically deserting from the army; although no one seemed to care about his action; especially since the Magistrates' Own Guard no longer existed。 Helping him keep order was a self…appointed foursome: J'an; the head stableman; Rake and Mose; my sauce chef and storekeeper; respectively; and Spoto; the youngest of the chambermaids。 I thought of the two who should have run the household in my absence; Eanes and Tegry; and said a prayer to the memory of them both; one a hero; one a fool。
 Rali had managed to slip in from time to time; but no one knew how。 I did; but said nothing。 She'd managed to get word to my brothers at our estates beyond the city and told them to stay where they were。 In fact; the villa was ready to be blockaded。 Rali had ordered the storekeepers to lay in nonperishables for months; and had both our cellar wells given a sweetness blessing by a trustworthy Evocator。 She'd opened the armory and unlocked the weapons racks。 Maeen had spent hours teaching the use of them; and J'an; who'd been an eager witness to my early weapons training; assisted。 The quartet had paid off any of my staff who were afraid; worried; or felt there might be some merit to the libels against my family。 I was honored almost to the point of tears when Spoto said that only three had demanded their wages and gone。 Just as Cheapside would be rewarded when peace came; so; too; must I remember each man and woman in this household。
 I was tired; hungry; and dirty; but somehow knew I must not waste any time。 I had my household leaders…I began calling them my captains…walk me through the house and grounds; telling me all they'd done。 By that time; Janos had refreshed himself; and I chanced a quick bath; a gobbled meal; and a glass of wine。 I looked longingly at that great feather bed in my chambers; but did not weaken。 I went belowstairs and found that Janos; experienced soldier that he was; had made some additions。 These included buckets full of either dirt or water placed around in case of an 〃unexplained〃 fire。 He set a watch on the roof; ordered to sound the alert if they saw or heard anything untoward。 All doors except the large front one were double barred and spiked and heavy furniture moved in front of them。
 Rali appeared suddenly behind me。 No one seemed surprised except for Janos…I gathered she had told the staff she'd been given a spell permitting her to enter her home without using the door or some such nonsense。 I knew…and later told Janos…how she'd gotten into the villa。 Part of the worst…event planning our family's heads had made were two tunnels。 One began behind a false bookcase in my father's…now my…office; and ran under the grounds to exit more than one hundred yards behind the villa; and the second went from a trapdoor in the second floor down a false chimney; under the street in front of us to emerge in the rear of a small shop nearby that no one…including its proprietor… knew the Antero family owned。
 Rali told us what had happened since I'd slipped out of the city。 As I'd feared; my disappearance had weighed the scales against those of us who saw Orissa was at a turning point in its history…a turning point that meant we must reach for the Far Kingdoms; that we must change to be able to face a new epoch。 Many of those who'd bravely stood up against the old guard found it politic to withdraw from the controversy。 Those who could afford it; such as Malaren; had taken Gamelan's example and physically left the city。
 Words became violence。 First was the beating of a particularly hated man who served as landlord for slum tenements secretly owned by some of the richest and most conservative families in the city。 One of the night watch's guardhouses had been burned; not far from Cheapside。 Then my old friend Prevotant reported to the Magistrates that he and his guards had been set upon by villains in the night; villains who shouted; 〃Down with the Evocators〃 and 〃Lycanth will free us。〃 At this point Rah' stopped; raised an eyebrow; and waited for ment。 Neither Janos nor I cared to ment on the truth of that。 Lycanth would free us; indeed。 Prevotant was even stupider than I remembered him。
 Somehow the Magistrates were convinced to declare Emergency Regulations; regulations that also empowered the Evocators to 〃provide counseling and assistance in any manner deemed fit to end the current emergency。〃 That; in turn; brought mobs into the streets。 Somehow; during the course of a night's protest; two buildings were burned…and seven men and two women; all from the artisan class; 〃attacked the night watch; intending murder; forcing them to defend themselves with the full force of arms。〃 That was a little too raw; even for the Magistrates' Council; who by now were being almost entirely swayed by the Old Guard。
 They called for the Maranon Guard to take the streets and bring peace。 But their instructions meant 〃peace〃 was to be interpreted as the suppression of those who wanted change; and the preservation of the old。
 〃We held full council then;〃 Rali said; her face like ice。 〃All of us; from officers to the lowliest stable hand; all voices to be held equal。 It took the greater part of a night; but it was determined that the main reason we are blessed by Maranonia is because we truly are the spirit of Orissa。 Not Orissa past; nor Orissa to e。 For us to choose sides would not only destroy the respect we are held in; but almost certainly incur a curse from the goddess herself。
 〃We refused to obey; for the first time in the history of the Maranon Guard。〃 Rali looked away; eyes gleaming wet in the firelight。 〃It was a proud and a shameful moment。
 〃We were ordered to our barracks; where we remain。 We do not know what; if anything; we should do to end this catastrophe that is tearing Orissa apart。 We have sought out prophets and wise men and women。 A few Evocators; ones we trust; have even visited our barracks secretly。 We cast runes hourly。 But as yet 。。。〃 She let her voice trail off。 〃There are times; Janos Greycloak;〃 she said frankly; 〃I have damned you; and damned the Far Kingdoms as well。〃
 〃Change will happen;〃 Janos said。 〃Whether we will it or not。 The best we can do is shape it to our own ends; that will with luck bring the greatest happiness to the most people。〃
 〃I know。〃
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