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ing from the horror scene across。 I sagged down; onto the muck and filth some long…ago…scattered straw did nothing to sop up。
 〃Amalric!〃 Janos' voice was harsh。 I straightened and saw them。 Our fellow prisoners。 There were possibly fifty men in the cell。 Most of them stood or lay in defeated abandon; paying but little attention to the latest victims。 But not all 。。。 A group shuffled toward us。 I could smell them。 I almost thought their eyes glowed; as I have been told the eyes of some wolves glow before the kill; although I've never seen such a happening。
 One; somewhat larger; moved in front of the others。 〃We'll take th' clothes;〃 he said; in a monotone that carried neither threat nor promise; 〃and th' pretty boy'll serve who we say。〃
 Janos had me by the arm; and we backed toward a wall。 The prisoners shuffled after us; unhurriedly。 Why not? They had all the time in the world; and probably their game would be all the better for being prolonged。 Janos kept chancing glances behind him。 I thought we were merely finding cover for our backs。 Janos scooped and came up with something 。。。 something white 。。。 a stick; and passed it to me。 I had time to realize I was holding a man's leg bone when Janos reached down once more; as the prisoners were closing; and his fist came up clenching one cuff of a pair of chained manacles; the bones of the long…dead man who'd been pinioned shattering down to the floor。 The first prisoner roared; and leaped toward us; just as Janos swung the shackle like a morning star into the man's face。 He screamed like a lanced bear; reared back; blood spurting in the gloom; and fell as another one of them shambled in on me。 I slashed with my bone club; the bone shattered like the corpse's arms had; and I lunged; my club now a shard…edged dagger; striking deep into the other's stomach。 I jerked it free as one of them pinioned me about the shoulders。 I ducked; about to toss him overhead; and Janos came in with the chain。 I heard the man's bones crack; and his arms fell away; and I straightened。 Another attacker was reaching with strangler's hands; and I remembered one of Janos' tricks; brought both arms up; crossed at the wrist inside the man's reach; snapped them out; flinging the man's arms wide。 Without pausing; as Janos had taught me; I kicked the man's kneecap; recovered; spinning to one side; fisted hand crashing into his throat; and he gurgled and stumbled away。 Another crash; and a scream as Janos' death dealer landed once more; and then there were only three attackers; backing away; hands held up defensively。
 〃All right。 All right;〃 one of them panted。 〃But there'll be another time。〃
 〃No; there shall not;〃 Janos said flatly。 〃If there is; you had best kill both of us 。。。 or plan on never sleeping again。 Look at me 。。。 you。〃 The one who'd spoken stopped his retreat。 〃I know things you 。。。 and those bastards across me〃…jerking a thumb outside the cell at the torture chamber…〃cannot even dream of。〃 Before the man could react; Janos dropped the manacles; bounded forward; one hand cupped and reaching out。 I swear he but touched the other with his curled fingers in what might have been a lightning caress; but the man yowled agony; and doubled; shrilling; both hands clutching the angle of his jaw。 〃You will live;〃 my friend announced。 〃But the pain will remind you of me for a week。〃 The others helped their fellow away; and they found a refuge far across the cell。
 〃Will they try again?〃
 〃Perhaps;〃 Janos said indifferently。 〃We will sleep but lightly anyway。 I can think of some words that will cause that straw underfoot to crackle like great trees being broken should anyone approach us。〃
 Thus began the second phase of our imprisonment。 Somehow; as we dozed; the bodies of the men we had slain were removed from the cell without our hearing。 We were not bothered by the coterie of prisoners who ran the cell with their brutality。 I saw how they treated the weaker prisoners and wanted to intervene。 Janos forbade it。 〃We've carved our own niche in this little society of the damned。 They will leave us alone; so long as we don't interfere with their 。。。 interests。〃 I grudged the probable wisdom of what he said and tried not to listen to the sounds as they indulged themselves。 I found I could shut out those noises; just as my eyes could look out beyond the bars into the torture chamber and not see what agonies were being inflicted。 Twice prisoners from our cell were taken out and put on the rack。 Some of their fellows found this most entertaining。
 We could not tell what was day nor what was night。 I tried to keep track by our meals; assuming we were fed the stinking gruel and rotten bread once a day。 Janos told me not to bother…another mon jailer's trick to weaken a prisoner was to feed him at irregular intervals。 He might eat three times in one day and think three days had passed; then not at all for three days and think the most interminable day of his life had just gone by。 I figured later we were in that foul cell almost a month。
 We inquired about our fellow prisoners。 Some of them had offended the politics; such as they were; of the Archons or Lycanth; but most were mon criminals…of a particularly depraved nature; admittedly; but at least we weren't in the last citadel of the doomed。 This was confirmed when we saw one man released from the cell。 He babbled thanks; and tears; attempting to kiss the boot top of the guard who opened the cell door。
 I knew we were being held here to further weaken our resolve。 I guessed that next would e the torture chamber。 〃Possibly;〃 Janos said。 〃Or possibly they will seclude us and smash at us with their full magical power。〃 I thought that reaffirmed that we were not in the worst part of the Archons' dungeons; but said nothing to Janos。 Neither of our spirits needed any further degradation。
 Then came a lift。 A prisoner received a visitor! It was a woman; a slattern who claimed to be his wife。 She was not only permitted to see him … the torture chamber's doors being; of course; shut during that time … but they were allowed to use the guardroom for a few minutes for their own purpose。 A few days later; if days they were; a man's brother came。 I noticed they spent most of their time drawing what looked to be plans of the inside of a building and talking in low tones。 We asked eagerly for details on visitation rights; and were told that with enough gold; any of the prisoners; except those imprisoned for their beliefs; might be allowed visitors。 Depending on the whims of the guard officer。 Sometimes there would be a price in addition to money; a prisoner said。 The slattern; he rather imagined; would have been required to attend to at least some of the guards' pleasures before seeing her 〃husband。〃
 〃If someone from the outside can enter;〃 Janos mused softly; 〃then it might be possible for someone 。。。 two someones 。。。 from the inside to leave; might it not? Before the third part of the Archons' plan is put into motion。〃
 〃I do not know;〃 he said。 〃Let me consider how we can cast for a visitor all our very own。〃 But we did not need a scheme。 Shortly afterward; our visitor came to us。 Two guards escorted a man into the chamber。 He was not tall; but 
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