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ts left side; hung from two graceful curving beams。 I found my way from deck to deck across the three ships between it and the dock。 A man was waiting for me。 He looked as I imagined all sailors to be…barefoot and bareheaded; wearing a shapeless wool waistcoat and knee breeches。
 He noted my dress and nodded respectfully。 〃My lord。 You wish passage?〃
 The man introduced himself as L'ur; master and owner of the Kittiwake。 Before he even addressed himself to my opening bid; he insisted on showing me around his ship。 I knew little about ships then; but now I know a great deal; strictly perforce; about the damnable inventions; owning far more of them than a man could count in a day。 I frankly think it quite adequate to call a ship a boat; the bow the pointy end; and the stern the arse; and have done with all of the nonsensical labels seamen use。 Finally we returned to the rear of the ship; what he called the quarterdeck; and he sent for vile wine。 I watered mine heavily。 He said he'd considered my wishes and that he would be honored to convey us to Redond。 He named the price 。。。 in gold 。。。 in advance。 I hope I kept from sputtering his resinous swill over his deck; and told him I merely wanted to charter his little plaything; not purchase it outright。 He smiled as if I were jesting and mournfully spoke of the dangers of the Pepper Coast。
 I asked him what were the dangers; specifically〃? His gloomy list was impressive: he mentioned rocks that changed their locations from voyage to voyage; great whirlpools; sea monsters; pirates; lee cliffs with nary a landing safe to beach on; storms blowing up from a clear sky; no doubt brought on by some great and evil Evocator somewhere on the Pepper Coast; stars not consistent in their courses; so no navigator could be sure of his location。 After piling up this fearful heap; he said; 〃My ship is fast。 And I will hire the most skilled men possible; men able to work a sling or a ballista as well as furl a sail。 And I hope some of your retinue know which end of an arrow is to be nocked。〃
 That was how it began。 Each day I would travel to the docks; and we would bargain and lie; back and forth; to and fro。 By the time we had struck a deal for ship and crew…about twice what I'd offered; half on departure day; half on arrival at Redond…I was willing and; I think; able; to strap all fourteen of my party on my back; plus our money chests; and swim to that damned…of…the…gods Valaroi。 Nothing; I should add; has changed the way seamen do business; from that long…ago day to this。
 The day before I finally wore L'ur out; something most odd happened。 Greif was waiting when I came back to the inn。 He was carrying a closely tied bag; which held some of the 〃preciouses〃 … his word … he'd secured for Janos。 I offered to accept them; but he refused … Captain Greycloak had insisted that Greif would be paid by; and answer to; only him。 I thought of snapping back that I was Janos' employer; and certainly there should be no secrets from me; but realized I was tired from the endless haggling with L'ur。 Out of mon politeness I offered Greif wine。 He accepted and we found a corner of the inn's mon room。
 〃This is passin' strange;〃 he said。 〃Me; in' from a foundlin' shelter; drinkin' with a merchant prince。 None that I grew with'd believe it。〃 He laughed in pleasure; showing black teeth。 〃Th' wine's e'en sweeter knowin' I'm doin' service f'r an Antero。〃
 〃How did you know my family name?〃
 〃One a' th' soldiers said。 To his mate。 Not knowin' that m' ears might be trimmed; but pointed right; they hear as well as any。 But don't worry。 Any secret Greif knows; when it's a friend; he keeps。 I learned about bein' mouthy。〃 His hand caressed the rope burns on his arm almost fondly。 I wished Janos would e…this man's presence made my skin crawl as if I were lice ridden。
 〃You've heard of my family?〃 I asked。
 Greif nodded; then turned in his chair and lifted his tunic。 My stomach curdled。 I'd seen lash scars before; white and twisted on a man's back…but never this deep。 The whip must have cut to the bone。 〃One time;〃 Greif said; turning back and pulling his tunic down; 〃m' luck had turned; an' I agreed t' do a job for Nisou; Master Symeon。 Yes。 Yes。 I saw th' look a startlement。 The Symeons。 Even a street scut like me's heard of your feud。 Anyway; it wasn't he who paid; but me。 A dozen's dozen。 He used the whip his own self。 He's got his own cells below th' buildin' th' Symeons have for their clan home。 I don't know if I screamed or not。 Prob'ly I did。 Most do; when there's metal wove into th' whip leather。〃 He smiled and licked his lips; as if recollecting a lover's embrace。 'Then he had me thrown int' th' bay。 I wasn't expected t' live。 But I did。 Swearin' there'd be another time。 Another place。 Knowin' I was jus' blatherin'; to keep from passin' out。 So maybe this; helpin' you; in whatever you're plannin' is a getback against th' Symeons。 Jus' a bit。 An' a bit here; a bit there 。。。 I've seen mice take an entire loaf like that。〃
 He drained his wine; and I signaled for more。 Greif went for the jakes。 I looked about the mon room。 The few people in it were more interested watching Greif's stumble than in me。 I bent and felt the bundle he had for Janos; like a child trying to determine what he would receive on his birthing day by fondling its wrappings。 Some bottles 。。。 a box 。。。 some other things that rustled; like dried plants。。。 some packages that held round seeds 。。。 and then I cut myself。 There was a gleam from the blade…it'd punctured the linen the bundle was wrapped in。 I quickly tore a bit away。 The blade was curved。 It was a tiny sickle; the miniature of what a peasant uses to cut wheat。 But it was made of gold… and I knew without looking; there would be arcane lettering on the blade itself。 This scythe was intended to cut herbs and other plants…but not for a cook or a chambermaid。 These plants would be used for enchantments。 By an Evocator。
 I wondered what Janos Greycloak wanted with the forbidden tools of sorcery。 I wondered what the other items in that bundle were and thought I might know。 I remembered the question that Gamelan; eldest of the Evocators; had asked Janos back in Orissa; and how Janos had turned the question aside with a jest; not answering。 But I did not tell Janos what I'd seen when he arrived near simultaneous with Greif's return from the privy。 The question would have to be posed much later; in private; because the penalty for a non…Evocator possessing or using spellbinders' implements could be anything from imprisonment to banishment to death。
 That night; for me first time in months; I dreamed my nightmare once more。 I could not remember what it had been before; but from that time on; the face of my keeper; leading me out of the boat to my doom; was Gieif 's。 But in my dream one of his eyes was gone; and something like a worm or a light squirmed out the socket at me。
 The night after that another horror came upon us; but this one was very real。 I'd noticed the moon was full as I went upstairs toward my chamber。 I was readying myself for sleep when the baying started。 I grabbed my rapier and went out onto the balcony。 Two guttering torches at the gates showed me the creature c
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