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the sand and handed it to our Evocator。 〃A better spell: Brother speaks to brother。〃
 I saw Cassini's sunburned face redden still more。 〃How can you…〃
 〃Do it; man; or we die here!〃
 Cassini took the arrow in both hands and put it to his lips。 He whispered words I could not make out; but they became a chant。 Then he snapped the arrow cleanly in half。 Expecting what I should see; I glanced at the other arrows that had attacked us 。。。 they were broken; as well。
 〃Good;〃 Janos approved。 〃Broadcast that spell now。 And broadcast it wide。〃
 Cassini obeyed。 I do not know what effect it had; but there were no more flights of arrows。 Janos started to say something else; then caught himself; and worded what might have been conceived as an order as a vague thought; the thought of a man who knows little of magic: 〃Now; Cassini; can you put something between us and them? Invisibility?〃
 Cassini had recovered enough to curl a lip。 〃That would require too much power; and be too much a drain on my senses。 I can do something easier 。。。 and better。〃
 He picked up a handful of sand; then allowed it to slip through his fingers; then he prostrated himself; muttering all the while。 I looked back at the nomads and saw small dust devils rising; swirling; just knee high between us and them。 Cassini; emboldened by promises of success; ran to the ass carrying his equipment and began sorting out gear; to build and bind his spell。 Our soldiers were now in full mail; baking in the sunlight; but much safer from another attack。 I remembered the wounded man and went to him; but he was dead。 I beckoned to Janos; who walked over; looked down; and nodded; grim。 He also noticed that one of our pack animals was dead; although it had suffered only a slight arrow wound。
 〃A spell on the arrows;〃 I guessed。
 〃Probably not;〃 Janos said。 〃More likely venom of some sort on the arrowhead。 The desert breeds many killers from vipers to scorpions。 There is no need to waste substance ing up with a bit of sorcery when nature provides an even swifter killer whose efficacy does not wane with distance。〃
 Cassini had powders and potions out; and pentagrams and symbols drawn in the sand。 The dust devils were larger; lifting fifteen feet in the air。
 〃Good;〃 Janos said。 〃The sandstorm will at least keep us safe from further attack。 Although with those others out on the flanks; it will be hard to escape。 Impossible; most likely; since I would think those men know where we are going 。。。 Now I must heal two wounds。〃
 He turned to the soldiers; who knelt or sprawled in positions of defense。 〃Very good;〃 he said。 〃You moved swiftly。 I feel I chose well for my men。〃 I; in turn; searched their faces and was surprised to see none of the horror or borderline panic I had expected。 Their expressions showed anger and traces of worry。 Evidently this death; even though it had been aided by sorcery; was not that much of a shock。 Perhaps this was what was meant by the phrase 〃a soldier's lot。〃
 〃On your feet;〃 Janos ordered。 〃We will be moving; and moving fast。 Sergeant Maeen; detail two men to each ass to make certain they do not bolt if we are attacked again。 And have the dead ass's pack broken up among the other animals。 We will say the words for our rade when our Evocator finishes his protective spell。〃
 Cassini had evidently pleted his work。 Janos walked over to him as he repacked his gear。 〃My apologies; Evocator;〃 he began。 〃I did not recognize you were already making your plans。〃
 Cassini stared at him coldly。 〃You said once you had an interest in sorcery;〃 he said。 〃Quite an interest indeed; to be familiar with a brother…speaks…to…brother incantation。 Such a familiarity in Orissa might require an explanation to the Council。〃
 〃Freely offered here;〃 Janos said; trying to sound light。 〃I recollected that once; when I served Lycanth; such a spell was cast by my regiment's own sorcerer; when we were occupying a foreign city and being stalked by assassins from the rooftops。〃
 I waited to see how much of a fool Cassini was。 The Evocator eyed Janos。 〃Your memory;〃 he said coldly; 〃works most expeditiously in moments of danger。〃
 〃So I have been told。 May I give you a hand relashing your equipment? We must travel fast。〃
 After the death ceremony over the dead soldier; I asked Janos what; exactly; were our plans。 〃Assuming;〃 he said; 〃that this part of the route is like the others; we should strike a source of water; whether a well or an oasis; within two days at the most。 I would propose if we have not been able to lose the nomads by then; we keep them from the water until they are forced by thirst to retreat。〃
 〃You do not think they'll have been discouraged by Cassini's magic and just give up?〃
 〃Not a hope;〃 Janos answered。 〃All that showed was we are travelers with power; which means that we have something worth taking。 No。 The battle has only begun。〃 I prayed Janos was wrong。
 We moved all night; following the stars and the track。 At dawn I thought my prayers might have been answered; since there was no sign of our followers。 Janos; however; looked even more worried; but refused to tell me why。 Two hours later we saw; ahead of us on the horizon; a shimmering green that was not a mirage; it was an oasis。 We reached it an hour before dusk。 It was beautiful; blue ponds reflecting through low brush and shade…beckoning trees。 Our eyes ached for this place; for color beyond the browns we were stumbling through。
 We were only two spearcasts from entering it when the ululation began。 The nomads had beaten us to the oasis。 An arrow shower; launched by muscle and not sorcery; arced out of the brush and landed a few yards from us。
 Janos barked orders。 〃You men。 Move the asses into that hollow。 Sergeant Maeen; take charge of them。 Cassini 。。 。 Amalric 。。。 hold here with me。 They will almost certainly be sending out an emissary。〃
 I wondered how Janos could make such an assessment from a few arrows that buried themselves far short of our party。 〃Sheath your weapons; until I tell you otherwise;〃 Greycloak went on; before I could ask。 〃When they e out; look proud; and defiant; not beaten。 Our enemies want us alive。〃
 Cassini asked how Janos could know this。 〃The arrow launch was meant to intimidate; not harm。 So those nomads wish us either for slaves or for sacrifice。 Most likely the former; since no desert dweller wastes real substance on invisible gods unless forced。〃
 Three men came out of the brush that ringed the oasis。 They were dressed approximately the same: baggy knee breeches and tunics; with flowing hooded cloaks。 Curving swords were sheathed at their waists。 Two of them carried reversed spears; with a white cloth tied between them。 The other spread his hands out; palm open。 They approached。 I prepared to make the same symbol of peacefulness。 Janos shook his head。 〃No。〃
 He raised his voice。 〃Stop!〃 The three did。 〃How can you proclaim peace;〃 he demanded; in Trader's Tongue; 〃when you have already killed one of us; and send arrows against us when we have shown you no enmity? Do you think us fools?〃
 The man in front laughed sharply and answered in the same tongue; although brokenly; as if he spoke it but seldom。 〃I do not see you as fools; 
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