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 〃You're too harsh; my master。 You could also pass for a holy man who's taken a vow of celibacy。〃
 〃Definitely that;〃 Janos said。 〃Possibly even a castrato。〃
 〃I think;〃 I said; 〃I shall go next door to Evocator Cassini's chambers; and ask him if he could prepare a small spell that delves into the arena of baldness。〃
 'Too late for me;〃 Eanes said; patting himself on his shiny pate。 〃But beware it doesn't turn back on its caster; as so many incantations do。〃
 〃I am starting to believe;〃 I said; 〃that being thrown from a high cliff is better than listening to either of you。 Janos; this was your idea。 You may buy me a brandy 。。。 no; several brandies 。。。 below stairs。〃
 I rose and picked up my new sword。 I was still getting used to its heft; more than a bit heavier than the rapiers or short swords I carried in Orissa。 Eanes carefully gathered up the cloths he'd laid around my chair before he began his bartering。 He shook them into a leather bag。
 〃You were clever enough to not let any of his locks fall on the carpet?〃 Janos asked; most serious。
 〃I was; Captain。 Just as I have been since I was named his bodyslave; back when he was a mewling infant。 Careful with hair; careful with the trimmings from his nails; careful with the down from what he wishes will be a beard one of these years; even careful when he was a disgusting pup and vomiting in all directions like a fountain。 Although there have been times I would have gladly sold a bit of my master to some evil witch; provided she would include civility and mon sense in whatever spell she planned to cast over him。〃
 〃Good;〃 Janos said; still serious。 〃But do not dump the cuttings down the Jakes; please。 Carry them out to the main sewage ditch; where you may be sure the water flow is constant。〃
 Eanes' smile evaporated; and he became as serious as Janos。 〃I shall do as you say;〃 he said。 〃And I know not whether you've any premonition; but just being in this city of dead stones and cursed souls makes me constantly think all our doom is just around a corner。〃
 All of us crossed fingers。 Eanes gave a heavy sigh。 〃It is so bad;〃 he said; 〃I am even looking forward to the ocean; where I will be forced to hold Lord Amahic's head over the side when he pales; and inform him that puking to windward is not blessed。 Thanks be that I myself have a stomach of the most solidly cast iron。〃 He picked up the bag and went out。
 'To the best of my knowledge;〃 I said; 〃Chatterbox Eanes has never been on any boat in his life; except perhaps one in a garden pond。〃
 Janos smiled a bit。 〃He reminds me of my own nurse。 Scuffling; whining; plaining; worrying; but always…〃
 A scream curdled the night。 Janos and I were out the door onto the balcony。 His sword was already in hand; I scrabbled mine out。 We clattered down the stairs into the courtyard。 The two watch soldiers at the gate were peering out; their weapons ready。 Other soldiers pelted out from their chambers; buckling on their gear。
 〃Eanes;〃 one of the soldiers shouted; pointing down the street。 The watch had been ordered to let nothing lure them from then…posts。 〃He just went…〃
 I didn't hear the rest; as we rushed out into the street。 Janos grabbed one of the torches from its stanchion as we went。 At the end of the street; I saw three men struggling。 We hallooed and charged forward。 One of them broke away and darted off into the blackness。 The other paused long enough for me to see his arm strike across the chest of the third; who collapsed。 Then there was no one in the cobbled street but the sagging body of a man。
 It was Eanes。 We turned him over。 He'd been slashed twice… once on the arm; cutting it to the bone; and then across the body; deep into his body cavity。 But he still lived。
 〃Call Cassini;〃 I ordered to Janos。 He shouted for the Evocator and his healing herbs。 I could hear feet running toward us。
 Eanes' eyes opened; then found me。 〃They 。。。 didn't get it。 I did not let them;〃 he gasped。 〃They wanted 。。。〃
 〃Be silent。〃 Janos knelt beside me。 He held out a small leather bag…the bag carrying my hair clippings。 My bowels clenched。 It could not be。 They thought the well…dressed little man was carrying a bag of coins。
 〃They said 。。。 they wanted what had e 。。。 from you 。。。 that I would be rewarded if I yielded it over。 And if I didn't 。。。〃 Eanes sucked in air; air that was no fort to his ripped lungs。
 〃Hold on;〃 I said。 〃Cassini is powerful。 He has potions and spells。 You'll be all right。〃
 Eanes shook his head。 〃No;〃 he whispered。 〃One boon; master。 One last boon。〃 I knew he was dying。 〃Free me;〃 he managed。 〃Let me die a free man。〃
 That was no boon…it was my fault he would die here on these rough cobblestones in this damned city。 But that was all I could do。 I tried to find words; but I'd had never freed a slave before。 Janos spoke。
 〃Say the words after me;〃 he ordered。 I echoed him。
 〃I 。。。 Lord Amalric Antero; of Orissa; do declare this slave Eanes; Eanes of 。。。 of 。。。〃
 〃Of Mangifera;〃 came the whisper。
 〃Of Mangifera 。。。 a free man。 He now owes no man homage 。。。 save those superior to him by station or duty 。。。 he has the right to property 。。。 to wife 。。。 to children; who shall be free as well 。。。 he has the right to his own life 。。。 to his own death 。。。 I; Lord Amalric Antero; do declare 。。。 willingly and openly 。。。 here; under the sight of all gods。。。 I will have no claims 。。。 now or forever 。。。 on this man; his children; his family; or his soul。〃
 Eanes' lips parted; in what might have been intended as thanks or as a smile。 Then his gaze changed; and he saw through me; saw beyond me。 Saw nothing。 His body was suddenly quite heavy。
 I could not see his face through the blur。 Someone took the body from me。 Janos helped me rise。 Then I remembered: I scraped up a handful of dirt from between the cobbles and let it sift down on Eanes' body。 Now his ghost would not wander the earth。 And; I promised; I would fulfill the rest of the duty; so that he would be blessed by the Dark Seeker; and avenge his murder。 But at the time I felt no anger。 Just a great sorrow; and a great shame; for in all those years of service; I had never asked my most faithful servant; and my truest friend; just what his homeland was。
 Janos put an arm around my shoulders。 〃We mourn later;〃 he said; his voice harsh。 〃We sail today。〃
 We packed hastily。 I fumbled with my possessions; knowing that for the first time in my life; I had no one to remind me what hairbrush went where; which tunic should be folded in what manner; and so forth。 When I realized my thoughts; I cursed myself yet again for selfishness。 A man had just died; and all I could think of was whether my pomade had been corked properly and packed in the correct trunk。 Sergeant Maeen detailed one of his soldiers to help; but I fear he was of little assistance。 At least I had the courtesy not to snarl。
 I sought out the innkeeper and paid our reckoning。 He vowed he knew someone who knew the Orissan ceremonies; and that he would have Eanes' body burned after the ritual; as our beliefs dictated; so no magus could rouse the dead earth and animate it to be serving flesh。 Janos had said he was to be trusted in this; so I did not bother mentioning tha
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