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cupped his ear; bidding me to listen。 As we stood there; I heard the strains of the most wonderful music wafting through the closed doors。 The notes were faint; but still formed the body that makes melody; and the ghostly snatches I heard made me yearn to hear more。 Beemus motioned to follow him away from the doors and down a long; narrow corridor that circled the king's chambers。 We came to a small door; which we entered; and I found myself hi a curtained vestibule。 The music swelled louder; more wondrous than before。 Beemus parted the curtains and led me through。 The chamber was dim; but in front of me I could see  a hulking presence that could only be the king。 He was seated; and his back was turned; but there was no mistaking that big head resting on a brawny arm。 Beemus pushed me forward; and I stumbled against a chair beside Domas。 The king didn't seem to notice the stumble; the scrape that followed; or the sigh of the soft pillow when I sat next to him。 Beemus' shadow flittered to the other side and flowed up into the vacant seat on the king's left。 I was tense in Domas' silent presence; then I saw that his eyes were closed in soft concentration; and there was a small; delighted smile on his features。 Then the music teased tension from its nest; and I turned to listen and see who could make such lovely sounds。
 I saw her shadow first; cast large on the wavering curtain that framed her。 She was turned to the side; arms uplifted in a piper's classic stance。 The shadow arms were long and slender; the wrists gracefully tilted; the fingers arched in dance on the pipes。 A smooth brow bent low; but I could see the flutter of lashes and the quiver of upper lip as she kissed the notes and blew them through the pipes。 Then I looked down and saw the shadow's mistress; small in the light that bathed the platform where she sat。 She wore a simple white robe; belted with a gold sash。 Her arms were bare to the shoulder; and the robe cut a modest circle about her slender neck。 Her features were sharply defined; as if chiseled by a sculptor; but softened and blended to a more artistic whole; as if that sculptor had spent the remainder of her life polishing the work。 Her hair was dark in the light; but when she shifted to form another stream of notes; I saw a gleam of red tresses; red like my own。
 I heard the king whisper; 〃Isn't she lovely?〃 His whisper seemed to snatch my own thoughts; but his eyes were still closed。 The question had been directed inward; and it meant the music; not its maker。 I turned back to open myself more fully and let the music wash over me。 I had always loved music over all the arts; but this was music that turned boy's love to mature worship。 The piper dusted the air I breathed with precious notes; then made them a gale that swept me away。 I was a ship of the sky in that melodious storm; and peered over the rail to see wonders that made all others hollow。 I had never felt so free with that fresh wind beating at my back; and I wanted to stay on this ship forever。
 The music shifted smoothly; and I was back in the chamber; listening to the pipes make a different song。 A strange feeling caught me; then; as if I knew what was about to happen next。 Somehow I knew the piper would lift her head; and as I saw her do so … her lips never leaving the pipes … I also knew her eyes would search for mine。 The thrill I experienced when they met was even greater for having known it would e。 I believed I saw a similar shock hit her; and then I was bending forward as her music made a question。 The notes were eager; but there was a shyness as well: trepidation that es with past hurts。 The music must have found an answer in me; for it was suddenly very glad。
 Gladness swelled in me in return; and I saw her eyes glisten; and I felt the caress of love's familiar fingers。 Then suddenly; Deoce's image jumped up; and the fingers burned with guilt's sting。 I fled that musical joining as if it were a fanged demon and retreated to the numb loneliness of the cave where I had dwelt so long。 The woman's eyes showed shocked injury; and her body sagged as if she had suffered a heavy blow。 Then she steadied; and the pipe's notes lifted; grasping for angry stones to hurl at the woman's betrayer。 But as I forced my eyes away; I saw her give a sudden nod; and the anger turned to a sweet pletion of the song。
 Silence draped the chamber for many long moments; a silence that honored great artistry。 I heard the king whisper appreciation。 The piper rose; bowed thanks; and vanished behind the curtain。 But just as the lights bloomed up; the woman gave me one last look; regret stabbed; then she was gone。 I turned to the king; shaken; but determined to regain strength of purpose。 He was looking at me; a bit oddly; I thought; then the look shifted as he grinned。
 〃That was Omerye;〃 Domas said。
 I pretended idle interest; but felt the thrill of recognition once more。 〃Thank you; Your Majesty;〃 I said。 〃Now I know whose name to praise when I tell my friends of that wonderful music。〃
 Domas laughed and struck my knee。 〃e now; you were more taken than that。 And it wasn't just the music; I warrant。〃 I stuttered denial; but it only gave Domas greater delight。 〃Never mind;〃 he said。 〃I won't press further。 But I shall tell you this; as one good man to another: Omerye is no courtesan; as you might be thinking。 She's one of my kingdom's finest artists; and can choose; or reject as she likes。〃 More stuttering as I thanked him for information I really didn't need。 But the king was bored with matchmaking and turned quickly to his reasons for the meeting。
 〃You want to open trade;〃 Domas said; blunt as usual。 〃And I will tell you straight … without hints of this and that and the other … I am considering approval。〃
 〃I am honored and greatly pleased; Your Majesty;〃 I said。 〃But what can I tell you to turn that consideration into a contract?〃
 Domas nudged Beemus。 'This fellow keeps growing in my estimation;〃 he said; jabbing a thumb at me。 〃If he weren't a merchant I'd make him an adviser。 Did you notice how he tossed that right back in my lap? Causing no offense; in doing so?' Beemus whispered that; yes; he'd noticed The king returned to me。 〃My advice;〃 he said; 〃would be for you to answer that question you asked me; when we first met I asked Beemus to recall the words exactly。〃
 Beemus knelt in his chair and whispered in the king's ear。 Domas was his trumpet; sounding my own speech back to me。 〃 'That we have much to gain from this experience is obvious。 But; I wonder; sir: what benefit are we to you?〃
 The king pulled away from Beemus。 He said; 〃Answer that。 And answer it well。〃
 I had to laugh; for the king had done what he'd accused me of doing; and so there I sat; my own lap full to overflowing with what I had hoped to heap in his。 The laugh came without thought of the king's presence; the grin that was his appreciative reply made me glad I'd reacted so openly。 Then I said; 〃Very well; Your Majesty; I shall attempt just that I won't dress up our needs by extolling my city's abilities as traders; with a wider area of merce than any other land。 Nor will I boast of my family's achievements; and its reputation for honesty。 You know these things;
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