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re terribly hidebound。 I think we should trade with them; and learn everything we can。 I think you should be in charge of synthesizing this knowledge。〃 I suddenly ran out of words and slumped back in my chair。 〃Beyond those thoughts 。。。 no; I have no precise plan; especially since Raveline; in fact; has not even proposed attacking our lands。〃
 〃But he will; in one form or another;〃 Janos said firmly。 〃However; in the end; it shall e to naught。〃 He pulled me to my feet and led me across the chamber to a circular mirror。 〃Look in this glass; my friend。 Look at us。 When we met; you were a boy; and I was a youth whose greatest responsibility was a pany of spear throwers。 Now we have reached the Far Kingdoms; and in our grasp is all the power; all the wisdom; the gods which do not exist are reputed to hold。 All that stands between us is one person; someone I know can be dealt with; at the proper time; and I cannot make my point too strongly。 If we cock a snook at Raveline now; and flee for the border 。。。 I doubt we shall even make it as far as the Pepper Coast。 So we die in some wasteland 。。。 and Orissa returns to its unchanging obstinancy。 Amalric Antero; we were chosen to bring Orissa into a new age; and you must realize it。 If we must temporize with this Raveline for a space 。。。 well; so be it。 We are both still young; and there are years ahead; and the times change。〃
 I started to respond; then really looked into the glass。 At the moment I looked anything but young: my face was lined by the miles and the pain and all the deaths; my hair no longer flamed as red as it had; and my eyes looked beyond; as if I'd seen too much and my soul needed time to recover in peace and green。 But I looked like a swaddling babe pared to Janos。 He was but a few years older; but now; in this light; he could have passed for the father of the man who had rescued me from that dockfront bar。 His thinning hair and beard were striped with gray…a yellowed gray; as if Janos had recently risen from a sickbed。 Time's scars slashed furrows across his face; his plexion was jaundiced; his cheeks had begun to sag; and I could see the beginnings of wattles where his beard ended。 But it was the eyes that held me。 They were red rimmed and set deep in their sockets。 Their haunted gaze had experienced 。。。 and weled; horror。 I had seen eyes like that recently; and recalled where: at Lord Mortacious' banquet。。。 when I first met the wizard's death stare。 I repressed a shudder and pulled away; angry once more。
 〃You actually believe that we can stand against a man who can create a nightmare city like Wahumwa?〃 I said。 〃Not only stand; but in time destroy him or render him impotent? Janos; wake up。 If I agree to his plan; he will permit me to exist just so long as I follow his every desire; his every wish; as if it were graven on my soul。 Pawns are not permitted to debate with the master。 But there is something more important than the role I would play in Raveline's new world。 Janos; I cannot believe you think you can somehow subvert this man to your ends。 Frankly; I am not entirely sure he even is a man。 Prince Raveline has spent his entire life playing royal games of death and power。 He will eat you for a light lunch!〃 My voice was loud in the postmidnight silence。
 Janos; too; was angry。 〃You think I am that weak?〃
 〃I think you are that foolish!〃 I snapped。 〃You are dancing attendance on Raveline; just as I did on that whore Melina。 Not only do I see no Captain Greycloak to e to your rescue; but in the end you will prove yourself an even bigger dunce than I was。〃
 〃How dare you;〃 Janos hissed。 〃You 。。。 a merchant's son; barely a man; who never had to fight a real battle。 Whose most difficult decision was the markup on a bolt of cloth。 You 。。。 preaching wisdom to me; Janos Kether Greycloak; whose line has led a people since the beginning of history。 How dare you?〃
 My fist was clenched and drawn back before I could find control。 Words danced on my lips about how I had finally learned what he thought of me; and then I saw myself in the glass; face as red as my hair; and instead of striking out I dug my nails deep into my palm。 I was panting as if I had run a footrace。 Calm; of a sort; came back。
 〃This is foolish of us both;〃 I managed。 〃And produces nothing。 We will continue this tomorrow。 When we have both learned to behave ourselves。〃 Janos managed a jerky nod of agreement。 He began to say something more; then clamped his mouth shut。 Without farewell; I turned and hurried out of the chamber and down the tower steps。 In the courtyard I began shouting for Gatra and a gondola。
 It was very late when I returned to my palace。 I did not know what to do。 I shed my clothes next to the lotus pool; dived into the cool water; and swam three times across it; trying to make my muscles broaden my mind's reach as they themselves stretched。 I pulled myself out of the pool; the before…dawn wind chill on my skin。 I felt a bit better; but no wiser。
 Politeness dictated I should have waited; but I could not。 Something told me that every moment was important。 I must discuss this with the one who appeared the only person in this land who was still sane。 I went to a kitchen and made a pot of tea without rousing the dozing attendant。 I took it to our chambers; intending to wake Omerye gently and then tell her what had happened。 But she was fully alert and standing at a window。 I set the tray down and took her in my arms; wanting nothing more than to be able to start eternity at this moment and never have to leave her embrace。 After a while; she pushed me back。
 〃Was it that bad?〃
 I told her what had happened; both at Raveline's palace and with Janos。 When I had finished; it lacked but two hours before dawn。 Omerye poured two cups of the now cold tea and drank。
 〃There are those in Vacaan;〃 she began; 〃who would find it humorous; and no more than what should be expected from a half…man outlander; that a musician should be consulted for wisdom。〃
 〃There is no one else who knows me better;〃 I said。 〃No one that I trust as much; including myself。〃
 Omerye kissed me; then she said; 〃Very well; then。 Shall we start with your friend? Consider this: if someone came to me; as Prince Raveline evidently has to Greycloak; and promised I could know all chords; all fingerings; tunings; and pitches of all instruments of this day and the time of the Old Ones; and be able to use that knowledge to build a music of the future 。。。 perhaps I myself might be blind to the failings of that gift bringer。 Besides; there is some truth to what he says。 Not that Raveline's great evil can be transmuted to good as easily as base metal bees gold。 But he can be turned aside。〃
 I felt a bit of hope。 〃How? Should I go to the king?〃
 Omerye gasped in horror。 〃Do not even think that; my love。 If you went to King Domas; and told him all that had happened; he would indeed summon Raveline; and chastise him severely。 He might even require the prince to exile himself in a far…off estate; saying the sight of him sickens decent men's eyes。 And you would be rewarded for your honesty。 But Raveline would be weled back to Irayas in a few months; and you would be gone。
 Even though the brothers hate one an
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