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ing。 The smell of decay was overpowering。 But not so overpowering as the feeling that we were being watched。 The feeling grew into certainty when a sailor cried out; and we saw two huge eyes poking up from the seaweed。 The eyes were no more than a ship's length off our port bow。 We came to know those eyes well。 They were yellow and shot with roped veins of red。 As they observed; there was a constant bubble and moil beneath the surface; as if the creature were feeding。 The captain ordered one of the crewmen to climb atop the mast to see if he could make out more of the creature from the heights。 As he climbed; the creature's eyes rolled slowly back; following him。
 Just before he reached the top; an enormous; purplish cable of flesh shot out of the water。 The sailor screamed as the tongue… for that's what it was; and covered with small; sharp teeth… wrapped around him and plucked him; howling with fear; from the mast。 He wriggled and fought as the tongue pulled him down into the water and to the still…unlimned creature。 There came one more burbling scream as he disappeared。 There was a small struggle; and blood welled。 The eyes went back to their task 。。。 watching us。
 Night slashed down; as black a night as I had ever seen。 We could not see the creature's eyes; much less ourselves; but we knew we were still being watched。 I heard men weeping。 I heard frightened whisperings。 I heard someone shout; 〃It's the redhead the fiend wants!〃 Janos had Sergeant Maeen assemble the soldiers。 From their voices they were as frightened as the sailors。 Maeen calmed them; steeling them against the night。 But we did not know in which direction the most danger threatened…from the watcher in the sea; or from our own kind。
 I fell into a troubled sleep。 It was a dream of strange voices; but no images。 There were constant whispers; whose nature I could not determine; but I knew they were discussing my fate。 A ghastly light crept in。 The light grew into blue flames that leaped higher and higher; as if fanned by wizardry。 I wanted to run; but my limbs were heavy stone columns。 There came a shout that hammered my soul; and the two Archons of Lycanth burst out of the flames。 〃Arise the winds;〃 one of them called; and his voice was thunder。
 〃From the north and the south;〃 the other cried; 〃east and west。 Gather ye winds。 Gather。〃 His voice was lightning。
 〃Seek the redheaded one;〃 the thunderer manded。 〃And the one known as Greycloak。 Find them on the seas where no wind blows。〃
 〃Blow foul; blow fierce;〃 the other said。 〃Then fiercer and fouler still。 Blow; ye winds。 Blow。〃 A black cloud exploded out of the flames; and the Archons were gone。 The cloud was bristling with black forces; swirling this way and that。 Then I could see the Archons in the cloud。 They were pointing at me! 〃Blow ye winds; blow!〃 came their great shout。 The black cloud howled toward me。
 I bolted awake; dripping sour sweat。 It was morning。 I looked about; still shaken from my dream; and saw the other men were rising from the deck。 They were smiling。 I felt a cool breeze fan my cheek; the reason for their smiles。 Janos clapped me on the back。 〃Our luck has returned;〃 he cried。 〃The winds are back。〃 The seamen leaped to obey Captain L'ur's mands。 Soon the lateen stirred in the gathering breeze。 I ran to the side and saw that the watcher was gone…and the wind was parting the floating mass of seaweed。 There came a boom as the sail filled; and the Kittiwake leaped forward。 I heard the men cheer; but I did not feel the same joy。 For looming up on the horizon was the great cloud of my dream; if it was a dream and not a vision of our fate。 My answer came as the cloud turned black and fierce and filled the sky。 Janos shouted; but his words were whipped away as the wind went from stiff breeze to a demon storm that Sifted the seas and smashed them against the ship。 The cries of joy turned to screams。 A line snapped and lashed past; scarring the deck。 I dropped to the planks to escape the wind's blast。 A body slammed into mine; and I grabbed and held the man down as the wind fought to tear him away。 I saw; as he found a secure hold; the man was Janos。
 A great hand lifted the ship and flung us forward。 The Kittiwake buried itself in a wave; and we all nearly drowned as the seas poured over us。 She struggled up; and I felt weightless as she flew across the waves。 We clung to whatever holds we had found for hour after hour as the storm raged without stop。 Many times we were underwater so long; I prayed to the gods for gills like a fish。 Somehow we always emerged; as the Kittiwake refused to surrender to the Archons' winds。 We were; Captain L'ur gasped in my ear; far beyond Redond; in unknown seas。 Ahead must lie the cursed Pepper Coast! No one dared lower the sail; and perhaps this saved us。 Or perhaps the pig's blood Cassini had offered was enough to appease the local gods; because the lateen held as if woven by sorcerous threads and kept us flying across the seas。
 A fist hammered my shoulder; and I turned to see Janos pointing。 I looked up; I heard a dry crack; and the mast split just above the step。 If it gave; all was lost。 Janos was pulling at me; screaming words I couldn't hear。 I knew their intent…somehow we had to save the mast。 We struggled forward。 I believed Janos had gone mad; for he seized a thick length of line and began wrapping it about the mast。 I thought it a useless reinforcement that would only hold for a moment or two。
 This time I heard his shout; 〃Help; me; Amalric!〃 Thinking these were my last moments of life; I did as he indicated; wrapping lines around the growing split hi the mast。 Janos tore an iron marlinespike from a rack and pushed it through the rope。 He fumbled in his pocket and pulled out an object that dangled from the end of a string。 I realized that it was a ferret's tooth; the tooth meant for poor Eanes。 Janos wrapped the necklace about the spike; closed his eyes; and chanted mightily; stroking the tooth as he chanted。 The mast gave another crack; and the sail gave a terrible clatter。 But before it could give way; I felt the rope lines harden and tighten under my hands; until they became as strong as new forged steel; and the mast held firm。
 We collapsed on the deck; exhausted。 More hours passed; but now the winds were diminishing。 Janos and I stumbled up to take stock。 We spotted L'ur struggling alone to get the rudder back into its post。 We fought our way to his side; dodging flailing lines and loose cargo。 I heard a roar in the distance and turned to see land。 Ragged reefs lifted fangs through the white…crested stormsurf。 In the gray light I could see the shore beyond。 A wave lifted and hurled us toward those reefs。 We braced for the wreck。 As if alive; the Kittiwake shook herself in the water; heeling as she struck。 Seas torrented over us for an eternity。 Just when I thought I could no longer hold my breath; the seas rolled back。
 The ship was stranded; hard aground on the highest reef。 Another wave rolled in; but now the storm was weakening; and the wave foamed harmlessly around our keel。 Janos and I hoisted ourselves upright。 I almost laughed; for his gape at still being among the living must have been a twin of my own surprise。 I
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