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here; man;〃 he roared。 〃The Far Kingdoms are for all of us。 Soldier and citizen; and not for the damned Evocators。〃 We dismounted; tossed the reins to the guardsman; and went through the gates; the crowd poured after us。
 It was not pleasant to be Cassini that day。 I imagine him; now; moments before our entry。 Every space in the Great Amphitheater was taken。 The heat would have been intense from all those thousands gathered to cheer his triumph。 But it was unlikely Cassini would have felt the heat。 He would have been well rehearsed for the honors ceremony and would have labored many nights over the humble hero's speech he planned to deliver。 As he waited patiently through the many introductory speeches; he would' have basked in all the admiration。 This was the culmination; the highest point in his life…a life that; he recently feared; would be unappreciated。 He would already have begun to dream of the triumphs that would soon follow。 He would lead the next expedition to the very portals of the Far Kingdoms and would return with even greater glory。 Yes; for a short while; Cassini knew what it was like to be the man of the hour。 Then we appeared; and the last of the sand ran out。
 Jeneander; that old fraud; was poised to introduce his protege when we entered。 He stood on the broad center stage of the amphitheater; his voice and image magnified many times by the special spell that was cast by 112 Evocators when the first stone was set in place。 Clustered about him were dignitaries from all walks of Orissan life。 In the two most favored seats were Gamelan; oldest of the Evocator Elders; and Sisshon; his counterpart with the Magistrates。 In the center; on the hero's throne and with a hero's garland on his brow; was Cassini。
 Jeneander was in mid…delivery when the crowd that had followed us in roared our names; and all heads in the Great Amphitheater turned。 Then the whole place became madness。 There were shouts and screams and sudden; wild brawls。 I heard my name being chanted; but; mostly I heard them cry out for Janos。 Janos。 Janos。 I saw Cassini; standing dumbfounded next to Jeneander; fear a raw wound on his face。 He was frozen in his humiliation; but the men about him were ing to life。 Some escaped association by fleeing the stage。 Others began to berate him; although I could not hear what they said over the noise of the crowd。 Gamelan was the first Evocator to find his senses。 He hurried to Jeneander and Cassini; threw his arms about them; lifted his head to the heavens; and cast a spell。 Smoke and fire billowed; and they were gone。
 Then a thousand arms lifted us; and a thousand more passed us across the arena floor to the center stage。 I was the first to be set on his feet。 I had just time to catch my bearings; and then Janos was beside me。 He looked around; a little bewildered; a soldier uneasy in the presence of so many civilians focusing on him。 I pushed him forward; guessing the point on the stage where our images would be cast up like giants。 From the sudden silence of the crowd; I knew I had guessed right。
 〃People of Orissa;〃 I said。 I heard the words explode out and wash back; rocking me by the sheer force of their sound。 〃You all know me; for I am one of your own。〃
 The crowd chanted my name。 〃Amalric。 Amalric。 Amalric。〃
 They grew quiet when I raised my hand。 〃If you do not know; I am sure you have all heard of my friend; here。〃
 There was wild cheering as I presented Janos。 I pushed him forward; sensing the people felt a close kinship to Janos。 I whispered to him; 〃Speak to them。 They want to hear you。〃
 Janos' eyes were glazed。 〃What should I say?〃
 I prodded him again。 〃Just tell them the truth。〃
 It was the last time Janos ever suffered the malady of actors。 His form suddenly straightened; and all fear and confusion dropped away。 He stepped forward; confident; as if born to the role。
 〃People of Orissa;〃 he boomed。 〃I bring you news of the Far Kingdoms 。。。〃
 The speech he gave that day was praised for many weeks。 It wouldn't have mattered if it had been fashioned of nonsense words; for Orissa had never known such a hero as Janos Greycloak。 Here was a man of noble family; but exotic birth。 He was also a fighting man; a soldier who knew what it was like to suffer。 Not only that; but it was rumored he was a former slave; so they were certain he was no stranger to the burdens and toil of mon men and women。 He'd also made a fool and a liar out of an Evocator; and isn't it true to this day that the most amiable of sorcerers may be respected; but will never be liked? Most of all; he brought them the gift of pride。 An ordinary man had achieved what had been considered impossible a few months before。 Now he promised to better that achievement; to set foot in a magical land that offered promise aplenty for every heart。
 As for myself; there were honors and banquets and many people clamoring for my time。 Lest false modesty brand me a liar; I will say that I was a hero as well。 After all; it had been my Finding that sparked the whole thing; and I walked every step Janos had walked and suffered what he had suffered。 But as intent as I had been on instantly gathering up an expedition and retracing our footsteps; now that I was home; my heart did not yearn so deeply for the Far Kingdoms。 With my father ill; and considering the mild nature of my brothers; it was up to me to shoulder the burdens of the Antero family fortunes。 My brothers had no grounds for quarrel when he made known that I was his choice to head the family。 The acclaim I had won for my Finding had removed much of the stain from the Antero name; or at least made it unwise to attack us。
 Oh; yes; there was one other thing 。。。 Deoce。 She delighted my father; and he was always making excuses to call her into his pany。 Although his health continued to fail; you would have thought he was young again when she came into his room。 No wonder; for she joked and flirted with him mercilessly。 To this day I am certain her attentions added to what little time he had remaining。 She also held Rali in her thrall…bursting onto the practice field at a moment's notice; asking to learn new tricks of arms; and giving more than a few of her own。
 〃There isn't a woman in my Guard who wouldn't fight you for her;〃 Rali told me。 〃The only thing holding them back is that the dear woman is so obviously headlong in love with you。〃
 Our wedding was by necessity a small affair。 My new fame would have made any kind of guest list a recipe for insult if it went beyond immediate family。 So we planned a simple ceremony at the villa; overseen by our hearthgod。 At first; I was concerned Deoce would feel slighted。
 〃Why should I feel insult?〃 She shrugged when I asked。 〃Among Salcae; the marriage is more important than the wedding itself。 The truly big feast is held after the couple has survived one plete harvest cycle; every harvest after that; the celebrations get even larger。 I think the reverse is so in Orissa because women have little say in your city。 So; the wedding ceremony is a poor bone to throw to the girl when she faces a life of servitude。 It is practically the only moment in her life when she is the center of everyone's attention; important above all othe
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