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here in Irayas? I propose to enter him into my household services; given; of course; your willingness to release him from whatever oaths he swore to you。 As he progresses 。。。 as he learns 。。。 he will not only win honors far beyond those Orissa has grudged him; but I plan to give him real power; power only just less than what I myself wield。 I have heard my brother the king refer to me as his hellhound。 Such is the role I propose for Janos; soon to be Baron Greycloak。 He shall be my hellhound!〃
 I drained my glass; began to refill it; then deliberately looked about the bottles until I found a brandy decanter。 I wished to appear as if I might be sealing a potential bargain。 I poured my glass half…full and turned back to Raveline。
 'This is all most new; Your Highness。 I assume you do not require an answer this moment。〃
 〃I had hoped for one;〃 Raveline said; and a scowl touched his face。
 〃Forgive me; but I cannot give it; Your Grace。 I have spent long years striving to reach your kingdoms; all of which was spent in the pany of a partner。 I must confer with him。 And; I should add; that Janos owes me no oaths or fealty beyond those of friendship and a once…mon goal。〃
 Raveline started to say something; then bethought himself and painted on an agreeable smile。 〃Ah。 Yes。 I forget that in the west the lines of authority are not as clearly delineated as they are here。 A man may be considered a subordinate; but his opinion and rights given as much weight as if he were an equal。 Very well。 Consider our conversation。 Discuss it with Sir Greycloak thoroughly。 Of course; I would prefer this meeting to be considered sub…rosa for everyone but Janos。〃
 〃Of course; Your Highness;〃 I said。 Raveline refilled my brandy glass and poured one of his own; he raised it in a toast。 〃There is a peasant proverb; which predates our taming of the Serpent River 'The wise man; caught in a spring flood; allows himself to be swept downstream to new riches。 The fool struggles and is drowned。' To the wise。〃
 After that there was little else to be said; and I made my excuses; saying I was so excited by the ideas presented by Prince Raveline; I wished to discuss them this very night with my Mend 。。。 if he was yet awake。
 This amused the prince。 〃He does not sleep; Lord Antero。 I shall order my servants to take you directly to his palace。〃
 The coach was waiting; and as it drew away; I looked back。 Lord Raveline was still standing outside the entrance。 In spite of the distance; in spite of the night; I felt as if his eyes still burned at me。 I leaned back against my seat; trying to puzzle out a plan。 But I wasted invaluable moments by cursing myself; Janos; and every Orissan from Ecco to the peasants of Cheapside; and especially the bazaar tale tellers and nurses who had prattled their stories to me as a child。 None of us; not one; had ever considered the not…unlikely possibility that a nation as magnificent and powerful as the Far Kingdoms might not be overflowing with the milk of kindness; waiting only for one Orissan to dance up; so they could bless us with the knowledge that would allow us to return to the Golden Days; when each man was a king and his rulers the gods。 I even allowed myself a moment of self…pity; wishing I had never met Janos Greycloak and that my Finding had consisted of one long orgy of whoring and drinking through the lands of the west。 But then I would never have met Deoce。 Nor Omerye。 Let alone the other things that had stretched me much beyond the callow youth I had been to whatever I was now。 For better or worse; I preferred what was to what might have been。 That was enough wasted time。 My paw was firmly stuck in the honey jar; and I had best consider how to get it out
 I glanced out as we passed those two huge stone guardians that bordered Raveline's immediate grounds。 I pulled my head back into the carriage with a shudder。 It was quite dark; and I was certainly overwrought。 But I swear I saw the heads of those two monstrous furies turn and look down at me。
 Raveline's prediction that Janos was still awake was borne out as the gondola tied up to the floating dock that led up to his water…girded mansion and I saw lights blazing within the manse。 Two of the footmen were escorting me up the steps toward the mansion's deck when I noted something unusual: tied to a piling; half…hidden in the blackness; was a small boat I might not have noted it; but every sense was now atingle for treachery or danger。 I heard the sound of soft crying。 I ordered one of the footmen to hold his torch high so I could see more。 In the craft was a bundle of rags; then the rags moved and I saw that they clothed a woman。 She was the first poorly dressed person I had seen in Irayas。 The footman was about to challenge her; but I tapped his shoulder and shook my head。 We had no time to waste; and she was oblivious of our presence。
 We went up the stairs and across the deck to the mansion's entrance。 The second footman touched a small brass plate; and I could hear the resounding of a huge gong。 He rang twice more before a door set within the main gate swung open; and four guards appeared; flanking the mansion's castellan。 It was Gatra; the maker of Janos' many excuses。
 〃Lord Antero;〃 he said。 〃My apologies for the delay; but there must have been an error。 We were not anticipating the pleasure of your presence。〃
 〃I am not expected;〃 I said。 〃I must speak to your master immediately; on a matter of the greatest import。〃
 Gatra hesitated。 〃Sir Greycloak retired to his studies earlier; with the expressed desire he not be disturbed。 But 。。。 since it is you; my lord 。。。 excuse me for a moment。〃 The door closed; and the castellan was gone for long minutes。 The portal reopened and he bowed me in。 〃Again; my apologies for making you wait;〃 he said smoothly。 〃You are; as always; most wele。 Sir Greycloak is in the tower。〃
 I dismissed Raveline's footmen and followed the man inside。 Then I bethought myself。 〃Gatra; there is a small fishing skiff tied below; with a woman aboard who is crying as if she has just lost everything。 Is this of concern to you or to this house?〃
 The castellan's face showed a flash of anger as he snapped; 〃She made a fair bargain。 And the woman came to us in the first place。〃 Curiosity overcame my preoccupation with greater matters; and I lifted an eyebrow for details。 〃A few days ago; we sought to augment our staff; even considering applications from country folk。 Since the proper training takes much time; we required such prospective servants to be less than ten years of age; and of course; unsoiled by the world。 One of them was that woman's daughter。 She was here but a day before she stole something and managed to escape from the mansion into the city。 I have no idea why the woman chooses to lament her spawn here。 It isn't as if she cannot breed more。 After I take you to Sir Greycloak I'll have her driven away。〃
 I wondered at Gatra's knowledge of every detail of this enormous household; down to the honesty of the lowliest scullery…maid…to…be; but said nothing。 As he turned to lead me onward; I noticed that he had a ribbon sewn to his tunic's lapel。 It was red; gold; and black。 Gatra led me through the mansion's winding co
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