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ook upon; with time only touching thek features with wisdom and dignity。 Their children seemed the happiest of all: they appeared to run and roam at will; and it was their shrill laughter we heard most frequently。
 Utorian said all their children had some schooling; and the ones with the best minds or talents were picked out for special attention。 No avenue was closed to them after that; they could rise to nearly any level of society。 When he said it; I thought of Halab and mourned that he hadn't been born in such a land。
 We gazed on the many cities that nestled against the river。 All of them were a marvel to behold。 Some delighted the eye with variety; such as the port we sailed by on the first day of the river voyage。 Some were all of a kind: made of carved white marble; or richly painted timbers; or of strong; gleaming metal。 Their design ranged from low…built structures blending with the forests that framed them; to swooping towers connected by delicate spans; to cozy domiciles; with high…peaked roofs; and cheery fires glowing through the windows at night。 Each city we viewed dazzled us in some way; and just as we thought there could be nothing more to amaze us; a new marvel would be revealed as we rounded the bend。 Then at last we came to Irayas: it was the most glorious city of all。
 We came upon it without warning。 The channel spilled east… away from the mountain for the final time…and suddenly flared; the banks retreated before our eyes into distant ribbons of greens。
 The river made a lake; and out of the lake floated Irayas。 Our senses quivered in the spell it cast; willing strings under the hands of a master harpist。 Irayas was a place of light and water。 The setting sun was at its back; and the city was ablaze in full glory。 Color shimmered through crystal towers and leaped off golden domes。 The river flowed beneath; a molten mirror in the sun's dying light。 The air was musical with chimes and bird song; scented with dusk's blooms。 Small boats wisped through that beauty; timid supplicants of a goddess queen。
 Visions such as this make a wanderer's wine: once he has tasted it; there is little he will not suffer to drink from that vine once more。 We sipped until we were drunk; then night fell; and we were left groaning in darkness。 But Irayas had a trick for that thief; and we gasped in renewed amazement as light sprang up over the city。 The glass towers became bright fountains; the gold domes glowed from within。 The canals that served as thoroughfares were illuminated by long strings of small; lighted globes。 The sounds of a busy city continued; and I realized the Evocators of Irayas had extended productive hours long past the close of day。
 We slept aboard the ship that night。 My thoughts were so fired; I believed rest would be impossible; but exhaustion took all of us early。 I was awakened once by wild music and tavern shouts。 Isn't it a wonder; I mused; that wherever there is a waterfront; no matter how grand the city it services; you can always find a place for strong drink and raucous play? Then I fell back into dreamless sleep。
 The next day Utorian took us to meet the king。 His palace spread over more than half the ten islands that formed the center of the river sprawl that was Irayas。 The grounds were a marvel of well…tended lawn; trees; and beds of flowers or exotic plants。 There were gentle animals and songful birds to please the heart; artistic statuary to delight the spirit。 The palace was a many…domed wonder; all cast from precious gold。 The columns and arches were of gold alloy; and the exterior walls were a kind of glass that could be darkened for privacy or to shade the sun's glare。
 Soldiers in gold and white tunics and breeches guarded the corridors of the vast palace; but Janos noted that their spears and sidearms were clumsy; gaudy; and seemed mostly ceremonial in function。 We entered a courtroom so immense it shrunk all purpose other than the king's。 It was made to seem even larger by the vaulting glass walls。 Some were clear and emitted a plenitude of light; others were mirrored; reflecting the multitude who had gathered to seek the king's attention or tend his business。 It was a curved; three…tiered chamber; with many steps leading to each level。 The bottom tier where we entered was the most crowded; and the dress was that of mon folk; the second held a smaller group; with costumes and manners superior to the first; the last was nearly empty; reserved for wizards and other men of high authority。 They strolled the edges in wise conference。 Rising above all this busy splendor of state was a broad platform; bearing a great golden throne; with a high arched back that displayed an immense royal crest。
 King Domas sprawled across that throne in easy boredom。 Even from a distance; he was a man who was not diminished by size of chamber or throne。 He idly twirled his crown … a plain; gold band I saw later in closer view … about his finger as he listened to advisers; and where their speech was smothered by the noisy crowd; his tones rumbled over all of it。 Then I lost sight of him as Utorian hurried the twenty of us forward。 His importance was apparent by the way the throng stepped respectfully aside。 Mildly curious stares tracked us until we came against the rail that marked the edge of the third level。 He told us to wait and craned his head this way and that as if looking for assistance。 We pressed against the railing; gawping like farmers fresh from field to city。 But our gawping was downward; as a yawning; golden…throated pit seized our eyes before they could rise and marvel at the throne。
 The depression filled most of the third level; there was a path around it for strolling officials; and another that wound to the bottom。 Floating there; like a huge eye; was an enchanted simulacrum of the Far Kingdoms。 Every detail…from snaking blue river to city; farm; and field…was revealed in exact; living scale。 You could see boats on the river; and I imagined little moving dots of people and animals。 Even more amazing was that the sky itself had been duplicated and brought to life; I conceived flights of birds slipping in and out of the clouds I saw floating in the winds。 As we watched; wizards and officials walked down the curving path; discussing and observing the simulacrum。 Several wizards fixed their attention on a cloud bank; swollen and black with storm; and manded it to move to a different place; where lightning suddenly flashed and rain fell。 I had no doubt that real…life subjects of that parched area were being blessed by the storm that raged before us in miniature。
 A kingly bark of disagreement broke through; and I raised my eyes to see Domas up close for the first time。 His advisers were knotted about him in heated debate。 Whatever had tested the king's patience must have been resolved or no longer held his interest; for I saw him politely cover a yawn and resume twirling his crown about his finger。 The king was big…a head at least over Janos…and his plain white tunic stretched over a body quarried of stone blocks。 His hair and features were fair。 So plainly was he dressed that other than the crown there was no indication this fellow ruled such a powerful realm。
 There was a
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