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 The boatman took one of the torches that guttered on either side of the arched stairway and beckoned once again。 In the flare of the burning pitch I saw his arm clearly; muscles flexing; jumping: an arm that was twisted like an olive tree that had fought its way up to sunlight through arid stone。 But there was no sunlight in his world。 I knew his body's contortions had e from the rack; from the fire…hot rod。 He turned; satisfied that I was following; and went up the worn stone steps; steps that many had stumbled up; crying aloud in their pain。 But no one had ever e down again。 No one but the masters。 Or this man or his rades。
 I knew this。 I knew not how。
 He wore only black breeches。 On his back I could see the marks of the lash; old and new。 I knew he prided himself on those lash scars。 On my own back wounds throbbed and I felt the searing; shame; struggle and moment of pride not yet yielding。
 I; too; had been tortured。
 Somewhere above; someone was waiting。 A great drum began; its boom drowning the dark howls from the ruins on the midnight plateau above。
 The steps ended。
 We entered in a great chamber; stone arches lifting into blackness。 A king's weling chamber。 It was empty; except for the man and myself。 He beckoned once more。 I heard the shatter of a cymbal; perhaps only in my mind; as I stared full into his face。 It was riven by a thousand sins; a thousand eagerly sought pains。 His nose had been broken; then broken again before it had healed。 His lips had been shaved away; and his ears were cropped。 His face was sliced by a smile; crooked; black teeth leering。 One eye gleamed black。 The other was a gaping socket。 But something moved within that socket。 A tiny red; writhing fire。 A fire that saw more than the solitary eye that peered at me。
 〃Yes; Amalric; my prey; my enemy; my friend; my reward; his intended partner and ambition;〃 said his voice。 〃We are almost there。 This is what you wanted。 This is your weird。 This is what your brother could not embrace。 e 。。。 e 。。。 It has been too long and He is waiting。〃
 He laughed; and the laugh was joined by a great boom from the darkness; from beyond。 That roar came from someone who could find no pleasure except in lashing pain。 It rose; echoing the now mad baying from the nightmares in the damned city beyond; then it buried their joy and became its own cacophony。
 I smiled and walked forward; my arms open; weling the dark radeship to e。
 I awoke; trembling and perspiring; more exhausted than when I had e to my bed。 At first I feared the dream might be an omen or a curse in repayment for my obsession with Melina。 But to accept this; I would have needed to confront myself and see the folly of my ways。 So each time it returned I pushed the dream from my mind and fell to scheming once again for money or presents for Melina。
 Finally; the day of reckoning came。 Spurned by my friends; mocked by my enemies; and in danger of being disowned by my father; I sat in my room reviewing the meager possessions yet unsold。 I was to see Melina that night。 One of her slaves had brought the invitation to my house。 She had written at the bottom of the card in her own; dear hand: e early; my love。 So we might steal a few precious moments alone。 Hope burned blight in my breast and my loins; then dimmed as I realized I had nothing of value to sell for her giftprice。 I thought of rushing to the river and throwing myself to the demon of the currents。
 I seriously considered creeping into my father's strong room and stealing the gold that would be required。 Then I was appalled for even thinking such a thing。 To steal from my father? What devil has possessed you; Amalric? How could you have allowed events to e to such a pass? This must stop。 This must end。 Besides; what if she spurns me once more; after I steal from the man who gave me life and was so generous and understanding of such a useless son? It would be impossible to bear。
 But I must have her; I thought。 I must make her mine; Yes 。。。 but; how? An evil plan rose。 It disgusted me to even think it and I hurled it away and flung myself onto the bed where I buried my head from the betraying light that streamed in from the balcony。

 A bird cried outside; and I swore it called; 〃Melina ;。 。 Me…lina 。。。 Melina。〃 The evil idea crept in again。 If I could borrow enough money; I knew of dark places in Orissa where it was reputed that certain potions and spells could be purchased; with no questions asked and without the chit of permission from an Evocator。 I would buy a love spell。
 I understood this was not only evil but illegal; as well。 I knew very well it was strictly forbidden to give a love potion to a he…taera。 The whole courtesans' guild system might collapse; making a mockery of the sanctity of Butala。 The penalties prescribed by the Council of Evocators started with dismemberment and grew quickly worse。 And you will shame your family; I thought。 Think of the terrible shadow your family akeady suffers under for angering the Evocators once before。 Think of the awful disappointment for your father。
 I tried。 I really did。 But all I could think of was Melina's lips and breasts and thighs that had been denied me so long。 These hot thoughts were further fueled by the vow I had taken after our first meeting。 I had been with no other woman since that time。
 Lust won the toss。 Risking life and my family's honor; I rushed out to put my plan into action。
 Janos Greycloak
 BY DUSK I was pacing back and forth outside Melina's door。 I had a bottle of spirits in my pocket; spiked with a black…market love potion; its guaranteed enchantment was fixed in my mind。 I was waiting for dark 。。。 and courage。 The moon was a sliver over the tenement when I saw Leego exit the building and stroll off; whistling a merry tune。 I knew he'd be ensconced in his favorite tavern for some hours。 A few moments later I was up the stairs; pulling on the bell chain; and then a servant was leading me to Melina's bedchamber。
 〃It is your redheaded slave; my fair Melina;〃 I sang out as I entered; my voice as bold as you please; despite the frantic beating of my heart。
 〃Oh; my dear; dear Amalric;〃 she said when she spied me。 Her face was so dazzling when she greeted me; I thought perhaps I had been a fool to think I needed a potion。 〃I have been so bored;〃 she said; sprawling across a mighty bed that seemed to have been built to pillow a legion。 〃I am sick of potbellied old men with skinny legs。〃
 I plumped down。 She was dressed only in a rough; carelessly draped half robe。 She was direct from her tub and looked like a fresh…scrubbed milkmaid with knowing eyes。 As she raised her head to pillow it on an arm; the robe fell open。 I saw the flash of a tender breast; pink…tipped nipple; and as she lazily tugged the robe closed; the vee of softness between her thighs; the paradise I so longed for that I was willing to risk all。
 〃Then let me take you away from all this; Melina my love;〃 I said; in false lightness。
 〃You would make me your wife?〃 she said。 Her voice was mocking。 But only a little。
 Now I was all seriousness。 〃I would pledge anything to make it so;〃 I said fervently。
 〃I don't think you'd wele a hetaera as th
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